1. Érzések, érdeklődés, ijedség A1C2 (151) – altémák


1. Érzések, érzelmek (72) 2. Érdeklődés, kíváncsiság (26) 3. Riadalom, ijedség (53)

1. Érzések, érzelmek – A1–C2 (72) Szavak

affect verb /əˈfekt/ [T] 2 hatással van vkire (érzelmileg) [often passive]

I was deeply affected by the film.

grip verb /grɪp/ [T] (-pp-) 2 elfog, magával ragad (érzés)

He was gripped by fear.

inspire verb /ɪnˈspaɪər/ [T] 2 vmilyen érzést/gondolatot ébreszt vkiben

He inspires great loyalty in his staff.

move verb /muːv/ 4 meghat vkit [T often passive]

I was deeply moved by his speech.

Many people were moved to tears.

overwhelm verb /ˌəʊ.vəˈwelm/ [T] eláraszt, elönt (pl. érzelem); legyőz, fölébe kerekedik vkinek

She was overwhelmed by the excitement of it all.

touch verb /tʌtʃ/ 3 megérint, meghat, megindít (érzelmileg) [T often passive]

I was deeply touched by her letter.

understand verb /ˌʌn.dəˈstænd/ [I or T] *(understood, understood) 3 ért, megért vkit (vki érzéseit)

I don't understand James sometimes.

I understand why she's so angry.

atmosphere noun /ˈæt.mə.sfɪər/ 1 légkör, hangulat [no plural]

There's a very relaxed atmosphere in our office.

There has been an atmosphere of gloom in the factory since it was announced that it would be closing.

climate noun /ˈklaɪ.mɪt/ 2 légkör/hangulat, klíma [C]

the political/social climate

Terrorism creates a climate of fear.

emotion noun /ɪˈməʊ.ʃən/ [C or U] érzelem

Like a lot of men, he finds it hard to express/show his emotions.

My mother was overcome with emotion and burst into tears.

feeling noun /ˈfiː.lɪŋ/ 1 érzés, érzelem [C or U]

a feeling of joy/sadness

The feeling of loneliness was suddenly too much for him.

Her performance seemed to me completely lacking in feeling.

heart noun /hɑːt/ 2 szív (átv.) [C or U]

a broken heart

She has a big/good heart.

In his heart, he knew she was right.

humour noun /ˈhjuː.mər/ 2 hangulat, kedv (formal)

good humour

mood noun /muːd/ [C or U] hangulat, kedv

She's in a bad mood.

You're in a good mood today.

What sort of mood is Ted in today?

Her mood seemed to change during the course of the conversation.

The public mood changed dramatically after the bombing.

The mood of the crowd suddenly turned aggressive.

outlet noun /ˈaʊt.let/ [C] 2 levezetés (érzelemé, energiáé stb.)

She needs a job that will provide an outlet for her creative talent.

passion noun /ˈpæʃ.ən/ [C or U] szenvedély; indulat

She saw the passion in his eyes.

Football arouses a lot of passion in fans.

Politics and philosophy were his lifelong passions.

scar noun /skɑːr/ [C] 2 lelki sérülés; nyom (vmilyen megrázkódtatásé)

a psychological scar

sense noun /sents/ 1 érzés, érzet (lelki átélése/megértése vminek) [no plural]

Did you get any sense of what they might do?

Living out in the country gave us a great sense of freedom.

sensibility noun /ˌsen.sɪˈbɪl.ə.ti/ [C or U] (formal) érzékenység; fogékonyság

his artistic sensibility

The article offended her religious sensibilities.

sensitivity noun /ˌsent.sɪˈtɪv.ə.ti/ [C] 2 érzékenység, kényesség (vmire)

I should have warned you about her sensitivity to criticism.

spirit noun /ˈspɪr.ɪt/ 1 szellem, hangulat; kedv [no plural]

The players have a very strong team spirit.

