nem angolul

Nem angolul. Nem angol fordítása. Nem angol jelentése, nem angol hangos példamondatok, nem angol szavak és kifejezések.

nem angolul – jelentések:

gender noun /ˈdʒen.dər/ 1 B2 (biológiai) nem (formal)

Does this test show the gender of the baby?

gender noun /ˈdʒen.dər/ 2 B2 nem (nyelvtan) (hímnem, nőnem, semlegesnem)

In English, nouns don't have gender, but in French and Spanish, they do.

sex noun /seks/ 2 B1 (biológiai) nem

What sex is your cat?

Some tests enable you to find out the sex of your baby before it's born.

no adverb /nəʊ/ 1 A1 nem; nincs (negatív/tagadó válasz)

"You told me." "No, I didn't!"

"Can I have another chocolate?" "No, you've had enough."

"Do you like him?" "No."

"Did you get some bread?" "No, sorry, I forgot."

"Have you got any homework tonight?" "No."

no adverb /nəʊ/ 2 A2 nem (egyetértés negatív/tagadó kijelentéssel)

"He's not very bright, is he?" "No, I'm afraid not."

not adverb /nɒt/ 1 A1 nem (egész mondat tagadása)

He's not fat!

I won't tell her.

I can't go.

Don't you like her?

It isn't difficult.

I'm just not interested.

He's not bad-looking!

He's not as tall as his father.

not adverb /nɒt/ 2 A1 nem, ne (mondatrész tagadása)

I told you not to do that.

I like most vegetables but not cabbage.

"Come and play football, Dad." "Not now, Jamie."

It was Adam who said that, not Richard.

not adverb /nɒt/ 3 A2 nem (rövid tagadó válaszokban)

"Is he coming with us?" "I hope not."

"Have you finished?" "I'm afraid not."

*A szavakról további részletek az angol–magyar oldalon.

nem angolul – hasonló találatok:

clash verb /klæʃ/ 2 C2 nem illik vmihez, nem megy hozzá, ütik egymást (színek, stílusok, stb.) [I]

I can't wear red - it clashes with my hair.

deny verb /dɪˈnaɪ/ 2 B2 megtagad vkitől vmit, visszautasít/nem enged vkinek vmit

Her request for time off work was denied.

No one should be denied a good education.

The goalkeeper denied him his third goal.

I was denied the opportunity of learning French at school.

disagree verb /ˌdɪs.əˈgriː/ B1 nem ért egyet, ellenkezik; ellentmond, különbözik

I disagree with most of what he said.

Experts disagree about / on the causes of the disease.

Few people would disagree that something should be done to reduce the level of crime in the area.

I strongly disagree with the decision that has been taken.

dislike verb /dɪˈslaɪk/ B1 nem szeret vkit/vmit, idegenkedik vkitől/vmitől

Why do you dislike her so much?

I dislike walking and I hate the countryside.

drag verb /dræg/ 3 C2 hosszúra nyúlik (időben), nem akar véget érni [I]

The afternoon really seemed to drag.

The negotiations dragged on for months.

escape verb /ɪˈskeɪp/ 3 C2 nem jut eszébe vkinek [T]

The name of her book escapes me at the moment.

exclude verb /ɪksˈkluːd/ 2 C1 nem tartalmaz (szándékosan)

The insurance cover excludes particular medical conditions.

fail verb /feɪl/ 2 B2 kudarcot vall; nem váltja be a hozzáfűzött reményeket [I]

She moved to London in the hope of finding work as a model, but failed.

He failed in his attempt to break the record.

This method of growing tomatoes never fails.

forget verb /fəˈget/ 3 B1 elfelejt vmit, nem emlékszik vmire [I or T]

I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name.

I completely forgot about Gemma's party.

I've forgotten what you do next.

I've forgotten how to operate this thing.

She'd forgotten that Lucy was coming round.

forget verb /fəˈget/ 4 B1 elfelejt, nem gondol rá többet [T]

I'll never forget him for as long as I live.

ignore verb /ɪgˈnɔːr/ B2 nem vesz tudomást vkiről/vmiről, figyelmen kívül hagy vkit/vmit

I smiled at her but she just ignored me.

She can be really irritating but I try to ignore her.

How can the government ignore the wishes of the majority?

keep verb /kiːp/ 4 B2 eláll, nem romlik meg [I]

Once opened, this product will keep for three days.

miss verb /mɪs/ 5 B1 eltéveszt, nem hall/lát/ért/talál vmit, lemarad vmiről [T]

Sorry, I missed that, could you repeat it please?

We missed the first five minutes of the film.

My office is first on the right with a bright red door. You can't miss it.

miss verb /mɪs/ 7 B2 elhibáz, nem talál el (célt) [I or T]

It should have been such an easy goal and he missed.

He threw a book at me, but it missed.

