a angolul

a jelentése

A angolul. A angol fordítása. A angol jelentése, a angol hangos példamondatok, a angol szavak és kifejezések.

a angolul – jelentések:

the determiner /ðiː/ 1 A1 a, az (már említett/ismert dolgok előtt használva)

I bought a shirt and some shoes. The shirt was expensive, but the shoes weren't.

Could you pass the salt, please?

I'll pick you up at the station.

I really enjoyed the book I just read.

the determiner /ðiː/ 2 A1 a, az (olyan dolgok előtt, amelyekből csak egy van)

Have you seen the Eiffel Tower?

What will happen in the future?

She's travelling round the world.

They live in the north of Spain.

the determiner /ðiː/ 3 A1 a, az (bizonyos típusú helyek neve előtt)

We spent all day at the beach.

Shall we go to the movies this evening?

I must go to the bank.

the determiner /ðiː/ 4 A2 a, az (felsőfok, sorszámok és egyetlen dologra utaló szavak előtt)

That was one of the best films I've ever seen.

What's the highest mountain in Europe?

I shall never forget the first time we met.

You're the fifth person to ask me that question.

the determiner /ðiː/ 5 B1 a, az (a 'your', 'her', 'my', stb. birtokost jelző szó helyett)

He held her by the arm.

Where did I park the car?

the determiner /ðiː/ 6 B2 a, az (évtizedek nevei előtt)

the sixties

*A szavakról további részletek az angol–magyar oldalon.

a angolul – hasonló találatok:

address verb /əˈdres/ 2 C2 beszédet mond; közli a mondanivalóját vkinek (formal)

Today she will be addressing a major conference in London.

babysit verb /ˈbeɪ.bi.sɪt/ B1 gyerekre vigyáz a szülők távollétében

I babysit for Jane on Tuesday evenings.

blame verb /bleɪm/ B1 hibáztat, okol vkit vmiért, ráhárítja vkire a felelősséget vmiért

Don't blame me if you miss the bus!

Many people blame him for Tony's death.

Hugh blames his lack of confidence on his mother.

You can't really blame Helen for not wanting to get involved.

bookmark verb /ˈbʊk.mɑːk/ B2 weboldal címének felvétele a könyvjelzők közé

I've bookmarked the page.

defeat verb /dɪˈfiːt/ 2 B2 meghiúsít; meghaladja a képességeit vkinek

The proposal to change the rules was narrowly defeated by 201 votes to 196.

I'm afraid anything that involves language learning has always defeated me.

disrupt verb /dɪsˈrʌpt/ B2 megzavarja/tönkreteszi a működését vminek

A heavy fall of snow had disrupted the city's transport system.

The meeting was disrupted by a group of protesters who shouted and threw fruit at the speaker.

distract verb /dɪˈstrækt/ B2 elvonja a figyelmét vkinek

Don't distract her from her studies.

He tried to distract attention from his own illegal activities.

escape verb /ɪˈskeɪp/ 4 C2 elkerüli a figyelmét vkinek [T]

Nothing that goes on in this office escapes her attention.

fail verb /feɪl/ 2 B2 kudarcot vall; nem váltja be a hozzáfűzött reményeket [I]

She moved to London in the hope of finding work as a model, but failed.

He failed in his attempt to break the record.

This method of growing tomatoes never fails.

gasp verb /gɑːsp/ 1 C2 felhördül, eláll a lélegzete (meglepetéstől/ijedségtől)

She gasped in horror as the car spun out of control.

locate verb /ləʊˈkeɪt/ B2 megállapítja a pontos helyét; behatárol

Police are still trying to locate the suspect.

outweigh verb /ˌaʊtˈweɪ/ C1 túlsúlyban van, többet nyom a latban, fontosabb

The benefits of this treatment far outweigh the risks.

propose verb /prəˈpəʊz/ 2 B2 megkéri a kezét vkinek [I]

He proposed to me on my birthday.

smell verb /smel/ 3 B2 szaglása/szaglóérzéke van, érzi a szagokat [I]

Humans can't smell as well as dogs.

What I hate most about having a cold is not being able to smell.

snow verb /snəʊ/ A2 havazik, esik a hó

It's snowing.

It's starting to snow.

It had snowed overnight and a thick white layer covered the ground.

stumble verb /ˈstʌm.bl/ 2 C2 megbotlik a nyelve

He kept stumbling over the same word.

water verb /ˈwɔː.tər/ 2 C2 nyáladzik, folyik a nyála; könnyezik [I]

The smells from the kitchen are making my mouth water.

be auxiliary verb /biː/ 1 A2 segédige a folyamatos igeidők képzéséhez (a jelen idejű melléknévi igenévvel együtt)

I'm still eating.

She's studying to be a lawyer.

The audience clearly wasn't enjoying the show.

You're always complaining.

I'll be coming back on Tuesday.

be auxiliary verb /biː/ 2 A2 segédige a passzív képzéséhez (a múlt idejű melléknévi igenévvel együtt)

This dessert is made from eggs, sugar, and cream.

A body was discovered by the police.

The results will be announced next week.

I haven't been invited.

They were asked to leave.

evil noun /ˈiː.vəl/ B2 gonoszság; a rossz

Drug-addiction is one of today's great social evils.

The theme of the play is the battle between good and evil.

irony noun /ˈaɪə.rən.i/ 1 C2 a sors iróniája

The irony is that now he's retired, he's busier than ever.

profession noun /prəˈfeʃ.ən/ 2 B2 szakmabeliek, a szakma [C + singular or plural verb]

The medical profession has expressed concern about the new drug.

right noun /raɪt/ 2 B2 a jó, a helyes (morálisan/erkölcsileg) [U]

I've tried to teach them the difference between right and wrong.

system noun /ˈsɪs.təm/ 3 C2 szervezet; a szervezet rendszerei (immun-, emésztési-, keringési-, stb.)

the body's digestive/immune system

the working class noun /ˌwɜː.kɪŋˈklɑːs/ C1 a munkásosztály

He sees the prime minister's comments as an attack on the working class.

tomorrow noun /təˈmɒr.əʊ/ 2 C2 a holnap (a jövő)

the children of tomorrow

world noun /wɜːld/ 2 B1 világ, vminek a világa (divat, sport, politika, stb.) [C usually no plural]

the entertainment world

the world of politics

it pronoun /ɪt/ 5 C2 az/ez a (egy mondatrész kiemelése, hangsúlyozása)

It's the children I'm concerned about, not me.

next pronoun /nekst/ B2 a következő (vki, vmi)

Who's next to see the nurse?