As rock musicians in the 1960s, they were very much part of the spirit of the age/times.

We acted in a spirit of cooperation.

temper noun /ˈtem.pər/ kedv, hangulat; indulatos természet [C usually no plural]

She has a real temper.

He's got a really bad temper.

deep adjective /diːp/ 3 mély, mélységes (érzelem)

deep regret

Their son has been a deep disappointment to them.

emotional adjective /ɪˈməʊ.ʃən.əl/ 1 érzelmi, lelki

a child's emotional development

My doctor said the problem was more emotional than physical.

emotional adjective /ɪˈməʊ.ʃən.əl/ 2 heves érzelmeket kiváltó; érzelgős

an emotional speech

I felt quite emotional during the wedding ceremony.

infectious adjective /ɪnˈfek.ʃəs/ 2 ragályos (átv.) (másokra gyorsan átterjedő) (nevetés, lelkesedés, stb.)

infectious enthusiasm

inner adjective /ˈɪn.ər/ [always before noun] 2 belső, titkolt (érzés, érzelem, gondolat)

Sarah always seemed to have a deep sense of inner peace.

moving adjective /ˈmuː.vɪŋ/ megható (eset, beszéd, történet, stb.)

She read a moving speech at the funeral.

passionate adjective /ˈpæʃ.ən.ət/ szenvedélyes; heves

a passionate speech

a passionate kiss

The child's mother made a passionate appeal for help.

Joe is passionate about baseball.

profound adjective /prəˈfaʊnd/ 2 mély, mélységes (erős, intenzív) (érzés) (bűntudat, szomorúság, bánat, stb.)

a profound sense of sadness

psychological adjective /ˌsaɪ.kəlˈɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ pszichés; pszichológiai

psychological problems

He claims that the constant aircraft noise has a bad psychological effect on the residents.

We are concerned with the physical and psychological well-being of our employees.

sentimental adjective /ˌsen.tɪˈmen.təl/ 1 érzelgős, szentimentális

a sentimental song

The British are very sentimental about animals.

sentimental adjective /ˌsen.tɪˈmen.təl/ 2 érzelmi (érték, kötődés, stb.)

It wasn't an expensive ring but it had great sentimental value.

speechless adjective /ˈspiːtʃ.ləs/ elnémult (dühtől, meglepetéstől, csodálattól, stb.)

I couldn't believe what he was telling me - I was speechless.

spiritual adjective /ˈspɪr.ɪ.tju.əl/ lelki, szellemi; vallási

Traditional ways of life fulfilled both economic and spiritual needs.

emotionally adverb /ɪˈməʊ.ʃən.əl.i/ érzelmileg, lelkileg; elérzékenyülten

She spoke emotionally about her experiences as a war correspondent.

Many children have become emotionally disturbed as a result of the abuse they have suffered.

inside adverb /ɪnˈsaɪd/ 2 belül (a lelkében)

She couldn't cope with the grief she felt inside.

passionately adverb /ˈpæʃ.ən.ət.li/ szenvedélyesen

I walked into the room and found them arguing passionately.

Ann has always believed passionately in women's rights.

psychologically adverb /ˌsaɪ.kəlˈɒdʒ.ɪ.kli/ lélektanilag

psychologically disturbed

spiritually adverb /ˈspɪr.ɪ.tju.əl.i/ lelkileg, szellemileg

We returned from our holiday refreshed both physically and spiritually.

Phrasal verbs:

come over sb /kʌm/ elfog vmi vkit (érzés/érzelem)

I don't usually get so angry. I don't know what came over me.

can't/couldn't get over sth /get/ nem tudja túltenni magát vmin (informal)

I can't get over how different you look with short hair.

pour out ↔ sth /pɔːr/ kiönt (átv.) (bánatát, szívét, haragját, stb.)

She listened quietly while he poured out his troubles.