The bullet missed his heart by a couple of centimetres.

overlook verb /ˌəʊ.vəˈlʊk/ 2 C2 nem vesz észre vmit; nem vesz tudomást vmiről; szemet huny vmi fölött [often passive]

Two important facts have been overlooked in this case.

persist verb /pəˈsɪst/ 1 C2 nem múlik el (kellemetlen érzés/helyzet) (tünet, fájdalom, stb.)

If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

suspect verb /səˈspekt/ 3 C2 kételkedik, nem bízik vkiben/vmiben

She suspected his motives for offering to help.

denial noun /dɪˈnaɪ.əl/ C2 tagadás, el nem ismerés

a denial of his guilt

anti-social adjective /ˌæn.tɪˈsəʊ.ʃəl/ 1 C1 közösségellenes, nem közösségi, antiszociális (viselkedés)

Increasingly, smoking is regarded as an anti-social habit.

bad adjective /bæd/ 2 A2 gyenge, rossz minőségű; helytelen, nem elfogadható

The food was so bad we couldn't eat it.

He has some very bad habits.

He was sent home from school for bad behaviour.

I'm very bad at cooking.

bad adjective /bæd/ 4 B1 rossz, nem szerencsés, nem kellő, nem alkalmas

It was just bad luck that she heard us.

I'll call you later if this is a bad time for you.

cheap adjective /tʃiːp/ 1 A1 olcsó, nem drága

I got a cheap flight at the last minute.

Food is usually cheaper in supermarkets.

Children and the elderly are entitled to cheap train tickets.

The scheme is simple and cheap to operate.

dishonest adjective /dɪˈsɒn.ɪst/ B2 nem becsületes, tisztességtelen

a dishonest lawyer

a dishonest way of making money

He's been dishonest in his dealings with us/about his past.

disloyal adjective /ˌdɪˈslɔɪ.əl/ C2 hűtlen vkihez, nem lojális

I don't want to be disloyal to my friend.

down adjective /daʊn/ 2 C1 nem működik (üzemen kívül van) (pl. számítógép)

The network was down all morning.

easygoing adjective /ˌIː.ziːˈgəʊ.ɪŋ/ B1 semmiből gondot nem csináló, lezser

Her easygoing nature made her popular.

fearless adjective /ˈfɪə.ləs/ C2 vakmerő, félelmet nem ismerő

a fearless fighter

few adjective, determiner, pronoun /fjuː/ B1 kevés, nem sok

He is among the few people I can trust.

Very few people can afford to pay those prices.

Few of the children can read or write yet.

We get few complaints.

According to the survey, as few as 10% of us are happy with our jobs.

immune adjective /ɪˈmjuːn/ C2 immunis, nem érzékeny vmire (pl. kritikára)

You'll eventually become immune to criticism.

imperfect adjective /ɪmˈpɜː.fɪkt/ C1 hibás, nem tökéletes

an imperfect solution

inadequate adjective /ɪnˈæd.ɪ.kwət/ 1 C1 alkalmatlan, nem megfelelő (nem elég jó)

Our equipment is totally inadequate for a job like this.

inappropriate adjective /ˌɪn.əˈprəʊ.pri.ət/ C1 nem megfelelő (vmilyen alkalomra), alkalmatlan (nem helyes/odaillő)

inappropriate behaviour

It would be inappropriate for me to comment, without knowing the facts.

inedible adjective /ɪˈned.ə.bl̩̩/ C1 nem ehető (táplálkozásra nem alkalmas)

The meat was inedible.

inefficient adjective /ˌɪn.ɪˈfɪʃ.ənt/ C1 nem hatékony, rosszul működő

an inefficient heating system

inexpensive adjective /ˌɪn.ɪkˈspent.sɪv/ B1 nem drága (de jó minőségű)

inexpensive children's clothes

informal adjective /ɪnˈfɔː.məl/ B2 kötetlen, baráti; nem hivatalos

The two groups agreed to hold an informal meeting.

He's the ideal sort of teacher - direct, friendly and informal.

'Hi' is an informal way of greeting people.

inhuman adjective /ɪnˈhjuː.mən/ C2 embertelen, kegyetlen (körülmény, bánásmód, stb.); nem emberi (hang, lény, stb.)

the inhuman treatment of prisoners

innocent adjective /ˈɪn.ə.sənt/ 1 B2 ártatlan, nem bűnös

He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime.

innocent adjective /ˈɪn.ə.sənt/ 4 C2 ártatlan, nem rossz szándékú

It was an innocent mistake.

