6. Bizonyosság, kétség A1C2 (102) – altémák


1. Bizonyosság (53) 2. Kétség, zavar, bizonytalanság (49)

2. Kétség, zavar, bizonytalanság – A1–C2 (49) Szavak

cloud verb /klaʊd/ elhomályosul; elhomályosít (megzavar/összezavar vmit/vkit) [T]

to cloud someone's judgment/vision

confuse verb /kənˈfjuːz/ [T] 1 összezavar vkit/vmit

You're confusing him! Tell him slowly and one thing at a time.

Stop confusing the issue!

doubt verb /daʊt/ [T] 1 kételkedik vmiben (bizonytalankodik)

I doubt whether/if I can finish the work on time.

I doubt (that) I'll get the job.

He may come back tomorrow with the money, but I very much doubt it.

hesitate verb /ˈhez.ɪ.teɪt/ [I] tétovázik, habozik

Richard hesitated before answering.

"Do you love me?" she asked. He hesitated and then said, "I'm not sure."

plant verb /plɑːnt/ [T] 2 beültet (átv.) (kétséget, gondolatot, stb.)

I was confident till you planted doubts in my mind.

puzzle verb /ˈpʌz.l̩/ zavarba ejt, fejtörést okoz

I was puzzled by what he said.

question verb /ˈkwes.tʃən/ [T often passive] 2 megkérdőjelez vmit, kételkedik vmiben

I'm not for a moment questioning your decision.

I'm just questioning whether we need the extra staff.

weaken verb /ˈwiː.kən/ [I or T] 2 elgyengül (elbizonytalanodik); elgyengít (elbizonytalanít)

I told him he wasn't having any more money but then I weakened.

ambiguity noun /ˌæm.bɪˈgjuː.ə.ti/ [C or U] kétértelműség, félreérthetőség

Legal documents must be free of ambiguity.

challenge noun /ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/ 2 megkérdőjelezés [C]

a challenge to the authority of the President

confusion noun /kənˈfjuː.ʒən/ 1 zavar (nem ért vmit); összecserélés [C or U]

There seems to be some confusion about/over who is actually giving the talk.

confusion noun /kənˈfjuː.ʒən/ 3 zavarodottság (nem tud világosan gondolkodni) [U]

He could see the confusion on Marion's face.

doubt noun /daʊt/ [C or U] kétség, kétely

I'm having doubts about his ability to do the job.

If there's any doubt about the rocket's engines, we ought to cancel the launch.

hesitation noun /ˌhez.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ tétovázás, habozás [C or U]

After a moment's hesitation, he unlocked the door.

muddle noun /ˈmʌd.l̩/ [C or U] zűrzavar

There was a big muddle over who was buying the tickets.

I'm in such a muddle with these bills.

Dad got into a muddle over the plans for Christmas.

question noun /ˈkwes.tʃən/ 4 kérdés, kétely [U]

There's no question that this was an accidental fire.

There's no question about whose fault it is.

Whether children are reading fewer books is open to question.

This latest report calls into question the safety of the drug.

His ability has never been in question.

reservation noun /ˌrez.əˈveɪ.ʃən/ 2 fenntartás, kétség [C or U]

I still have reservations about her ability to do the job.

uncertainty noun /ʌnˈsɜː.tən.ti/ [U] bizonytalanság

There was a lot of uncertainty about whether or not he would attend the event.

ambiguous adjective /æmˈbɪg.ju.əs/ kétértelmű, félreérthető

an ambiguous statement

confused adjective /kənˈfjuːzd/ 1 zavarodott (ember)

People keep telling me different things and I'm getting very confused.

Sorry, I'm a bit confused - are we meeting here or in town?

