ad angolul

ad jelentése

Ad angolul. Ad angol fordítása. Ad angol jelentése, ad angol hangos példamondatok, ad angol szavak és kifejezések.

ad angolul – jelentések:

give verb /gɪv/ 1 A1 ad vmit vkinek [+ two objects]

Her parents gave her a car for her birthday.

Can you give me a date for another appointment?

Can you give this book to Andrea?

give verb /gɪv/ 3 A2 ad, közöl (véleményt, ítéletet, üzenetet, stb.)

Can you give Jo a message?

The woman refused to give her name.

She gave me some really useful advice.

give verb /gɪv/ 4 B1 ad (lehetőséget, jogot) [+ two objects]

We didn't really give him a chance to explain.

give verb /gɪv/ 6 B1 (időt) ad vkinek vmire, (időt) szán vmire [+ two objects]

I'm nearly ready - just give me a few minutes.

give verb /gɪv/ 7 B1 ad, fizet vkinek vmiért [+ two objects]

I gave him £20 for his old camera.

render verb /ˈren.dər/ 1 C1 ad, nyújt (szolgáltatást, véleményt, segítséget, stb.)

payment for services rendered

set verb /set/ 6 B2 (feladatot, célt) ad, kitűz, előír

Our teacher has set us a lot of homework.

He's set himself the goal/target of making his first million by the time he's 30.

transmit verb /trænzˈmɪt/ 1 C1 közvetít, ad (tévé, rádió) [I or T]

The programme was transmitted on Monday.

The information is transmitted electronically to the central computer.

yield verb /jiːld/ C2 hoz, ad (eredményt, hasznot, termést, stb.)

to yield a profit

The investigation yielded results.

*A szavakról további részletek az angol–magyar oldalon.

ad angolul – hasonló találatok:

advise verb /ədˈvaɪz/ B1 tanácsol, tanácsot ad [I or T]

I think I'd advise him to leave the company.

I'd strongly advise against making a sudden decision.

They're advising that children be kept out of the sun altogether.

I'd advise waiting until tomorrow.

She advised us when to come.

coach verb /kəʊtʃ/ B2 edz, treníroz vkit; magánórákat ad, korrepetál

She coaches students in French, usually for exams.

entitle verb /ɪnˈtaɪ.tl̩/ 2 C1 címet ad (könyvnek, fejezetnek, stb.)

a lecture entitled "Language, Learning and Literacy"

feature verb /ˈfiː.tʃər/ B2 kiemelkedő szerepet ad (vminek); főszerepben szerepeltet (pl. filmben)

The film featured Brando as the Godfather.

This week's broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence.

go verb /gəʊ/ 8 C2 vmilyen hangot ad, mozog vhogy (pl. állat) [I or T]

A cat goes 'Miaow'.

"Your dog's behaving oddly!" - "He goes like that when he wants some food."

guarantee verb /ˌgær.ənˈtiː/ B2 biztosít, garantál vmit; megígér vmit; garanciát ad/biztosít, szavatol

Every child is guaranteed a place at a local school.

They guarantee that it will arrive on time.

host verb /həʊst/ C1 otthont ad vminek (rendezvénynek)

The town hosts an annual jazz festival.

lend verb /lend/ 2 B2 kölcsönt ad (bank) [I or T]

The bank refuses to lend to students.

The bank agreed to lend him $5000.

pay verb /peɪ/ 2 B1 fizet, fizetést ad (munkáért) [I or T]

She gets paid twice a month.

Accountancy may be boring but at least it pays well.

Most of these women are very poorly paid and work in terrible conditions.

rent verb /rent/ 3 B1 bérbe ad (lakást/házat) [T] also: rent out

I rented out my house and went travelling for a year.

My Dad has a cottage which he rents (out) to tourists.

signal verb /ˈsɪg.nəl/ C2 jelez, jelt ad vmire; int, integet

He signalled left, and turned the lorry slowly.

He was signalling with a red flag.

She signalled for help.

She signalled to the cars behind that they were going the wrong way.

The children's mother signalled them to be quiet.

vaccinate verb /ˈvæk.sɪn.eɪt/ C2 beolt, védőoltást ad

I was vaccinated against tetanus.

voice verb /vɔɪs/ C2 hangot ad vminek, kifejezésre juttat vmit

He has voiced concern about the new proposals.

ad angolul – hasonló kifejezések:

give a party A2 partit ad

They're always giving parties.

give a performance/speech, etc. B2 előadást/beszédet/stb. tart/ad

Tony gave a great speech to open the conference.

give way C1 elsőbbséget ad (közlekedésben)

Give way to traffic already on the roundabout.

open to abuse/criticism, etc. C2 alkalmat ad a visszaélésekre/kritikára/stb.

The system is wide open to abuse.

ad angolul – hasonló többszavas igék:

give away ↔ sth 1 B1 elajándékoz, ajándékba ad

The shop is giving away a sample pack to every customer.

*Ad angol fordítása, ad angol alapszavak és példamondatok az angol tanulószótárban. A tanulószótárban a fordítás iránya automatikusan változik.

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