Blue roses? Whatever next?

ours pronoun /aʊəz/ A2 a miénk/mieink

Which table is ours?

He's a cousin of ours.

Ours is the red car parked over there.

Ours is a huge country.

this pronoun /ðɪs/ 2 A2 ez a, ez az (rámutatás)

This is the cafe I was telling you about.

How did this get here?

Whose glasses are these?

whose pronoun /huːz/ B1 kié? kiké? kinek a, kiknek a

Whose is this bag?

Whose is that book?

yours pronoun /jɔːz/ A2 az öné/magáé/önéi; a tied/tieid; az önöké/maguké/önökéi/magukéi; a tietek/tieitek

Is this pen yours?

Unfortunately, my legs aren't as long as yours.

I've got something of yours.

overnight adjective, adverb /ˌəʊ.vəˈnaɪt/ 2 C2 egycsapásra, egyik napról a másikra

Change does not happen overnight.

sick adjective /sɪk/ 2 A2 hányingere van, forog a gyomra [never before noun]

Lucy felt sick the morning after the party.

If you eat any more of that cake, you'll make yourself sick.

unaware adjective /ˌʌn.əˈweər/ B2 nincs a tudatában vminek

He was unaware that the police were watching him.

I was quite unaware of the problem.

here adverb /hɪər/ 4 B2 itt, ezen a ponton (pl. beszélgetésben, írásban)

I don't have time here to go into all the arguments.

ironically adverb /aɪˈrɒn.ɪ.kli/ C2 jellemző/a sors iróniája (, hogy); gúnyosan, ironikusan

Ironically, the only good book on this subject has gone out of print.

nearby adverb /ˌnɪəˈbaɪ/ B1 a közelben

If there's a cafe nearby, we could stop for a snack.

I noticed a policeman standing nearby.

next door adverb /ˌnekstˈdɔːr/ B1 a szomszédban (szomszéd lakásban/házban/épületben)

That's the old man who lives next door to Paul.

personally adverb /ˈpɜː.sən.əl.i/ 1 B1 személy szerint, a magam részéről (véleménynyilvánítás előtt)

Personally (speaking), I think the show is going to be a great success.

there adverb /ðeər/ 4 B2 ezen a ponton, itt (egy tevékenység/eljárás adott pontján)

Do you want to play another game or do you want to stop there?

I'll have to stop you there, we've run out of time.

Keep on trying - you'll get there in the end.

other determiner /ˈʌð.ər/ 2 A2 (kettő közül) a másik; a többi/többiek (a csoport többi része)

Mario and Anna sat down to watch the other dancers.

I've found one earring - do you know where the other one is?

our determiner /aʊər/ A1 a mi -unk, -ünk, -(j)aink, -(ei)nk

We bought our house several years ago.

He walked off and left us on our own.

Our plans have changed.

this determiner /ðɪs/ 2 A1 ez a, ez az(rámutatás)

How much is this sofa?

David gave me these earrings for my birthday.

whose determiner /huːz/ 1 B1 kié? kiké?; kinek a, kiknek a

Whose bag is this?

Whose car shall we use?

whose determiner /huːz/ 2 B1 akinek/akiknek/aminek/amiknek a ...; akié, amié, akiké, amiké

Cohen, whose contract ends next week, is likely to move to play for a European club.

It was an old house, whose basement had been flooded.

your determiner /jɔːr/ 1 A1 az ön vmije(i), a te vmi(jei)d; az önök vmije(i), a ti vmi(jei)tek

Is this your bag?

It's not your fault.

Your mother is driving me crazy.

What's your problem?

behind preposition /bəˈhaɪnd/ 5 C2 vki/vmi mögött, már a múlté (már nem létezik/nincs hatása)

He's put his criminal past behind him.

of preposition /ɒv/ 1 A1 valakinek/valaminek a valamije/valakije (birtokviszony kifejezése)

a friend of mine

the colour of her hair

part of the problem

employees of the company

to preposition /tuː/ 6 B1 valakinek a valakije (kapcsolat kifejezése)

I've been married to Peter for nine years.

She was an assistant to the chief executive.

damn exclamation /dæm/ B1 a francba! a fene egye meg! (méreg/csalódás kifejezése) (!)

Damn! I've forgotten the tickets.

a angolul – hasonló kifejezések:

(be) in your eighties B2 a nyolcvanas éveiben van

Many of the residents are in their eighties.

(be) in your forties B2 a negyvenes éveiben van

By the time I'm in my forties, I want to be running my own business.

(be) in your nineties B2 a kilencvenes éveiben van

He is in his nineties now.

(be) in your seventies B2 a hetvenes éveiben van

Both my parents are in their seventies.

(be) in your sixties B2 a hatvanas éveiben van

I took up yoga in my sixties.

(be) in your thirties B2 a harmincas éveiben van

More women are having their first child in their thirties.

(be) in your twenties B2 huszonéves, a húszas éveiben van/jár

Most of the staff are in their twenties.

(be) out of line C2 túl van/megy a határon (nem helyénvaló, nem elfogadható)

Her remarks to the press were way out of line.

(be) torn between sth and sth C2 tépelődik a ... és a ... között, nehezen választ

I'm torn between the apple pie and the chocolate pudding.

(take) the easy way out C1 a könnyű utat választja

I know you don't approve of his working methods, but why not take the easy way out this time and agree to his request?

(the) West B2 a Nyugat (Észak-Amerika, Nyugat-Európa)

There has been concern in/throughout the West about the effects of this measure.

East-West relations

a bad/rough, etc. patch C2 rájár a rúd (nehéz időszak)

I think their marriage is going through a bad patch.

a drop in the ocean C2 egy csepp a tengerben (nagyon kevés)

My letter of protest was just a drop in the ocean.

accident-/injury-, etc. prone C2 vonzza a baleseteket/sérüléseket/stb.

My son is very accident-prone.

along the lines of sth C2 vminek a vonalai mentén (hasonlóan vmihez)

He gave a talk along the lines of the one he gave in Oxford.

around/round the corner C2 itt van a küszöbön (hamarosan bekövetkezik)

Christmas is round the corner and I still haven't bought any presents.

as follows B2 a következő; a következők (egy lista/leírás bevezetéseként)

The main reasons are as follows.

as soon as B1 amint, abban a pillanatban (, hogy)

As soon as I saw her, I knew there was something wrong.

as the/its name implies C2 ahogy a neve is sejteti/céloz rá

The Long Room, as its name implies, runs the entire length of the house.

assert your authority/control/independence, etc. C2 kinyilvánítja a tekintélyét/hatalmát/függetlenségét/stb.