It was an innocent comment/remark, I didn't mean to hurt his feelings.

insecure adjective /ˌɪn.sɪˈkjʊər/ 2 C2 bizonytalan, nem biztos/biztonságos

Many of our staff are worried because their jobs are insecure.

insufficient adjective /ˌɪn.səˈfɪʃ.ənt/ C1 nem elegendő, kevés

insufficient information

Her income is insufficient to support a family.

literal adjective /ˈlɪt.ər.əl/ C2 eredeti, nem átvitt (jelentés, értelem); szó szerinti (fordítás)

the literal meaning/sense

never-ending adjective /ˌnev.ərˈend.ɪŋ/ C1 soha véget nem érő

The housework in this place is just never-ending.

non-existent adjective /ˌnɒn.ɪgˈzɪs.tənt/ C1 nem létező

We knew our chances of success were non-existent.

reasonable adjective /ˈriː.zən.ə.bl̩/ 3 B1 elfogadható, nem kiemelkedő (pl. minőség)

The service at the hotel is reasonable but don't expect 5-star treatment.

I'd say her work is of a reasonable standard.

recent adjective /ˈriː.sənt/ B1 nem régi, közelmúltbeli

Is that a recent photo?

Have you been following recent political events?

In recent years, sales have decreased quite markedly.

sober adjective /ˈsəʊ.bər/ 3 C2 diszkrét, nem harsány (szín/ruha)

a sober, grey dress

still adjective /stɪl/ 1 B1 nem szénsavas (innivaló)

Would you like still or sparkling water?

unaffected adjective /ˌʌn.əˈfek.tɪd/ C2 nem érintett vmiben (nem hoz változást a számára)

Smaller colleges will be unaffected by the new regulations.

unattractive adjective /ˌʌn.əˈtræk.tɪv/ 2 C1 érdektelen, haszontalan; nem kívánatos (pl. tulajdonság)

an unattractive proposition

unavailable adjective /ʌn.əˈveɪ.lə.bl̩/ 1 B2 elérhetetlen, nem hozzáférhető vmi (nem vásárolható/megszerezhető)

The book is unavailable in Britain.

uncertain adjective /ʌnˈsɜː.tən/ 1 B2 bizonytalan vki (nem tud dönteni), nem biztos vmiben

She's uncertain whether to go to New Zealand or not.

Maggie was uncertain about meeting him.

unclear adjective /ʌnˈklɪər/ B2 nem világos (nem egyértelmű, zavaros)

The situation at the moment is unclear.

It's unclear what actually happened that night.

It's unclear whether he arrived before or after the shot was fired.

unconscious adjective /ʌnˈkɒn.tʃəs/ 2 C2 öntudatlan, nem tudatos, nem szándékos; tudat alatti

an unconscious fear

unconventional adjective /ˌʌn.kənˈven.ʃən.əl/ C1 nem hagyományos, nem konvencionális

an unconventional lifestyle

undesirable adjective /ˌʌn.dɪˈzaɪə.rə.bl̩/ C2 nem kívánatos (hatás, következmény, viselkedés, stb.)

an undesirable influence

undeveloped adjective /ˌʌn.dɪˈvel.əpt/ C2 nem művelt/beépített (terület)

The site is still undeveloped.

unfashionable adjective /ʌnˈfæʃ.ən.ə.bl̩̩/ B2 divatjamúlt; nem divatos; idejétmúlt

This kind of cooking is very unfashionable now.

unforeseen adjective /ˌʌnfɔːˈsiːn/ C1 előreláthatatlan, előre nem látható

The concert was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

unhelpful adjective /ʌnˈhelp.fʊl/ 1 B2 nem segítőkész

The taxi driver was rude and unhelpful.

uninterested adjective /ʌnˈɪn.trə.stɪd/ B1 nem érdeklődő, közömbös

He's completely uninterested in politics.

uninteresting adjective /ʌnˈɪn.trə.stɪŋ/ B1 nem érdekes, érdektelen, unalmas

His later work is uninteresting in comparison with his first novel.

unpaid adjective /ʌnˈpeɪd/ 2 C1 fizetetlen, nem fizetett/díjazott; fizetség nélkül végzett

unpaid work

unpredictable adjective /ˌʌn.prɪˈdɪk.tə.bl̩/ B2 kiszámíthatatlan; előre nem látható

The weather there can be a bit unpredictable - one minute it's blue skies and the next minute it's raining hard.

The hours in this job are very unpredictable - you sometimes have to work late at very short notice.

unsafe adjective /ʌnˈseɪf/ 1 C1 veszélyes, nem biztonságos

The building is unsafe.

The water was dirty and unsafe to drink.

unsatisfactory adjective /ˌʌn.sæt.ɪsˈfæk.tər.i/ B2 nem kielégítő, nem megfelelő

We had a rather unsatisfactory meal.

unspoiled adjective /ʌnˈspɔɪlt/ C1 romlatlan, el nem rontott (pl. táj, vidék)

an island with clean, unspoiled beaches

unsuitable adjective /ʌnˈsjuː.tə.bl̩/ B2 alkalmatlan, nem megfelelő

The software blocks material that is unsuitable for children.

untrue adjective /ʌnˈtruː/ C1 valótlan, nem igaz (állítás, híresztelés, stb.)