Phrases and idioms:

a bundle of energy/nerves tele energiával/idegességgel (csupa energia/tiszta ideg) (informal)

I was a bundle of nerves before the speech.

a display of affection/anger, etc. vonzalom/harag/stb. kimutatása

The politicians shook hands in a display of unity for the media.

a wave of hatred/enthusiasm/sadness, etc. (hirtelen) gyűlölet/lelkesedés/szomorúság/stb. hullám

She felt a sudden wave of sadness.

at heart szíve mélyén

I'm just a kid at heart.

be bursting with confidence/joy, etc. szétpukkad az önbizalomtól/örömtől/stb.

She was bursting with pride.

be consumed by/with sth elemészti vmi

a dancer consumed by ambition

He was consumed with jealousy.

be overcome by excitement/fear/sadness, etc. hatalmába keríti/elfogja az izgalom/félelem/szomorúság/stb.

She was overcome by emotion.

bored/scared/worried, etc. stiff halálosan/baromian unatkozik/megrémül/aggódik/stb.

The lecture was awful - I was bored stiff!

bubble (over) with confidence/enthusiasm, etc. boldogan sugárzik a reménytől/lelkesedéstől/stb.

The children were bubbling over with excitement.

deadly dull/serious, etc. halálosan unalmas/komoly/stb.

His speech was deadly dull.

deep down lelke mélyén

Deep down, I knew that I was right.

derive comfort/pleasure, etc. from sth vigaszt/örömet/stb. nyer vmiből

I derive great pleasure from gardening.

feel like/as if úgy érzi mintha ...

I feel as if I've known you for ages.

It feels like I've been here forever and yet it's only been three months.

feelings (az) érzések

You can't hide your feelings from me.

I didn't want to hurt his feelings, so I didn't tell him what she'd said about him.

fill sb with anger/joy/pride, etc. haraggal/örömmel/büszkeséggel/stb. tölt el vkit

The thought of losing him filled her with fear.

frame of mind lelkiállapot, hangulat

She was in a much more positive frame of mind today.

go/run deep mélyen bevésődött (pl. vmilyen érzés)

Hostility between the two nations runs deep.

in good/high/low, etc. spirits jókedvű, rosszkedvű, stb.

The whole class was in good spirits that day.

in your heart szíve legmélyén (igazán, valóban)

In his heart he felt they were wrong.

laugh/shout/scream, etc. your head off halálra neveti/kiabálja/sikítozza/stb. magát

When she saw the gun, she started screaming her head off.

lose interest/patience, etc. elveszti az érdeklődését/türelmét/stb.

I'm rapidly losing interest in the whole subject.

He kept on crying and I lost my patience.

make your blood boil felforr tőle a vére

The way they have treated those people makes my blood boil.

overflow with confidence/happiness/love, etc. csordultig van bizakodással/boldogsággal/szerelemmel/stb.

Her father was overflowing with pride as he watched her collect her award.

raise hopes/fears/doubts, etc. reményt/félelmet/kétséget/stb. vált ki

Her answers raised doubts in my mind.

sound angry/happy/rude, etc. dühösnek/boldognak/durvának/stb. hangzik/tűnik vki

He sounded very depressed when we spoke on the telephone yesterday.

At the press conference, he sounded at his most relaxed.

take pleasure/pride/an interest, etc. örömet talál vmiben/büszkévé teszi vmi/érdeklődést kelt benne vmi, stb.

He takes great pleasure in cooking.

I have always taken an interest in local history.

take sth to heart szívére/lelkére vesz vmit (felzaklatja vmi, komolyan vesz vmit)

Don't take it to heart - he was only joking about your hair.

to sb's disappointment/relief/surprise, etc. csalódására/megnyugvására/meglepetésére/stb. vkinek

To Pierre's disappointment, Monique wasn't at the party.

with all your heart (tiszta) szívből

I thank you with all my heart.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

34. Érzések, hangulat – kapcsolódó leckék:


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