2. Történés, állapot A1C2 (108) – altémák


1. Történés (29) 2. Esemény, alkalom (32) 3. Helyzet, állapot (47)

3. Helyzet, állapot – A1–C2 (47) Szavak

incur verb /ɪnˈkɜːr/ [T] (-rr-) kiteszi magát vminek (pl. veszteségnek)

The company incurred huge losses as a result of its investments.

involve verb /ɪnˈvɒlv/ [T] 2 belekever vmibe, részesévé tesz vminek; részese vminek

The second accident involved two cars and a lorry.

leave verb /liːv/ *(left, left) 8 hagy vhogy vmit/vkit (vmilyen helyzetet teremt); marad vmi/vki vhogy

Far from improving things, the new law has left many people worse off than before.

Storms have left areas of Britain without electricity.

The family were left homeless.

mix verb /mɪks/ 2 kever; keveredik (tulajdonságok/tevékenységek egy időben) [I or T]

a feeling of anger mixed with sadness

place verb /pleɪs/ [T] vmilyen helyzetbe hoz, kitesz vminek

One stupid action has placed us all at risk.

put verb /pʊt/ [T] *(putting, put, put) 3 vmilyen állapotba/helyzetbe hoz

What's put you in such a bad mood?

I'm not prepared to put my children at risk.

I'm looking forward to putting my ideas into practice.

He's putting me under pressure to change my mind.

The terrorists were put on trial six years after the bombing.

reign verb /reɪn/ [I] 2 uralkodik vmi (átv.) (a fő érzés/jellemző egy helyzetben) (formal)

Chaos reigned as angry protesters hammered on the doors.

set verb /set/ *(setting, set, set) 5 vmilyen helyzetet/állapotot okoz/előidéz [T]

It is believed that the building was set on fire deliberately.

She set fire to her neighbour's house.

After years in prison, the men who had wrongfully been found guilty of the bombing were finally set free.

stand verb /stænd/ *(stood, stood) 5 áll vhogy (vmilyen szinten, állapotban, helyzetben) [I]

The house stood empty for years.

The player is currently standing second in the world rankings.

surround verb /səˈraʊnd/ [T] 2 körülvesz (átv.) (eseményt, helyzetet)

Mystery still surrounds the exact circumstances of his death.

background noun /ˈbæk.graʊnd/ 4 háttér (helyzet, esemény háttere) [U or no plural]

These decisions have had to be taken against a background of high unemployment.

Can you give me some background on the situation?

circumstance noun /ˈsɜː.kəm.stɑːnts/ [C usually plural] körülmény

I think she coped very well under the circumstances.

She died in suspicious circumstances.

We oppose capital punishment in/under any circumstances.

Under no circumstances should you approach the man.

The meeting has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.

context noun /ˈkɒn.tekst/ [C or U] 1 körülmények, összefüggés

This small battle is very important in the context of Scottish history.

His decision can only be understood in context.

direction noun /daɪˈrek.ʃən/ 3 irány (pl. változásé, fejlődésé), cél [C]

Our careers have gone in very different directions.

domain noun /dəʊˈmeɪn/ [C] kör, terület (tevékenységi-, érdeklődési-, szak-, stb.)

The garden is his domain.

This information should be in the public domain.

legacy noun /ˈleg.ə.si/ [C] 2 hagyaték, örökség (átv.) (vmi/vki által hátrahagyott helyzet)

The war has left a legacy of hatred.

position noun /pəˈzɪʃ.ən/ 1 helyzet, helyzete vkinek (szituáció) [C usually no plural]

In your position, I would probably resign.

realm noun /relm/ [C] területe vminek (átv.) (érdeklődésé, tudásé, stb.) (formal)

successes in the realm of foreign policy

Unfortunately, this area is not within my realm of experience.

scope noun /skəʊp/ [U] 1 hatókör, kiterjedés (pl. problémáé)

Do we know the full scope of the problem yet?

side noun /saɪd/ 5 oldal (egy helyzet része, vetülete) [C usually no plural]

She looks after the financial side of things.

situation noun /ˌsɪt.juˈeɪ.ʃən/ [C] helyzet (körülmények, viszonyok)

the economic/political situation

Her news put me in a difficult situation.

"Would you get involved in a fight?" "It would depend on the situation."