She soon asserted her authority as leader.

at the best of times C2 a legjobb időkben, amikor a legjobb (sem jó/is csak vmilyen)

He's not exactly patient at the best of times.

at the hands of sb C2 a kezétől vkinek (vki miatt) (pl. elszenved vmit)

She suffered terribly at the hands of her classmates.

attract/get (sb's) attention B2 magára vonja a figyelmet; felhívja magára a figyelmet

I waved at her to get her attention.

be a question of C1 az a kérdés, azon múlik (, hogy)

Someone needs to be here - it's a question of who would be the best person.

be absorbed in sth B2 elmélyedt/elmerült vmiben, teljesen leköti a figyelmét vmi

Simon was so absorbed in his computer game that he didn't notice me come in.

be at/on the point of doing sth B2 éppen csinálni készül vmit; éppen azon a ponton van (, hogy)

I was at the point of walking out when he suddenly spoke to me.

be based at/in, etc. B2 vhova helyezi a tevékenysége központját

He was based in Birmingham during the war.

be in position C1 a helyén (ahol lennie kell)

The police were all in position.

be in the same boat C2 ugyanabban a helyzetben van, egy hajóban eveznek

She complains that she doesn't have enough money, but we're all in the same boat.

be itching to do sth C2 ég a vágytól, alig várja hogy ... (informal)

You could tell that they were itching to leave.

be on cloud nine C2 a fellegekben érzi magát (informal)

After I heard I'd got the job, I was on cloud nine!

be on the brink of sth C2 vminek a szélén/kapujában (közvetlenül vmi előtt)

The two countries are on the brink of war.

be out of practice B2 kijön a gyakorlatból

I didn't play very well today - I'm out of practice.

be over the moon B2 a hetedik mennyországban érzi magát, iszonyatos boldog (informal)

She was over the moon about her results.

be the case B2 ez a helyzet

Bad diet can cause tiredness, but I don't think that's the case here.

I take it that the booking includes breakfast - if that isn't the case, please let us know.

be the tip of the iceberg C2 a jéghegy csúcsa (átv.)

We've corrected a few errors, but they're just the tip of the iceberg.

be up to sth B1 sántikál vmiben; töri a fejét vmiben (informal)

What are you up to at the moment?

They're up to something - I can tell.

be/feel on top of the world C2 majd kibújik a bőréből (nagyon boldog) (informal)

I had just won a major tournament and I was feeling on top of the world.

bear fruit C2 meghozza a gyümölcsét (átv.)

Our decision is just beginning to bear fruit.

behind sb's back C2 a háta mögött (a tudta nélkül)

Have they been saying things about me behind my back?

behind the scenes C2 a színfalak mögött (átv.)

A lot of hard work has been going on behind the scenes.

bend/stretch the rules C2 rugalmasan kezeli a szabályokat

We don't usually let students take books home, but I'll bend the rules on this occasion.

break a record B2 megdönti a rekordot

an attempt to break the 3,000 metres world record

break sb's heart B2 összetöri a szívét vkinek

She really broke his heart when she left.

It breaks my heart when I hear the terrible things that have been said about him.

break the ice B2 megtöri a jeget (feloldja a hangulatot)

I told everyone a joke, which helped to break the ice.

break the law B2 megszegi a törvényt

He didn't know he was breaking the law by smoking inside the building.

break the news to sb C2 közli a hírt vkivel (ált. rossz hírt)

Who's going to break the news to his wife?

break your arm/leg, etc. A2 eltöri a kezét/lábát/stb.

Barbara slipped on the ice and broke her arm.

bring a lump to your throat C2 gombóc nő a torkába (sírás kerülgeti)

It was a very moving speech, and it brought a lump to my throat.

bring out the best in sb C2 a legjobbat hozza ki vkiből

This chance to work with young people has really brought out the best in him.

broaden/expand/widen your horizons C1 kitágítja/kibővíti/kiszélesíti a látókörét (a tapasztalatait/ismereteit)

Travelling certainly broadens your horizons.

bubble (over) with confidence/enthusiasm, etc. C1 boldogan sugárzik a reménytől/lelkesedéstől/stb.

The children were bubbling over with excitement.

bury your face/head in sth C2 beletemeti a fejét/arcát vmibe (elrejti vhova)

She buried her face in her hands.

can't keep/take your eyes off sb/sth B2 nem tudja levenni a szemét vmiről/vkiről

He couldn't take his eyes off her all night.

capture sb's attention/ imagination/ interest C1 megragadja/felkelti a figyelmét/képzeletét/érdeklődését

The Moon landing captured the attention of the whole world.

carry weight C2 sokat nyom a latban vkinél

His opinions carry a lot of weight with the scientific community.

catch sb's attention, interest, etc. B2 megfogja/felkelti a figyelmét/érdeklődését/stb.

A ship out at sea caught his attention.

catch sb's eye C2 megfogja/magára vonzza a tekintetét (felkelti a figyelmét)

It was the colour of his jacket that caught my eye.

catch sb's eye C2 elkapja a tekintetét vkinek (összenéz vkivel)

I tried to catch her eye, but she had already turned away.

clear the air C2 tiszta vizet önt a pohárba

It was an unpleasant argument, but at least it cleared the air.

collect yourself/your thoughts C2 összeszedi magát/a gondolatait

I'll give you a moment to collect your thoughts.

come/get straight to the point B2 azonnal a lényegre tér

I'll come straight to the point, we've run out of money.

Can you get straight to the point? We need to go home!

cross your mind B2 megfordul a fejében

It never crossed my mind that she might be married.

cry your eyes out C2 kisírja a szemét

She cried her eyes out when he left her for another girl.

darkness/night falls C2 leszáll a sötétség/este (literary)

When darkness fell, I began to feel worried.

deep in thought/conversation C2 belemerülve a gondolataiba/beszélgetésbe

I noticed that Alex and Ben were deep in conversation.

divert sb's attention/thoughts, etc. C1 eltereli a figyelmét/gondolatait/stb. vkinek

A movement outside the window diverted my attention.

do the cleaning/cooking, etc. A1 elvégzi/megcsinálja a takarítást/főzést, stb.

