jól angolul

Jól angolul. Jól angol fordítása. Jól angol jelentése, jól angol hangos példamondatok, jól angol szavak és kifejezések.

jól angolul – jelentések:

all right adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ 1 A1 jól, rendben (sikeresen, probléma nélkül)

Did the interview go all right?

Did he do all right in his exams?

Did you get home all right last night?

alright adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ 1 A2 jól, rendben (sikeresen, probléma nélkül)

Did the interview go alright?

Did he do alright in his exams?

Did you get home alright last night?

fine adverb /faɪn/ B2 jól, probléma nélkül

"How did your exam go?" "It went fine, I think."

The car was working fine yesterday.

OK adverb /ˌəʊˈkeɪ/ A2 jól, megfelelő módon, rendben

Everything was going OK until the printer stopped working.

Did you sleep okay?

I just phoned to make sure that you got there okay.

right adverb /raɪt/ 4 B2 helyesen, jól (hibátlanul)

He guessed right most of the time.

well adverb /wel/ 1 A1 jól

I thought the team played well.

He's doing very well at school.

The shop sells well-made clothes.

They took two hours to discuss the plans and considered it time well spent.

well adverb /wel/ 3 B2 jól, nagyon (néhány melléknév hangsúlyozása)

The police are well aware of the situation.

The museum is well worth a visit.

*A szavakról további részletek az angol–magyar oldalon.

jól angolul – hasonló találatok:

behave verb /bɪˈheɪv/ 2 B1 jól/rendesen viselkedik [I or T]

Did the children behave (themselves)?

go verb /gəʊ/ 4 B1 megy vmihez, jól illik vmihez (színben, stílusban, ízben, stb.) [I]

That top doesn't go with these trousers.

This jacket and skirt don't go together do they?

suit verb /suːt/ 2 B2 jól áll vkinek (pl. ruha)

You should wear more red - it suits you.

Short skirts don't really suit me - I haven't got the legs for them.

coherence noun /kəʊˈhɪə.rənts/ 1 C2 jól érthetőség

Her argument lacks any coherence.

all right adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ 2 A2 jól van (nem beteg, sérült, stb.)

"Harry's just slipped on the ice." "Oh dear! Is he all right?"

She was very ill for a while but she's all right now.

alright adjective, adverb /ɔːlˈraɪt/ 2 A2 jól van (nem beteg, sérült, stb.)

"Harry's just slipped on the ice." "Oh dear! Is he alright?"

She was very ill for a while but she's alright now.

amused adjective /əˈmjuːzd/ B2 jól szórakozik vmin, élvez vmit; derült, jókedvű (mosoly, arckifejezés, stb.)

an amused smile

She was very amused by/at your comments.

coherent adjective /kəʊˈhɪə.rənt/ 1 C2 jól szerkesztett, összefüggő (terv, érvelés, stb.)

We need to put forward a coherent plan.

coherent adjective /kəʊˈhɪə.rənt/ 2 C2 jól érthető, világos

She was so upset, she was barely coherent.

distinct adjective /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ 1 C1 eltérő, jól megkülönböztethető

This word has three distinct meanings.

distinct adjective /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ 3 C2 jól látható/hallható, jól kivehető/érzékelhető

The voices gradually became louder and more distinct.

efficient adjective /ɪˈfɪʃ.ənt/ B1 eredményes, jól működő, ügyes

The city's transport system is one of the most efficient in Europe.

We need someone really efficient who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.

fine adjective /faɪn/ 1 A1 jól van (jól érzi magát) (egészséges/elégedett) [never before noun]

"How are you?" "I'm fine, thanks."

I felt terrible last night but I feel fine this morning.

fit adjective /fɪt/ 1 A2 jó erőnlétben/kondícióban van; egészséges, fitt, jól van

I joined a gym to get fit.

I jog to keep fit.

You need to be very fit to go mountain climbing.

functional adjective /ˈfʌŋk.ʃən.əl/ B2 célszerű, praktikus, jól használható; gyakorlatias

functional clothing

good adjective /gʊd/ 3 A1 jó! jól van! (örülök)

"I'm coming on Saturday." "Oh, good!"

"She's really making progress." "Good!"

good adjective /gʊd/ 4 A1 jól van, egészséges

"How are you, Amelia?" "I'm good, thanks!"

"How's Joshua doing?" "He's good, thank you."

good adjective /gʊd/ 8 A2 jó, jól viselkedik

If you're a good boy at the doctor's I'll take you swimming afterwards.

handy adjective /ˈhæn.di/ 1 C2 praktikus, jól használható

a handy container/tool

OK adjective /ˌəʊˈkeɪ/ 1 A1 jól van, rendben van (nem beteg, nem zaklatott, nem sérült, stb.)

Are you OK? You look a bit pale.

How's Paola? Is she okay after her fall yesterday?

"Is everything OK with you?" "Yes, fine."