We knew the rumours were untrue.

unwilling adjective /ʌnˈwɪl.ɪŋ/ B2 vonakodó, nem hajlandó

A lot of people are unwilling to accept change.

unwise adjective /ʌnˈwaɪz/ C2 nem okos (pl. döntés); nem ajánlatos (tenni vmit)

an unwise decision

wrong adjective /rɒŋ/ 4 C1 nem megfelelő

She's the wrong person for the job.

She got in with the wrong crowd at university.

anymore adverb /ˌen.iˈmɔːr/ A2 többé nem, már nem

This shirt doesn't fit me anymore - would you like it?

either adverb /ˈaɪ.ðər/ B1 sem; nem is (tagadó értelmű mondatban)

I don't eat meat and my husband doesn't either.

"I've never been to the States." "I haven't either."

The menu is boring at that restaurant and it's not cheap either.

inappropriately adverb /ˌɪn.əˈprəʊ.pri.ə C1 nem megfelelően, alkalmatlanul (nem helyesen/odaillően)

The meeting was inappropriately handled and an argument broke out.

indirectly adverb /ˌɪn.daɪˈ C1 nem közvetlenül, közvetve

She still controls the company indirectly, through her son.

informally adverb /ɪnˈfɔː.məl.i/ C1 közvetlen/kötetlen formában; nem hivatalosan

It's an outdoor party, so dress informally.

never adverb /ˈnev.ər/ 2 B2 egyáltalán nem (tagadás hangsúlyozása)

I never knew you lived around here.

out adverb /aʊt/ 7 B2 nem ég/világít, el van oltva (tűz, világítás)

When we got home, all the lights were out.

Is that fire completely out?

surely adverb /ˈʃɔː.li/ 2 B2 csak nem? (tagadó értelemmel csodálkozás, hitetlenkedés kifejezése)

Surely you don't expect me to believe that?

Surely he wasn't expecting us to pay the whole amount?

unconsciously adverb /ʌnˈkɒn.ʃə C2 öntudatlanul, nem tudatosan

She was nodding her head, unconsciously urging him on.

yet adverb /jet/ 1 A2 még nem (tagadó mondatban); már (kérdő mondatban)

I haven't spoken to her yet.

He hasn't finished yet.

"Are you ready?" "Not yet - wait a moment."

Has Paul arrived yet?

much determiner, pronoun /mʌtʃ/ 2 A2 (tagadva) nem sok

She doesn't earn much money.

Peter didn't say much in the meeting.

"Is there any wine left?" "Not much."

unlike preposition /ʌnˈlaɪk/ 2 C2 nem jellemző rá

It's unlike her to be quiet - was there something wrong?

or conjunction /ɔːr/ 2 A2 sem, és nem is (egyik sem) (tagadás után)

Tim doesn't eat meat or fish.

She doesn't have a telephone or a computer.

unless conjunction /ʌnˈles/ B1 ha nem, hacsak nem

I won't call you unless there are any problems.

You can't get a job unless you've got experience.

Unless you call me to say you're not coming, I'll see you at the theatre.

pardon exclamation /ˈpɑː.dən/ A2 tessék? nem értem; bocsánat! elnézést!

"You'll need an umbrella." - "Pardon?" - "I said you'll need an umbrella."

nem angolul – hasonló kifejezések:

Absolutely not. C2 egyáltalán nem (határozott egyet nem értés állítással/egyetértés tagadással)

"Are you suggesting that we should just ignore the problem?" "No, absolutely not."

any more A2 már nem (tagadó értelmű mondatban)

I don't do yoga any more.

aside from sth B2 eltekintve vmitől, nem számítva vmit

This document needs finishing, but aside from that I think everything is done.

at a loss for words C2 nem talál szavakat (nem tudja mit mondjon)

The question was unexpected and she was temporarily at a loss for words.

be blind to sth C2 nem akar észrevenni vmit

Drivers who speed are often blind to the risks they cause.

be in two minds C1 nem tud dönteni (vmiről), habozik

I'm in two minds about accepting his offer.

be lost for words C2 nem talál szavakat (meglepetéstől, meghatottságtól, stb.)

This prize is such an honour and so unexpected - I am lost for words.

be misunderstood C2 félreismert, meg nem értett, nem elismert

He was a genius, but misunderstood by society at the time.

be no laughing matter C2 nem tréfadolog

This weather is no laughing matter.

be no match for sb/sth C2 nem méltó ellenfele vkinek/vminek, nem versenyezhet vkivel/vmivel

Gibson ran well but was no match for the young Italian.

be no mean feat C2 nem kis/megvetendő teljesítmény

Learning to ski at 60 is no mean feat!

be none of sb's business B2 semmi köze hozzá, nem tartozik rá

I'm certainly not going to tell Lara how much money I've spent - it's none of her business!

be nothing if not sth C2 semmi, ha nem ...; ha nem ..., akkor semmi (tulajdonság hangsúlyozása)

You've got to admit - he's nothing if not persistent.