I do the cooking but Joe does most of the cleaning.

do the job C2 elvégzi a dolgot, megfelel a célnak

Here, this knife should do the job.

do the trick C2 elvégzi a dolgot, megteszi a magáét (megoldás a problémára)

If I've got a headache, a couple of aspirins usually do the trick.

do your hair/make-up, etc. B1 megcsinálja, rendbe teszi a haját/sminkjét, stb.

It takes him half an hour to do his hair in the morning.

do your own thing C2 csinálja a maga dolgát (teszi amihez kedve van)

While he was away travelling, he pretty much did his own thing.

draw (sb's) attention to sth/sb B2 felhívja a figyelmet vmire/vkire

If I could just draw your attention to the second paragraph.

She's always drawing attention to herself.

draw the line (at sth) C2 már nem hajlandó vmire, megszabja a határt

I swear a lot but even I draw the line at certain words.

drop it/the subject C2 hagyja/ejti a témát

I don't want to talk about it any more - let's drop the subject.

earn a/your living B2 megkeresi a kenyerét

You can't expect to earn a living from your painting.

easily the best/worst/biggest, etc. C2 vitán felül a legjobb/legrosszabb/legnagyobb/stb.

It was easily the biggest dog I have ever seen.

exceed sb's expectations C1 meghaladja a várakozásait vkinek (jobb a vártnál)

The location of the apartment exceeded our expectations.

exceed the speed limit C1 megszegi a sebességkorlátozást

She was caught exceeding the speed limit.

face the music C1 tartja a hátát, szembenéz a következményekkel

At the end of the day I had to go home and face the music.

fall into place C2 összeáll a kép (átv.), érthetővé/áttekinthetővé válik

When Jo told me she had a twin sister, everything fell into place.

fall short of sth C2 vártnál kevesebb, nem felel meg a várakozásnak

Sales for the first half of this year fell just short of the target.

His behaviour falls short of what we expect.

She just fell short of the grades she needed.

fear the worst C2 a legrosszabbtól fél/tart

When there was no sign of the children, the rescuers feared the worst.

fire sb's imagination C2 felgyújtja a képzeletét vkinek

His paintings really fired my imagination.

follow in sb's footsteps C2 vkinek a nyomdokain halad

He followed in his father's footsteps and became an actor.

follow sb's example/lead C2 a példáját/útmutatását követi vkinek

You should follow Meg's example and tidy your room.

for the sake of sb/sth; for sb's/sth's sake B2 a kedvéért vkinek/vminek, vki/vmi miatt (érdekében/javára)

Please do it, for David's sake.

Their parents only stayed together for the sake of the children.

I hope for both our sakes that you're right!

You should act on his advice, for your own sake.

For the sake of convenience, they combined the two departments.

For safety's sake, you shouldn't swim alone.

from start to finish C1 elejétől a végéig

I enjoyed the film from start to finish.

from then/that day, etc. on C1 attól/attól a naptól kezdve (folyamatosan)

From then on, he began to keep all her letters and cards.

They were good friends from that day on.

from/out of nowhere B2 (hirtelen) a semmiből

The car came out of nowhere and we had to brake to miss it.

gather speed/strength/support, etc. C1 felgyorsul/felerősödik/növeli a támogatottságot/stb. (növel vmit)

Finally, the train began to gather speed, and we were on our way.

get hold of sth/sb B2 beszerez vmit; elér vkit, felveszi a kapcsolatot vkivel

I got hold of a copy at the local library.

I rang three times, but couldn't get hold of her.

get out of hand C2 kicsúszik a kezéből, elfajul (nem tudja irányítás/ellenőrzés alatt tartani)

It was the end of term and the children were getting a little out of hand.

get sth off your chest C2 kimondja ami a szívét nyomja (informal)

Tell me what's wrong - you'll feel better if you get it off your chest.

get the hang of sth C2 belejön vmibe, kitanulja vminek a csínját-bínját (informal)

I've never used one of these before. - Don't worry, you'll soon get the hang of it.

get/jump on the bandwagon C2 meglovagolja a konjunktúrát, másokat majmol

Publishers are rushing to get on the digital downloads bandwagon.

give way to sth C2 átalakul, átváltozik vmivé, átadja a helyét vminek (átv.); enged vminek

Her excitement quickly gave way to horror.

glow with happiness/pride,etc. C2 ragyog/sugárzik a boldogságtól/büszkeségtől/stb.

Glowing with pride, she showed me her painting.

grab sb's attention C1 megragadja a figyelmét vkinek (informal)

The advertisement is designed to grab people's attention.

grab the opportunity/chance C1 megragadja a lehetőséget/alkalmat

I'd grab the opportunity to travel.

If you get the chance to meet her, you should grab it.

grit your teeth C2 összeszorítja a fogát (elszántan csinál vmit)

I don't particularly enjoy running, but I grit my teeth and do it in order to keep fit.

hand/give in your notice C2 beadja a felmondását (munkaviszonyt felmond)

I'm planning to hand in my notice tomorrow.

have sth on your mind C2 jár a fejében vmi/vki

Jim has a lot on his mind at the moment.

have sth up your sleeve C2 vmi van még a tarsolyában, tartogat még vmit (informal)

They were worried he might have another nasty surprise up his sleeve.

have your hands full C2 rengeteg a dolga

Shelley has her hands full with three kids under 5.

have/keep your finger on the pulse C2 az ujját a pulzuson tartja (követi az eseményeket)

The situation changes daily, so you've got to keep your finger on the pulse.

hit the roof C2 a plafonban van (nagyon dühös) (informal)

If I'm late again he'll hit the roof.

hold sb's attention/interest C1 leköti a figyelmét/érdeklődését vkinek

The film held my attention from beginning to end.

hold your breath B2 visszatartja a lélegzetét (nem vesz levegőt)

How long can you hold your breath under water?

hold your breath C2 visszatartja a lélegzetét (átv.) (feszülten várakozik)

While the leaders negotiated, the world held its breath.

hold your own C2 megállja a helyét (vkivel/vmivel szemben), kitart

Alison could always hold her own in political debates.

How about ...? B1 mi a vélemény vkiről/vmiről, mi a helyzet vkivel/vmivel? (vélemény kérése)

So the town was nice - how about the food?

how/what/why, etc. on earth? C1 hogy a csodába/mi a csodát/mi a csodáért (nyomatékosítás/csodálkozás kifejezése) (informal)

Why on earth didn't you tell me before?

if I were you B1 a helyedben, ha a helyedben lennék (tanács adásakor)

If I were you, I'd probably go.