I'll just check that the car's okay - that was a bit of a bang!

structured adjective /ˈstrʌk.tʃəd/ C2 jól szervezett/felépített/strukturált

a structured series of lectures

unwell adjective /ʌnˈwel/ B1 nincs jól

to feel/look unwell

well adjective /wel/ A1 jól van, egészséges

You look well! - Thanks, I feel well.

He hasn't been too well lately.

When she came home from school she really didn't look well.

I'm sorry you're ill - I hope you get well soon.

well-built adjective /ˌwelˈbɪlt/ B2 jól megtermett/erős testalkatú (ember)

He was a well-built man, in his forties.

well-dressed adjective /ˌwelˈdrest/ B1 jól öltözött

She is a very well-dressed woman.

well-educated adjective /ˌwelˈedʒ.ʊ.keɪ.tɪd/ C1 jól képzett

We have some very well-educated employees in the department.

Most of our employees are pretty well educated.

well-equipped adjective /ˌwel.ɪˈkwɪpt/ C1 jól felszerelt

He has a very well-equipped kitchen.

well-informed adjective /ˌwel.ɪnˈfɔːmd/ C1 jól informált

Some visitors to our museum are very well-informed.

well-known adjective /ˌwelˈnəʊn/ A2 jól ismert (híres)

a well-known actor/artist/film star/singer

a well-known face/voice

well-organized adjective /ˌwelˈɔː.gəˌnɑɪzd/ B2 jól szervezett

She's always extremely well-organized at work.

well-paid adjective /ˌwelˈpeɪd/ B2 jól fizetett/fizető

a well-paid job

well-qualified adjective /ˌwelˈkwɒl.ɪ.faɪd/ C1 jól kvalifikált/képzett

He seems well-qualified for the job.

anyhow adverb /ˈeniː.haʊ/ 2 B2 na mindegy, na jól van (visszatérés egy korábbi témához)

Anyhow, as I said, I'll be away next week.

anyway adverb /ˈen.i.weɪ/ 2 A2 na mindegy, na jól van (visszatérés egy korábbi témára/témaváltás)

Anyway, I'll be away next week.

Anyway, in the end I didn't wear your jacket.

jól angolul – hasonló kifejezések:

(that's) fine A1 jól van! nagyszerű! remek! (egyetértés)

"Shall we meet at 8 o'clock?" "Yes, that's fine."

a working knowledge of sth B2 gyakorlatban jól használható tudás

She has a working knowledge of German and Russian.

ask yourself sth C2 jól gondold meg

You've got to ask yourself whether it's what you really want.

be still going strong C2 még mindig jól megy/jó erőben van

The club was set up in 1987, and it's still going strong.

He's 93 and still going strong!

be/feel under the weather C2 nincs túl jól (vki)

I'm feeling a bit under the weather this morning.

come in handy C2 jól jön (informal)

Don't throw those jars away - they might come in handy.

come in useful C2 jól jön (hasznára van)

You should keep that paint - it might come in useful.

do badly/well B1 rosszul/jól csinál vmit

Sam did very well in her exams.

do sb/sth justice; do justice to sb/sth C2 jól/reálisan mutat vmit; igazságosan ítél meg vmit/vkit; méltányosan bánik vkivel

This postcard doesn't do justice to the wonderful scenery.

enjoy yourself A2 jól érzi magát, jól szórakozik

I think the party went well - people seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Did you enjoy yourself at Lucy's last night?

go badly/well, etc. B1 rosszul/jól megy vmi (alakul vmi vhogy)

My exams went really well.

"How did your interview go?" - "Rather badly!"

Something's gone wrong with my computer.

know your stuff C2 jól érti a dolgát (informal)

She's an excellent teacher - she really knows her stuff.

make a bad/good, etc. job of sth C2 rosszul/jól/stb. elvégez vmit

Paul's made a good job of painting the hall.

reasonably good/successful/well, etc. B2 elfogadhatóan/aránylag jó/sikeres/jól/stb. (nem kiemelkedő)

I did reasonably well at school but not as well as my sister.

your (fair) share of sth C2 jól kijut neki vmiből

We've had our fair share of rain already this summer.

jól angolul – hasonló többszavas igék:

come in handy C2 jól jön (informal)

Don't throw those jars away - they might come in handy.

come in useful C2 jól jön

You should keep that paint - it might come in useful.

fit in with sth 2 C1 összhangban van, jól összeegyeztethető (a sikert szolgálja)

Changing location fits in with their plans to expand the business.

get on 1 B1 jól kijön vkivel

He doesn't get on with his daughter.

I get on well with most of her friends.

hit it off B2 jól kijön vkivel

Carla and Nina didn't really hit it off.

work out 2 B2 jól alakul (dolog, helyzet); beválik

We were worried that the event would be disorganized, but it all worked out in the end.

*Jól angol fordítása, jól angol alapszavak és példamondatok az angol tanulószótárban. A tanulószótárban a fordítás iránya automatikusan változik.

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