5. Írás, szövegek B1 (29) – altémák


Írás, szövegek* (29)

Írás, szövegek* – B1 (29) (Írás, olvasás; Szövegek, szövegrészek; Szövegek szerkesztése; Feliratok, jelölések) Szavak

circle verb /ˈsɜː.kl̩/ 1 bekarikáz (pl. helyes választ) [T]

Circle the answer you think is correct.

say verb /seɪ/ [T] *(said, said) 3 mutat, jelöl (írásos formában/jelzéssel)

My watch says 3 o'clock.

Can you read what that notice says?

It says in the paper (that) they've found the man who did it.

It says on the bottle to take three tablets a day.

take verb /teɪk/ [T] *(took, taken) 11 lejegyez, feljegyez

Did you take their number/details?

I took notes during the talk.

Alice isn't here at the moment. Can I take a message?

tick verb /tɪk/ 1 kipipál [T]

Tick the words you hear in the recording.

turn verb /tɜːn/ 4 fordít, lapoz (pl. könyvet) [I or T]

Now turn the page, please, and start Exercise 2.

He turned over two or three pages.

Now turn to page 23 and look at the first paragraph.

underline verb /ˌʌn.dəˈlaɪn/ [T] also: underscore 1 aláhúz (pl. szövegben szót)

All the technical words have been underlined in red.

card noun /kɑːd/ [C] 3 kártya (vmi információval, névjegy-, könyvtári-, stb.)

a library card

He gave me his business card.

chapter noun /ˈtʃæp.tər/ [C] fejezet (pl. könyvé)

Read Chapter 3 before class tomorrow.

contents noun /ˈkɒn.tents/ [plural] 2 tartalom (egy könyvben/dokumentumban/stb. levő információk)

the contents of his will

correction noun /kəˈrek.ʃən/ [C or U] javítás, helyesbítés (írásé, dolgozaté, stb.)

I made some corrections before handing in my essay.

She was disappointed to see her essay returned with a mass of corrections in red ink.

cover noun /ˈkʌv.ər/ 1 borítólap, címlap (könyvé, újságé, stb.) [C]

Her picture is on the cover of several magazines.

diagram noun /ˈdaɪ.ə.græm/ [C] (sematikus) ábra; grafikon, diagram

The teacher drew a diagram showing how the blood flows through the heart.

entry noun /ˈen.tri/ 1 bejegyzés (szótárban, naplóban, nyilvántartásban, stb.) [C]

They've updated a lot of the entries on the website.

As his illness progressed, he made fewer entries in his diary.

handwriting noun /ˈhændˌraɪ.tɪŋ/ [U] kézírás

We need to ensure that handwriting is properly taught in our primary schools.

His handwriting is impossible to read.

label noun /ˈleɪ.bəl/ [C] 1 címke (felirat; cédula; árujegy

Remember to put some address labels on the suitcases.

Washing instructions should be on the label.

line noun /laɪn/ [C] 2 sor (szövegsor)

The same line is repeated throughout the poem.

Can you read the next line, please, Sonia?

noticeboard noun /ˈnəʊ.tɪs.bɔːd/ [C] hirdetőtábla

I saw the ad on the noticeboard.

paragraph noun /ˈpær.ə.grɑːf/ [C] bekezdés, paragrafus (szövegben)

Organise your essay in clear paragraphs.

reader noun /ˈriː.dər/ [C] 1 olvasó (ember)

He's a great reader.

Many readers of our magazine have contacted us about the last issue on climate change.

He's a very slow/fast reader.

table noun /ˈteɪ.bl̩/ [C] 2 táblázat

The table below shows the results of the experiment.

text noun /tekst/ 2 (írott) szöveg (könyvben, újságban, stb.) [U]

a page of text

text noun /tekst/ 3 szöveg (egy rövid írás, néhány mondat) [C]

Could you all read the text, please?

tick noun /tɪk/ [C] pipa (jelölés); ketyegés

Put a tick by/against the names of the people who have accepted the invitation.

writing noun /ˈraɪ.tɪŋ/ [U] 3 írás (kézírás)

Do you recognise the writing on the envelope?

above adjective, adverb /əˈbʌv/ (a) fenti (egy oldalon fentebb levő) (ábra, kép, stb.)

the above diagram

Match these words with the pictures above.

Please send the articles to the address given/shown above.

blank adjective /blæŋk/ 1 üres (tiszta, kitöltetlen, nincs rajt semmi jel/információ)

a blank sheet of paper

a blank page

a blank tape/computer screen

Sign your name in the blank space at the bottom of the form.

written adjective /ˈrɪt.ən/ írásbeli; írott, írásba foglalt

written instructions

a written exam

down adverb /daʊn/ 3 le- (ír)

Do you have it down in writing/on paper, or was it just a verbal agreement?

I've put you down for three tickets each.

Phrasal verbs:

write down ↔ sth /raɪt/ leír vmit (feljegyez)

Did you write Jo's phone number down?

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

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