I think I'd take the money if I were you.

if/when push comes to shove C2 ha úgy hozza/rászorít a szükség (informal)

If push comes to shove, we'll just have to sell the car.

in favour of sb/sth C2 a kedvéért vminek/vkinek (előnyben részesítve vmit/vkit)

They dropped him from the team in favour of a much younger player.

in front B1 elöl; előre; a többiek előtt

The car in front suddenly stopped and I went into the back of it.

in future B1 a jövőben, ezután

Could you be more careful in future?

In future, I'm going to check every single piece of work that you do!

in order (for sb/sth) to do sth B1 azért (, hogy ...), abból a célból (, hogy ...)

He came home early in order to see the children before they went to bed.

She worked all summer in order to save enough money.

in place C2 a helyén (a rendes/megszokott helyén)

The chairs are all in place.

in sb's words C2 vkinek a szavaival, vkinek a szavai szerint

In the manager's words, the game was 'a total disaster'.

in the first place B2 elsőként, kezdetkor, mindjárt a legelején; először is (felsorolás elején használva)

Why did you invite her in the first place?

in the middle of nowhere B2 az isten háta mögött, a semmi közepén

His car broke down in the middle of nowhere.

in the near future B2 a közeljövőben

Space travel may become very common in the near future.

in this respect/in many respects B2 ebben a tekintetben, ebből a szempontból; sok szempontból/tekintetben

The school has changed in many respects.

invade sb's privacy C2 megsérti a magánéletét vkinek

They were fed up with journalists invading their privacy.

it's sb/sth B2 ez a/az ..., ő a/az ... (személy/dolog megadása, azonosítása)

It's your Dad on the phone.

keep a cool head C2 megőrzi a higgadtságát

To be successful in business, you need to keep a cool head in negotiations.

keep a low profile C1 kerüli a feltűnést

She has kept a low profile since the divorce.

keep a/your promise B2 állja a szavát, megtartja az ígéretét

James kept his promise and repaid all of the money he had borrowed.

keep in touch B1 tartja a kapcsolatot vkivel

We've kept in touch by email for the last five years.

keep your cool C1 megőrzi a hidegvérét

You did well to keep your cool in all that panic.

keep your eyes peeled (for sb/sth) C2 nyitva tartja a szemét (átv.)

Keep your eyes peeled, he should be here any minute.

keep your mouth shut B2 befogja a száját (nem beszél vmiről) (informal)

If you don't keep your mouth shut, there'll be trouble.

keep your temper C2 nyugodt marad, megőrzi a nyugalmát

I can't discuss this with you unless you promise to keep your temper.

keep your word C1 megtartja a szavát/ígéretét

He agreed to come and I'm sure he'll keep his word.

kick yourself C2 felpofozza magát, falba veri a fejét (saját ostobasága miatt) (informal)

I could have kicked myself for saying that.

know sth inside out C1 úgy ismeri, mint a tenyerét

He knows the system inside out.

know what you are talking about C1 ért a dologhoz, tudja miről beszél

He doesn't know what he's talking about - he's never even been to Africa.

know your stuff C2 jól érti a dolgát (informal)

She's an excellent teacher - she really knows her stuff.

later on B1 később, a későbbiek folyamán; azután, utóbb

What are you doing later on this evening?

Shall I go and fetch her later on?

Later on, we could go and have a meal if you like.

learn/know the ropes C2 tudja/megtanulja vminek a csínját-bínját

I spent a month in the accounts department, learning the ropes.

leave/make your mark C2 nevet szerez magának, sikeressé/híressé válik; meglátszik a keze nyoma vmin (átv.)

He really made his mark on the company.

let alone C1 nemhogy a ..., nem is beszélve arról (, hogy ...) (még az előbbinél is lehetetlenebb)

You couldn't trust her to look after your dog, let alone your child.

let off steam C2 kiengedi a gőzt (átv.) (levezeti a feszültséget)

The children need to run around and let off steam.

let your guard down C2 hagyja a figyelmét/éberségét lankadni

He's worried that if he lets his guard down that his staff will start to become lazy.

look on the bright side C1 a dolgok pozitív/szebbik oldalát nézi

Look on the bright side - no one was badly hurt.

look sb in the eye/eyes B2 a szemébe néz vkinek

Look me in the eye and say that you didn't steal it.

lose face C2 elveszti a tekintélyét

The party has lost face with the public by abandoning their original policy on education.

lose touch B2 elveszíti a kapcsolatot vkivel/vmivel

We lost touch over the years.

lose your cool C2 elveszti a hidegvérét

She lost her cool and started shouting.

lose your head C1 elveszíti a fejét

I saw the fire and I lost my head.

lose your temper B2 kijön a sodrából

The children behaved so badly that I lost my temper.

lose your voice B2 elveszíti a hangját (nem tud beszélni)

She had a bad cold and was losing her voice.

make ends meet C1 (éppen hogy) kijön a pénzéből

I've taken a second job in the evenings just to make ends meet.

make your blood boil C2 felforr tőle a vére

The way they have treated those people makes my blood boil.

make your blood run cold C2 meghűl a vér az ereiben (megijed)

I heard a tapping on the window which made my blood run cold.

make your presence felt C2 érezteti a jelenlétét (erős hatással van másokra)

The new police chief has really made his presence felt.

mind you C2 nem szabad elfelejteni (, hogy); az a helyzet (, hogy)

We had a lovely holiday in France. Mind you, the weather was appalling.

mind your own business C2 törődj a saját dolgoddal

I wish you'd just mind your own business.

not be the end of the world C2 nem a világ vége (nem olyan nagy probléma)

It won't be the end of the world if I don't get the job.

not be/come up to scratch C2 nem üti meg a szintet (informal)

She told me my work wasn't up to scratch.

The department has put a procedure in place for staff who don't come up to scratch.

not believe your ears B2 nem hisz a fülének

I couldn't believe my ears when Dan said they were getting married.

not believe your eyes B1 nem hisz a szemének

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what he was wearing.

not believe your eyes/ears B1 nem hisz a szemének/fülének

I couldn't believe my ears when Dan said they were getting married.

not even B1 még akkor sem; még a ... sem

"I never cry." "Not even when you hurt yourself really badly?"

Nobody spoke, not even the children.

off limits C2 elzárt terület; tilos a belépés

Most of the palace is off limits to the public.

on behalf of sb or on sb's behalf B2 a nevében vkinek

On behalf of the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your work.