She seemed a bit confused about the arrangements.

confused adjective /kənˈfjuːzd/ 2 zavaros (nehezen érthető)

The witnesses gave confused accounts of what happened.

confusing adjective /kənˈfjuː.zɪŋ/ zavaros (nehezen érthető), zavarba ejtő

I found the instructions very confusing.

doubtful adjective /ˈdaʊt.fəl/ 2 bizonytalan, határozatlan vmiben; kételkedő

The teacher is doubtful about having parents working as classroom assistants.

dubious adjective /ˈdjuː.bi.əs/ 1 kétes, gyanús, félreérthető (bizonyíték, előélet, érvelés, stb.)

dubious evidence

a man with a dubious reputation

dubious adjective /ˈdjuː.bi.əs/ 2 bizonytalan (vmivel kapcsolatban), kétkedő

I was rather dubious about the whole idea.

lost adjective /lɒst/ 3 elveszett (tanácstalan, összezavarodott)

It was his first day in the office and he seemed a bit lost.

misleading adjective /mɪsˈliːd.ɪŋ/ félrevezető, megtévesztő

misleading information/statements

muddled adjective /ˈmʌd.əld/ összezavarodott, zavaros (gondolkodás, értelem, stb.)

muddled thinking

The book's message is hopelessly muddled.

puzzled adjective /ˈpʌz.l̩d/ értetlen, zavart

He had a puzzled look on his face.

I'm a bit puzzled that I haven't heard from Liz for so long.

questionable adjective /ˈkwes.tʃən.ə.bl̩/ 1 kérdéses, bizonytalan

It is highly questionable whether this drug has any benefits at all.

sceptical adjective /ˈskep.tɪk.əl/ szkeptikus, kételkedő

I'm extremely sceptical about what I read in the press.

She was sceptical of the new arrangement.

uncertain adjective /ʌnˈsɜː.tən/ 1 bizonytalan vki (nem tud dönteni), nem biztos vmiben

She's uncertain whether to go to New Zealand or not.

Maggie was uncertain about meeting him.

uncertain adjective /ʌnˈsɜː.tən/ 2 bizonytalan vmi (nem ismert/nem teljesen biztos)

New arrivals face an uncertain future.

The political outlook is still uncertain.

unclear adjective /ʌnˈklɪər/ nem világos (nem egyértelmű, zavaros)

The situation at the moment is unclear.

It's unclear what actually happened that night.

It's unclear whether he arrived before or after the shot was fired.

unsure adjective /ʌnˈʃɔːr/ bizonytalan (vki vmiben)

I'm a bit unsure about what to do.

I was unsure of the directions.

I was unsure what/how to tell them.

vague adjective /veɪg/ 1 bizonytalan, pontatlan (elképzelés, leírás, stb.)

I have a vague idea of where the hotel is.

He was a bit vague about directions.

vague adjective /veɪg/ 2 bizonytalan, értetlen (vki)

a vague expression

weak adjective /wiːk/ 6 gyenge (nem meggyőző) (indok, érv, kifogás)

He gave the weakest of excuses when asked why he was late.

vaguely adverb /ˈveɪɡ.li/ bizonytalanul

I vaguely remember meeting him at Lionel's house.

Phrases and idioms:

at a loss tanácstalan

I'm at a loss to explain his disappearance.

be in doubt kétséges, bizonytalan vmi; bizonytalankodó (vki)

The future of the project is in doubt.

be in two minds nem tud dönteni (vmiről), habozik

I'm in two minds about accepting his offer.

be unclear about sth nem világos számára vmi

I'm unclear about a couple of points in your proposal - could you go over them again?

be/hang in the balance bizonytalan

After a bad year, Judd's career hung in the balance.

cast doubt on sb/sth kétségbe von vmit, megkérdőjelez vmit

Witnesses have cast doubt on the suspect's innocence.

A leading scientist has cast doubts on government claims that the drug is safe.

I suppose azt hiszem (bizonytalanság kifejezése)

It was quite interesting, I suppose.

I couldn't get any reply when I called Dan, so I suppose (that) he's gone out.

in the dark bizonytalanságban (tart vkit)

They kept us in the dark about their plans.

not think straight nem gondolkodik világosan

I was so tired, I couldn't think straight.

touch and go bizonytalan/kiszámíthatatlan (helyzet/ügy)

The doctor says it is touch and go whether Mary will recover.

Kommunikációs szándékok: A bizonyosság fokainak kifejezése

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33. Gondolkozás, megértés – kapcsolódó leckék:


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