I'll worry about it if/when/as the situation arises.

spectrum noun /ˈspek.trəm/ [C] plural: spectra or spectrums 1 széles skála, lehetséges változatok (egy adott területen/témában)

He has support from across the whole political spectrum.

sphere noun /sfɪər/ [C] kör, szféra (érdeklődési, tevékenységi, stb.)

the political sphere

world noun /wɜːld/ 2 világ, vminek a világa (divat, sport, politika, stb.) [C usually no plural]

the entertainment world

the world of politics

underlying adjective /ˌʌn.dəˈlaɪ.ɪŋ/ [always before noun] vminek az alapját képező, mögöttes (ok, probléma, feltételezés, stb.)

We need to look at the underlying reasons for ill health.

back adverb /bæk/ 4 vissza (egy előző állapotba)

It's not badly broken - I'm sure we can put it back together again.

Hopefully things will get back to normal soon.

I was woken by a thunderstorm, and I couldn't get back to sleep.

in preposition /ɪn/ 6 -ban, -ben (vmilyen állapotban/körülmények között)

She's in a bad/good mood this morning.

You're in great danger.

He's living in luxury in the south of France.

near preposition /nɪər/ 3 közel (egy állapothoz/helyzethez)

The runners looked near exhaustion.

I was near (to) tears at one point during the film.

This is the nearest I've ever got to winning anything.

He came near to punching him.

out of preposition /ˈaʊt.əv/ 5 kint van vmiből, túl van vmin (állapoton, helyzeten)

The patient is now out of danger.

under preposition /ˈʌn.dər/ 3 alatt (vmilyen hatás/érzés/folyamat alatt)

The President is under pressure to resign.

Under no circumstances should the festival become too specialized.

Phrasal verbs:

be/get caught up in sth /kætʃ/ belekeveredik vmibe (egy helyzetbe)

How did the paper get caught up in a legal dispute?

come in /kʌm/ 2 szóba jön, felmerül vki (vmivel kapcsolatban)

We need people to help clean up, and that's where you come in.

come to sth /kʌm/ 2 jut vmire/vmeddig (helyzetbe, állapotba)

I was sad when the evening came to an end.

I came to the conclusion that the relationship wasn't working.

That was when the Labour party came to power.

come under sth /kʌm/ 2 vmi alá kerül (átv.), vminek ki van téve

We came under a lot of pressure to leave the area.

They have come under criticism from local campaigners.

subject sb/sth to sth /səbˈdʒekt/ alávet vkinek/vminek, kitesz vminek (megpróbáltatásnak, bántalmazásnak, stb.)

Police subjected him to hours of questioning.

The defence lawyers claimed that the prisoners had been subjected to cruel treatment.

Phrases and idioms:

anywhere near sth közel (egy állapothoz/helyzethez) (kérdés/tagadás)

The house isn't anywhere near ready.

as it stands ahogy jelenleg áll, jelenlegi állapotában

The law as it stands is very unclear.

at this rate ha ez így megy tovább, ilyen módon/körülmények közt

At this rate we're not going to be there till midnight.

be at/on the point of doing sth éppen csinálni készül vmit; éppen azon a ponton van (, hogy)

I was at the point of walking out when he suddenly spoke to me.

be close to sth közel vmihez (átv.) (egy állapothoz)

She was close to tears.

be on the verge of sth/doing sth határán/szélén van vminek (átv.) (csőd, sírás, kihalás, stb.)

a company on the verge of financial disaster

I was on the verge of leaving my job.

be/come close to doing sth kis híján elér/megtesz vmit

We are close to reaching an agreement.

be/get caught elkapja vmi (kellemetlen dolog/helyzet) (pl. eső)

I got caught in the rain.

beyond my/our, etc. control rajtam/rajtunk/stb. kívül álló (ok, körülmény, stb.)

Tonight's performance has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.

conditions körülmények

The prisoners were kept in the most appalling conditions.

Severe weather conditions are making driving difficult.

What are their living/working conditions like?

Under what conditions do plants grow best?

find yourself somewhere/doing sth vhol találja magát; azon találja/kapja magát (, hogy ...)

I suddenly found myself making lunch.

under attack/control/investigation, etc. támadás/ellenőrzés/vizsgálat alatt

The town is once again under attack.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

A new 16-screen cinema is under construction.

Several different plans are under discussion.

We are working hard to get the situation under control.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

22. Létezés, változás – kapcsolódó leckék:


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