Unfortunately, George cannot be with us today so I am pleased to accept this award on his behalf.

on condition that B2 azzal a feltétellel (, hogy)

I'll come with you on condition that we're back before midnight.

on hold C1 tartja a vonalat (telefon)

His secretary put me on hold.

on site C1 a helyszínen (egy létesítményben)

There are two restaurants on site.

on the horizon C1 a látóhatáron van (átv.) (nemsokára megtörténhet)

Economic recovery is on the horizon.

on the part of sb; on sb's part C2 a részéről vkinek

This is a major sacrifice on the part of the unions.

The accident was caused by carelessness on the instructor's part.

open to abuse/criticism, etc. C2 alkalmat ad a visszaélésekre/kritikára/stb.

The system is wide open to abuse.

open to discussion/suggestions, etc. C1 nyitott a vitára/javaslatokra

This is only a proposal. I'm open to suggestions.

open your heart C2 kitárja a szívét/lelkét vkinek

That night, she opened her heart to me and I think that's when I fell in love with her.

out of place C2 nem a (szokásos/rendes) helyén

Why are my files all out of place?

out of your depth C2 elveszti a talajt a lába alól (átv.) (járatlan egy területen)

When they start talking about philosophy, I'm completely out of my depth.

play with fire C2 játszik a tűzzel (átv.) (veszélyes dolgot művel)

We're playing with fire if we continue with genetic modification of our food.

pluck up (the) courage (to do sth) C2 összeszedi a bátorságát

Gerhard finally plucked up the courage to ask Nicole for a date.

pull your weight C2 kiveszi a részét (a közös munkából)

The rest of the team complained that Sarah wasn't pulling her weight.

put something into practice C1 átvisz a gyakorlatba vmit

Next month we will have a chance to put these ideas into practice.

How do you intend to put these proposals into practice?

raise your voice C1 felemeli a hangját (kiabál vkivel)

He never raised his voice at the children.

read between the lines C2 a sorok között olvas (megérti a valódi értelmét)

Reading between the lines, it was obvious that something was wrong.

rest your eyes/feet/legs, etc. B2 pihenteti a szemét/lábát/stb.

He looked away from the computer screen to rest his eyes.

return to normal C1 visszatér a megszokotthoz

Life has begun to return to normal now that the war is over.

roll your eyes C2 forgatja a szemét (nemtetszés/meglepetés kifejezése) (disapproving)

When I asked her when she thought the building work would be finished, she just rolled her eyes.

satisfy conditions/needs/requirements, etc. C1 kielégíti a feltételeket/szükségleteket/követelményeket/stb.

She satisfies all the requirements for the job.

sb's attention/mind/thoughts, etc. wander C2 elkalandozik a figyelme/esze/gondolatai/stb.

I was bored and my thoughts started to wander.

sb's past B1 a múltja vkinek

I knew nothing about his past.

sell like hot cakes C2 veszik mint a cukrot

Their new game is selling like hot cakes.

send shivers/a shiver down your spine C2 végigfut a hátán a hideg vmitől

The sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine.

set foot in/on sth C1 belép, beteszi a lábát

He told me never to set foot in his house again.

shake your head B2 rázza/megrázza a fejét (nemet mond)

I asked him if he wanted to come and he just shook his head.

share your problems/thoughts/ideas, etc. C1 megosztja a problémáit/gondolatait/ötleteit/stb.

Would you like to share your thoughts with the group, Donald?

slip your mind C2 kimegy a fejéből (elfeledkezik vmiről)

I meant to tell her Nigel had phoned, but it completely slipped my mind.

so as to B2 azért hogy ..., azzal a szándékkal (, hogy)

I always keep fruit in the fridge so as to keep insects off it.

so much for... C2 ennyit a ... -ról (megvan róla a véleménye) (informal)

"The computer's crashed again." "So much for modern technology."

speak your mind C2 kimondja amit gondol, megmondja a véleményét

She has very strong opinions and she's not afraid to speak her mind.

stand your ground C2 kitart álláspontja mellett, nem enged a véleményéből

They tried to make me accept a lower wage, but I stood my ground.

stay put C2 marad a helyén (nem mozdul el vki vhonnét) (informal)

He told me to stay put while he fetched the car.

strike a balance C1 megtalálja a középutat

It's important to strike a balance between spending and saving.

swallow your anger/disappointment/pride, etc. C2 lenyeli a mérgét/csalódottságát/büszkeségét/stb.

I swallowed my pride and asked them for help.

swallow your pride C2 lenyeli a büszkeségét

He swallowed his pride and asked if he could have his old job back.

take control B2 átveszi a hatalmat

The dictator took control of the country in 1933.

take sb's place B2 átveszi a helyét vkinek (vki helyett tesz meg vmit)

If I can't make it to the theatre that night you can take my place.

take the initiative C1 átveszi/kezébe veszi a kezdeményezést

Jackson had taken the initiative and prepared a report.

take the law into your own hands C2 saját kezébe veszi a törvényt (önbíráskodik)

The police did nothing about the thefts, so they took the law into their own hands.

take your breath away B2 elállítja a lélegzetét

The view from the window took my breath away.

take/accept/claim responsibility for sth B2 vállalja a felelősséget vmiért

No one has yet claimed responsibility for yesterday's bomb attack.

the air B2 a levegőbe, a levegőben (a föld felett)

He kicked the ball high in the air.

the beauty of sth C2 a szépsége vminek, a szép/legszebb vmiben (legjobb tulajdonsága vminek)

The beauty of the plan is that it won't cost anything.

the best B1 a legjobb

She's the best of the new young writers.

Chris and I are the best of friends.

We all want the best for our children.

the best/worst, etc. yet B2 eddig/mindeddig//mostanáig a legjobb/legrosszabb/stb.

Of all the songs I've heard tonight, that's the best yet.

That was my worst exam yet.

the blind C1 a vakok

He went to a school for the blind.

the bottom line C2 a lényeg

The bottom line is that people's health is at risk if they smoke.

the cream of sth C1 színe-java vminek, a legjobbak

the cream of Milan's designers

the dark B1 a sötét

Cats can see in the dark.

I've always been afraid of the dark.

the defence C2 a védelem (jog)

He was cross-examined by the defence.

a defence lawyer

the eighties B2 a nyolcvanas évek

They moved to Britain in the eighties.

the eldest B2 a legidősebb (a többiek közül)

He was the eldest of four kids.

the final/last straw C1 az utolsó csepp a pohárban

Last week he came home drunk at five in the morning, and that was the final straw.

the following B2 a következő (ami utána jön, pl. lista, beszámoló, stb.)