The trip was nothing if not varied.

be unclear about sth B2 nem világos számára vmi

I'm unclear about a couple of points in your proposal - could you go over them again?

be unfamiliar with sth B2 nem ismer, alig ismer vmit (nincs ismerete/tapasztalata vmiről)

A lot of people are unfamiliar with the system.

bear (sb/sth) in mind B2 nem felejti el (, hogy ...), észben tart (vkit/vmit)

Thank you for your advice, I'll bear it in mind.

Bear in mind that there's a public holiday next week.

bear a/little/no, etc. resemblance to sth/sb C2 hasonlít/kicsit hasonlít/nem hasonlít vmihez/vkihez

He bears a resemblance to someone I used to know.

The city bears little resemblance to how it was 100 years ago.

bear a/no resemblance/relation, etc. to sb/sth C2 hasonlít/nem hasonlít vkire/vmire (főleg kinézetre)

He bears a striking resemblance to his father.

believe it or not B1 akár hiszed akár nem

He even remembered my birthday, believe it or not.

by no means; not by any means C1 egyáltalán nem

I'm not an expert by any means.

This is by no means the end of the matter.

can't be bothered B2 nem képes fáradozni/vesződni vmivel (informal)

I can't be bothered to iron my clothes.

can't face sb/sth/doing sth B2 nem tud szembenézni vmivel/vkivel (nehézséggel, kellemetlenséggel, stb.)

I can't face walking up all those steps again.

I knew someone had to tell her but I couldn't face it.

How can I face him now that he knows what I've done?

can't keep/take your eyes off sb/sth B2 nem tudja levenni a szemét vmiről/vkiről

He couldn't take his eyes off her all night.

can't stand sb/sth B1 ki nem áll/állhat vkit/vmit, utál vkit/vmit (informal)

I can't stand him.

She can't stand doing housework.

can't take sth B2 nem képes elviselni/eltűrni vmit

We argue all the time and I can't take it any more.

can't/couldn't help doing sth B1 nem tudja/tudta megállni (hogy ne csináljon vmit); nem tehet vmiről

I can't help laughing when I think about what happened to you both!

I couldn't help thinking about what had happened.

He couldn't help it, he slipped.

can/can't/could, etc. reach (sth) B2 elér/nem ér el vmit (kézzel nyúlva vniért)

Could you get that book down for me - I can't reach.

She's grown so tall that she can reach the door handle now.

cannot afford C2 nem engedheti meg (problémát/bajt okozna)

We can't afford to take that risk.

We can't afford to wait any longer or we'll miss the train.

couldn't have B2 nem volt lehetséges/nem történhetett meg

He couldn't have damaged your bike - he was with me all evening.

That book couldn't have been on sale last week - it's only come out today!

definitely not C1 határozottan nem (rövid nemleges válasz)

"Do you think the work will be finished by June?" "Definitely not."

don't need to do sth/needn't do sth A2 nem kell (megtenni vmit)

I can get there myself so you don't need to take me.

You needn't bring any food.

draw the line (at sth) C2 már nem hajlandó vmire, megszabja a határt

I swear a lot but even I draw the line at certain words.

fall flat C1 nem sikerül, rosszul sül el (vicc, történet, stb.)

All the jokes in his speech fell flat.

fall short of sth C2 vártnál kevesebb, nem felel meg a várakozásnak

Sales for the first half of this year fell just short of the target.

His behaviour falls short of what we expect.

She just fell short of the grades she needed.

far from sth C1 egyáltalán nem (vmi/vmilyen)

The situation is far from clear.

few and far between C2 nem gyakori, ritka (pl. alkalom)

Opportunities like this are few and far between.

get you nowhere C2 vmi nem visz semmire

Bad manners will get you nowhere.

go against the grain C2 meggyőződése ellen van; nem való vmi

It goes against the grain to throw all this food away.

have a chip on your shoulder C2 nem tud napirendre térni fölötte (informal)

She's always had a real chip on her shoulder because she didn't go to university.

have no hesitation in doing sth C1 nem habozik (vmit megtenni), habozás nélkül megtesz vmit

He had no hesitation in signing for the team.

have no time for sb/sth C2 nem veszteget időt vkire/vmire (nem becsül vkit/vmit)

I have no time for people who are racist.

have/keep an open mind B2 még nem foglalt (véglegesen) állást

We're keeping an open mind about the causes of the fire.

I can't tell you how ... B1 nem tudom elmondani hogy ... (hangsúlyozás)

I can't tell you how grateful I am for your help.

I don't blame him/them/you, etc. C2 nem teszek szemrehányást neki/nekik/neked/stb.

"I think I'll go home early." "I don't blame you - you look really tired."

I fail to see/understand C2 nem látom/nem értem miért ... (egyet nem értés/elutasítás kifejezése)

I fail to see why you cannot work on a Sunday.