The following is an extract from her diary.

the forties B2 a negyvenes évek

Most of these people were born in the forties.

the future B1 a jövő

Do you worry about the future?

We need to plan for the future.

I wonder what the future holds for you and me.

I'm sure at some point in the future I'll want to change jobs.

the globe C2 a világ, a Föld

This event is being watched by 200 million people around the globe.

the homeless C1 a hajléktalanok

They're opening a new shelter for the homeless.

the law B2 a törvény (a törvények rendszere/összessége)

What does the law say about having alcohol in the blood while driving?

Of course robbery is against the law!

The judge ruled that the directors had knowingly broken the law.

You can't take that course of action and remain within the law.

the leadership C1 a vezetőség

There is growing discontent with the leadership.

The election for the leadership of the council will take place on Tuesday.

the main thing B2 a lényeg

You're happy and that's the main thing.

the media B2 a média (sajtó, rádió, TV)

the local/national media

media attention/coverage/reports

The issue has been much discussed in the media.

the merest C2 a legkisebb (hangsúlyozás)

She's upset by the merest hint of criticism.

the military C1 a katonaság (!)

The military has opposed any cuts in defence spending.

the minute (that) C2 abban a pillanatban (, hogy); amint

I'll tell you the minute we hear any news.

the moment (that) C2 abban a pillanatban (, hogy); amint

I'll call you the moment I hear anything.

the next best thing C1 a második legjobb dolog

Coaching football is the next best thing to playing.

the next thing I knew C2 a következő dolog amit tudok (gyorsan történt vmi)

A car came speeding round the corner, and the next thing I knew I was lying on the ground.

the nineties B2 a kilencvenes évek

I spent most of the nineties travelling around the world.

the opposite sex C1 a másik nem

He would never dare to speak to a member of the opposite sex.

the other day B1 múltkor, a minap

Didn't I see you in the post office the other day?

the other side/end (of sth) B1 a másik oldal/vég

Put the chair at the other end of the desk.

The man was waiting on the other side of the street.

the past B1 a múlt

the distant/recent past

In the past, people would bathe once a month.

the people C1 a nép

The rebels have gained the support of the people.

the point B2 a lényeg

The point is, if you don't claim the money now you might never get it.

I think she missed the point of what you were saying.

I thought he was never going to get to the point.

the poor C1 a szegények

She spent her life working with the poor.

the press B2 a sajtó

the local/national press

press reports

the public B1 a nyilvánosság; az emberek; közönség

The public has a right to know about this.

The palace and its grounds are open to the public during the summer months.

When will the product be available to the general public?

Members of the public were asked about their shopping habits.

the radio A1 a rádió (műsor, műsorszórás)

We heard him speaking on the radio this morning.

I listen to the radio in the evening.

the rest A2 a többi, a többiek, a maradék

I've got two bright students, but the rest are average.

I'll keep a third of the money and the rest is for you.

Have you got anything planned for the rest of the day?

the rich C1 a gazdagok

These ski resorts are for the rich.

the Right/right C2 a jobboldal (politika)

The right campaigned against the president.

the same old arguments/face/story, etc. C1 ugyanazok a régi érvek/arcok/történetek/stb. (informal)

Every day I see the same old faces.

Politicians repeat the same old arguments time and time again.

the seventies B2 a hetvenes évek

I grew up in the seventies.

the sixties B2 a hatvanas években

I still love all that music from the sixties.

the sound of sth C2 a hallottak alapján ítélve (informal)

I like the sound of the beef in red wine sauce.

He's really enjoying college, by the sound of it.

the substance of sth C2 a lényege vminek (a mondottaknak/írottaknak)

The substance of his argument is that men are more logical than women.

the supernatural B2 a természetfölötti

She's very interested in the supernatural.

the thing is... B2 az a helyzet (, hogy) (válasz, megjegyzés, magyarázat bevezetése) (informal)

I'd love to go out tonight, but the thing is, I've got to finish my report.

The funny/strange thing is that we'd actually met before.

the thirties B2 a harmincas évek

They moved to Paris in the thirties.

the twenties B2 a húszas évek

I love the fashions of the twenties.

the unemployed C1 a munkanélküliek

We want to get the unemployed back into work.

the Web A2 a web, világháló

Jane's been surfing the Web all morning.

the young B2 a fiatalok

it's the sort of music that appeals mainly to the young.

I have nothing against mini-skirts, but I think they're strictly for the young.

thick and fast C2 csőstül, egymást érve, egyik a másikat érve

Calls were coming in thick and fast by the end of the programme.

thread a needle C2 befűzi a tűbe a cérnát

Could you thread this needle for me, please?

throw in the towel C2 bedobja a törülközőt (felad vmit)

Their candidate should just throw in the towel and admit defeat.

tighten your belt C2 összébb húzza a nadrágszíjat (kevesebbet költ)

Since I lost my job we've all had to tighten our belts.

to cap it all C1 mindennek a tetejébe

It's been a terrible week and now, to cap it all, the car's broken down.

to make matters worse B2 mindennek a tetejébe

To make matters worse, our car broke down!

toe the line C2 beáll a sorba, engedelmeskedik

Ministers who refused to toe the Party line were swiftly got rid of.

vent your anger/frustration, etc. C2 szabadjára engedi/kitölti a mérgét/csalódottságát/stb.

He vented his anger by kicking the door.

wait and see C1 türelmesen vár, kivárja a végét (majd kiderül vmi)

We'll wait and see what she says.

What about ...? B1 mi van vkivel/vmivel? mi a véleményed vmiről/vkiről? (információ/vélemény kérése)

What about Ava - is she nice?

what does sb do? A1 mi a foglalkozása?

"What do you do (for a living)?" "I'm a doctor."

What does Antonio do - does he teach?

I don't know what his wife does.

What's up? B1 (na) mi van? hogy mennek a dolgok?; mi történik? mi van itt? (informal)

What's up? Nice to see you again.

will have B2 segédige a befejezett jövő idő képzéséhez

Next month, Gary will have been working here for 10 years.

He'll have reached Berlin by tonight.

with a view to doing sth C1 azzal a céllal (, hogy ...) (formal)

He's doing some improvements on the house with a view to selling it.

worst of all B2 a legrosszabb (hangsúlyozás)

We had no food or light, but worst of all, we had no water.

you have to hand it to sb C2 leveszi a kalapját vki előtt (elismerés illet vkit) (informal)

You have to hand it to Mick, he's done a good job on that kitchen.

your take on sth C2 a véleménye vmiről (helyzetről/elképzelésről, stb.)