I forget C2 nem emlékszem ('I have forgotten' helyett)

I forget when we last saw him.

I guess so/not B2 úgy hiszem/nem hiszem (bizonytalan igenlő/tagadó válasz)

"So they're still living in the same house?" "I guess so."

I told you so C2 nem megmondtam? én megmondtam neked (hallgatnod kellett volna rám)

He's lazy? I told you so, didn't I?

keep sb/sth in mind B2 nem felejti el (, hogy); észben tart

I'll keep you in mind if another job comes up.

keep track C1 nyomon követ vkit/vmit (figyelemmel kísér); nem veszít szem elöl

He changes jobs so often I can't keep track any more.

Be sure to keep track of the time so you won't be late.

last but not least B2 utoljára, de nem utolsósorban

This is Jeremy, this is Cath and, last but not least, this is Eva.

let alone C1 nemhogy a ..., nem is beszélve arról (, hogy ...) (még az előbbinél is lehetetlenebb)

You couldn't trust her to look after your dog, let alone your child.

little more/better C2 nem sokkal több/jobb

We earned little more than pocket money.

She's little better than a thief.

lose count C2 nem tudja hol/hánynál tart (számolásban)

I've lost count of the number of times she's arrived late.

lose sleep over something C2 nem tud vmitől aludni, nem hagyja vmi aludni (aggódik vmi miatt)

I know she's angry with me, but I'm not losing any sleep over it.

lose track B2 nem tudja nyomon követni (figyelemmel kísérni); szem elöl téveszt

I've lost track of how much we've spent.

make no difference/not make any difference B2 nem számít (lényegtelen; nem változtat semmin)

You can ask him again if you like, but it won't make any difference - he'll still say no.

Morning or afternoon. It makes no difference to me.

mind you C2 nem szabad elfelejteni (, hogy); az a helyzet (, hogy)

We had a lovely holiday in France. Mind you, the weather was appalling.

never mind A2 nem baj! semmi baj! ne törődj vele!

"I'm afraid I've lost that wallet you gave me." "Well, never mind, I can easily buy you another one."

no ... than B1 nem ...-bb mint

The work should be done no later than Friday.

There were no more than fifteen people at the concert.

no doubt C1 nem kétséges (, hogy)

No doubt she'll spend the money on new clothes.

no longer B1 többé nem, már nem

The cinema is no longer used.

She doesn't work here any longer.

no need B2 nem kell (vmit tenni); nem szükséges (vmi)

There's no need to go to the shops - there's plenty of food in the fridge.

I understand why she was angry but there was no need for that kind of language.

There's no need to shout, for goodness' sake! Just calm down.

No problem. A2 rendben, nem gond (kérésre elfogadó válasz) (informal)

"Can you get me to the airport by 11.30?" "No problem."

no thanks A2 köszönöm nem (ajánlat udvarias elutasítása)

"Would you like a drink?' 'No thanks, I've just had one."

no wonder B2 nem csoda (, hogy ...)

No wonder the children are excited - this is the first time they've been abroad.

"If brutal killers like these two are at work, it is no wonder that so many people have fled," he said.

none too clean/clever/pleased, etc. C2 egyáltalán nem tiszta/okos/elégedett/stb.

His clothes were none too clean.

not at all B2 egyáltalán nem

"Was he a nuisance?" "No, not at all."

I'm not at all happy about it.

not be sb's type C2 nem az ő típusa (nem talál vonzónak vkit) (informal)

I like Bertrand but he's not really my type.

not be the end of the world C2 nem a világ vége (nem olyan nagy probléma)

It won't be the end of the world if I don't get the job.

not be up to much C2 nem valami jó

Her latest novel isn't up to much.

not be/come up to scratch C2 nem üti meg a szintet (informal)

She told me my work wasn't up to scratch.

The department has put a procedure in place for staff who don't come up to scratch.

not believe your ears B2 nem hisz a fülének

I couldn't believe my ears when Dan said they were getting married.

not believe your eyes B1 nem hisz a szemének

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what he was wearing.

not believe your eyes/ears B1 nem hisz a szemének/fülének

I couldn't believe my ears when Dan said they were getting married.

not believe/understand/hear/say, etc. a word B1 nem hisz/ért/hall//mond/stb. egy szót sem

I don't believe a word he says.

not do sth lightly C2 nem könnyen tesz vmit (megfontolva tesz vmit)

It's not a decision that I take lightly.

not exactly B2 nem egészen (nem teljesen igaz)

"So you gave her your book?" "Not exactly, I lent it to her."

not exactly easy/new/rich, etc. C1 nem éppen könnyű/új/gazdag/stb. (tréfás/bosszús hangsúllyal) (informal)

Let's face it, we're not exactly rich, are we?

not hold water C2 nem helytálló (érv, javaslat, stb.)

I'm sorry, but what you are suggesting just doesn't hold water!

not in the least C2 egyáltalán nem

I don't mind staying at home, not in the least.

not least C2 nem utolsósorban (különösen) (formal)

The whole trip was fascinating, not least because of the people I met.

not much of a sth C1 nem valami jó/nagy (az adott területen/témában)

I'm not much of a cook.

It's not much of a job, but it pays the bills.

not only B2 nem csak ... hanem ...

Not only was the hotel expensive, it was dirty too.

You have let down not only yourself, but the entire team.

not quite B2 nem egészen

I'm not quite sure that I understand this.

The colours almost match but not quite.

He didn't get quite enough votes to win.

not really B1 nem igazán

"So was the food good?" - "Not really."

"Did you like him?" - "Not really."

not take kindly to sth C2 nem fogad szívesen vmit, nem vesz jó néven vmit

He doesn't take kindly to criticism.

not think much of sb/sth C2 nem tart valami sokra vmit/vkit

I don't think much of the food here.

not think straight C1 nem gondolkodik világosan

I was so tired, I couldn't think straight.

not think twice C1 nem sokat gondolkozik/teketóriázik

When he asked me out, I didn't think twice!

not to mention B2 nem is szólva/beszélve ...

The resort has great hotels and restaurants, not to mention some of the best skiing in the region.

not too A2 nem túl ...

"How was your exam?" "Not too bad, I suppose."

I didn't play too well today.

He wasn't too happy when I told him about the mistake.

not touch sb/sth C2 nem nyúl hozzá vkihez/vmihez (nem bánt vkit/nem tesz tönkre vmit)

Don't worry about them - they can't touch you.

not until B1 -ig nem (egy időpont előtt nem)

We didn't eat until past midnight.

It doesn't open until 7:00.

not very good/tall/happy, etc. A1 nem valami jó/magas/boldog/stb.

The film wasn't very good.

He doesn't sing very well.

not/never get anywhere B2 nem jut semmire (informal)

I tried discussing the problem with her but I didn't get anywhere.

nothing of the sort/kind C1 szó sincs róla, semmi ilyen; egyáltalán nem (tagadás hangsúlyozása)

I told him nothing of the sort.

He said that he was a legitimate businessman - in fact, he was nothing of the sort.

of course not A2 természetesen nem, persze hogy nem

"Do you mind if I borrow your pen?" "Of course not."

of little/no consequence C1 nem lényeges (formal)

The money was of little consequence to Tony.

off the record C1 nem hivatalos/bizalmas/nem leközlendő/jegyzőkönyvön kívül

Off the record, ministers are saying the president must resign.

once upon a time B1 egyszer volt, hol nem volt (mese kezdete)

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess.

out of action C1 rossz, nem működik; lesérült, harcképtelen (sportban)

I'm afraid my car's out of action.

They've got three players out of action.

out of date B1 régimódi, elavult, nem aktuális; érvénytelen

These unemployment figures are out of date.

out of order B1 nem működik (hibás)

The coffee machine's out of order.

out of place C2 nem odaillő, nem helyénvaló

Everyone else was wearing jeans and I felt completely out of place in my office clothes.

out of place C2 nem a (szokásos/rendes) helyén

Why are my files all out of place?

out of proportion C2 nem áll arányban vmivel

The punishment is completely out of proportion to the crime.

out of work B1 nem dolgozik, munkanélküli

I've been out of work for the last six months.

Both she and her husband are out of work.

remember to do sth A2 eszébe jut, nem felejt el (megtenni vmit)

Did you remember to call Isabel?

Remember to bring your passport.

spare no effort/expense, etc. C2 nem sajnálja az erőfeszítést/költséget/stb.

We will spare no effort to find out who did this.

stand your ground C2 kitart álláspontja mellett, nem enged a véleményéből

They tried to make me accept a lower wage, but I stood my ground.

stop at nothing C1 semmi nem állíthatja meg

He will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

stop short of sth/doing sth C2 nem megy el addig (, hogy ...)

She stopped short of accusing him of lying.

take issue (with sb/sth) C1 nem ért egyet vkivel/vmivel; eltér vkitől/vmitől

I would take issue with you on that.

take it/things easy B1 lazít, nem csinál gondot semmiből

After his heart attack, he had to take things easy for a while.

take your time C1 nem siet el vmit, szép lassan csinál vmit

Take your time choosing - there's no hurry.

the opposite sex C1 a másik nem

He would never dare to speak to a member of the opposite sex.

there's no harm in doing sth C1 nem árt, ha ...

I suppose there's no harm in trying.

to say nothing of sth C2 nem (is) beszélve vmiről (a másik problémáról)

It wasn't much for three years' work, to say nothing of the money it had cost.

turn a blind eye (to sth) C1 szemet huny vmi fölött; úgy tesz, mintha nem venne észre vmit

Restaurant staff often took food home, and their boss turned a blind eye.

why don't you?/ why not do sth? A2 miért nem ...? miért ne ...? (javaslat vmire)

Why don't you come with us?