What's your take on the plan to close the library?

your world A2 a világa vkinek (az élete)

His whole world fell apart when she left.

a angolul – hasonló többszavas igék:

bounce back 2 C2 az e-mail visszajön, nem megy el a megadott címre

I tried to send you an email, but it bounced back.

catch up B2 megbeszéli a legújabb híreket, fejleményeket

We can catch up next week.

I'll phone you tonight to catch up on all the gossip.

clean out ↔ sth C2 kitisztítja a belsejét vminek

I cleaned out the fridge this morning.

come down to sth/doing sth C2 múlik vmin (helyzet, döntés, siker, stb.); a lényeg/lényege az (, hogy ...)

The success of the venture comes down to the commitment of those involved.

crack (sb) up C2 kirobban belőle a röhögés (informal)

His impressions of my Dad really crack me up.

cut back (sth) C2 csökkenti a költségét vminek

We have had to cut back on training this year.

hang up B1 leteszi a telefont (befejezi a beszélgetést)

She said goodbye and hung up.

look ahead C2 gondol a jövőre, előrenéz

I'm looking ahead to next year and figuring out our staffing requirements.

pack up ↔ (sth) B2 összepakol, befejezi a munkát

I just need a few minutes to pack up my equipment and then we can leave.

I'm about to pack my things up and go home.

I got to the market just as it was closing and everyone was packing up.

point out ↔ sth B2 rámutat vmire, felhívja a figyelmét vmire

He was planning to book a rock-climbing holiday, till I pointed out that Carla is afraid of heights.

I feel I should point out how dangerous it is.

put off ↔ sb B2 elveszi a kedvét vmitől, elriaszt vmitől, megutáltat vmit

I didn't enjoy the film but don't let that put you off.

The smell of strong cheese puts me off even trying it.

shut (sb) up B2 befogja a száját; elhallgattat (vkit)

I wish you'd shut up for a moment and listen to what the rest of us have to say.

Just shut up and get on with your work!

My dad never stops talking. It's impossible to shut him up!

a angolul – érintett szókincs témák:

Életkor, fiatalságTestműködésReakciók, hőérzetÉszlelés, észrevételHallás, szaglás, tapintás, ízlelésHigiénia, testápolásTünetek, fájdalmakFogyatékosságok, mentális betegségekSebesülés, sérülésVeszély, kockázatHáz, lakás, szomszédságHázimunkaRend, tisztaságTakarítás, kerti munkákKészlet, forgalomAutózás, autóvezetésVilág, világegyetemNapkelte, napnyugtaHideg, fagyCsalád, házasságNevelés, gondozásKapcsolatokVendégség, összejövetelPárkapcsolatSzakítás, válásÉletmódMagánéletSors, életútÉlettapasztalatJövedelem, költekezésAnyagi helyzet, vagyonTartózkodásIdőtöltés, elfoglaltságPihenés, kikapcsolódásEredmény, helyezésKözönség, sikerÚjságok, kiadványokMűsorszórásTelefonálásInternetInternethasználatE-mailFelmondás, munkanélküliségKépzettségTapasztalatVezetés, irányításBűntény, bűntettTörvény, bíróságOrszág, társadalomTársadalmi rétegek, csoportokSzegénység, segélyezésPolitika, választásokKormányzat, diplomáciaHatóság, igazgatásSzellemek, varázslatKatonaságA, az, egyEz, az, aki, amiValamelyik, bármelyikBirtoklás, tulajdonEnyém, tiéd, övéKeletkezik, feltűnikMegszűnik, eltűnikHelyzet, állapotKezd, kezdődikVáltoztat, átalakítAlkalmaz, használKap, szerez, választIgeidők, igemódokJön, érkezikHelyszín, fekvésFelette, alatta, előtte, mögötteTérrészekKözelTávolÉvek, évszakok, hónapokIdőpontokMúltJövőValamettől, valameddigRövid időtartamGyorsaság, sebességIdőszak elejénIdőben előtteIdőben utánaKevésRész, egészNövekedésHasonlítás, fokozásTöltöttség, telítettségElzárt, foglaltMinősítés, besorolásJó, szépMegfelelő, alkalmatlanHelytelen, hibásSzokásos, általános, átlagosFontos, lényegesLényegtelenSikeres, eredményesMegold, elintézSikertelenség, kudarcFeltételMód, eszközOk, cél, indokHasonlóság, egyezésInformáció, információcsereKérdés, érdeklődés, válaszTájékoztatásTitok, leleplezésArckifejezések, gesztusokHangok, hangjelzésekBeszélgetés, társalgásElőadás, megbeszélésSzövegek, szövegrészekVita, nézeteltérésGondolkodás, értelemMegértés, felfogásTudás, ismeretekVélemény, megítélésMegfontolás, döntésHit, valóságKépzelet, fantáziaEmlékezés, felejtésOdafigyelés, alaposságFigyelmetlenség, tévedésÉrzések, érzelmekÉrdeklődés, kíváncsiságRiadalom, ijedségMeglepetés, izgalomKözöny, megszokás, unalomVonzódás, vágy, rajongásKedvelés, preferenciaIdegenkedés, utálatGyűlölet, ellenszenv, érzéketlenségÖröm, boldogságSzomorúság, lehangoltságRemény, bizalom, hálaAggodalom, félelemDüh, haragCsalódás, elégedetlenség, rosszkedvKilátások, várakozásokSzükség, kötelességLehetőség, képességSzándék, akarat, óhajEltökéltség, kitartásTerv, előkészület, szervezettségCéltalanság, hanyagságTanács, útmutatásEgyüttműködés, hajlandóságAkadályozás, korlátozásMeggyőzés, rábeszélésBefolyásolás, beleavatkozásErkölcs, morálUdvariasság, elismerés, tiszteletUdvariatlanság, tiszteletlenségÖnuralom, türelemBírálat, felelősségre vonásMentegetőzés, bocsánatkérésBüszkeség, hiúság, önteltségÖnbizalom, magabiztosságBátorság, gyávaságKöszönés, elköszönésTémafelvetés, témaváltásTéma sorrendPontosítás, árnyalásHangsúlyozás, nyomatékosításVélemény kifejezéseNézőpont, hozzáállásÉrzelmi reagálás

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