Why not give it a try?

you can't beat sth C2 nem lehet túltenni rajta, nem lehet lepipálni (a legjobb)

You can't beat Pedro's for a great pizza.

You must be joking!/ You're joking! B1 ezt nem gondolod komolyan! bizonyára viccelsz! (informal)

"He spoke to me in French." "You're joking! Really?"

nem angolul – hasonló többszavas igék:

bounce back 2 C2 az e-mail visszajön, nem megy el a megadott címre

I tried to send you an email, but it bounced back.

not be cut out to be sth/not be cut out for sth C2 nem alkalmas vmire

I'm not really cut out to be a nurse.

can't/couldn't get over sth B2 nem tudja túltenni magát vmin (informal)

I can't get over how different you look with short hair.

go off sth/sb B2 már nem kedvel/szeret vkit/vmit

I've gone off meat.

hold onto sth/sb C2 tart/nem enged el vmit, belekapaszkodik vmibe/vkibe

Hold onto the rope and don't let go.

insist on sth C1 nem tágít, makacsul ragaszkodik vmihez

She insists on cooking all her own meals.

Frank insisted on doing all the work himself.

keep on doing sth B1 folyton csinál vmit, nem hagy fel vmivel

She kept on asking me questions the whole time.

keep sth to yourself C2 nem beszél vmiről, megtart magának vmit (pl. véleményt)

She usually keeps her opinions to herself.

not stand for sth C2 nem tűr el (viselkedést, helyzetet)

I wouldn't stand for that sort of behaviour from him, if I were you.

stick by sb C2 nem hagy cserben vkit, kitart vki mellett

I'll stick by you whatever happens.

She was determined to stick by her husband.

nem angolul – érintett szókincs témák:

Név, családi állapotJellemzés, tulajdonságokBeállítottság, vérmérsékletÉszlelés, észrevételVeszély, kockázatÉlelmiszer-minőségSzeszes italok, üdítőkMéret, divat, stílusVíz, villany, világításÜzemeltetésSzerelés, javításRend, tisztaságKészlet, forgalomOlcsóság, drágaságTáj, környékKörnyezet, környezetvédelemKapcsolatokEllenszenv, elutasításPárkapcsolatÖnállóság, biztonságIdőbeosztásPihenés, kikapcsolódásIrodalom, költészetE-mailFizetés, juttatásokFelmondás, munkanélküliségBüntetés, ítéletSzegénység, segélyezésFegyverekVan, létezikMegszűnik, eltűnikFolytat, folytatódikFog, tartTesz, dob, befedMúltValamettől, valameddigHosszú időtartamNéha, alkalomszerűenSzámok, értékekSzámolásMennyiségekKevésHasonlítás, fokozásRészben, kismértékbenÚj, régiRossz, gyatraMegfelelő, alkalmatlanHelytelen, hibásRendkívüli, egyediFontos, lényegesLényegtelenSikeres, eredményesMegold, elintézSikertelenség, kudarcHasznos, előnyösHátrányos, feleslegesFeltételÉs, szintén, hogyHasonlóság, egyezésKizárás, felosztásKapcsolat, összefüggés, függőségKérdés, érdeklődés, válaszTitok, leleplezésBeszélgetés, társalgásIgenlésTagadásVita, nézeteltérésTudás, ismeretekMegfontolás, döntésHit, valóságEmlékezés, felejtésBizonyosságKétség, zavar, bizonytalanságOdafigyelés, alaposságFigyelmetlenség, tévedésÉrzések, érzelmekKözöny, megszokás, unalomVonzódás, vágy, rajongásIdegenkedés, utálatRemény, bizalom, hálaAggodalom, félelemCsalódás, elégedetlenség, rosszkedvGond, szenvedésValószínűség, esélyKilátások, várakozásokSzükség, kötelességLehetőség, képességSzándékosság, tudatosságKüzdelem, fáradozásEltökéltség, kitartásJavaslat, indítványTanács, útmutatásKérés, köszönetEllenkezés, vonakodásTámogatás, segítségBefolyásolás, beleavatkozásEngedés, tiltásViselkedésErkölcs, morálUdvariasság, elismerés, tiszteletUdvariatlanság, tiszteletlenségÖnuralom, türelemBírálat, felelősségre vonásMentegetőzés, bocsánatkérésMegtévesztés, hazugságBátorság, gyávaságTéma sorrendPontosítás, árnyalásHangsúlyozás, nyomatékosításVélemény kifejezéseNézőpont, hozzáállásÉrzelmi reagálásNyelv, nyelvhasználatNyelvtani fogalmak

*Nem angol fordítása, nem angol alapszavak és példamondatok az angol tanulószótárban. A tanulószótárban a fordítás iránya automatikusan változik.

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