3. Megoldás, magyarázat A1C2 (66) – altémák


1. Ötlet, megoldás (27) 2. Magyarázat, példa (39)

1. Ötlet, megoldás – A1–C2 (27) Szavak

answer verb /ˈɑːnt.sər/ 3 megold, megválaszol (tesztet, feladványt, stb.) [T]

I couldn't answer the last three questions.

approach verb /əˈprəʊtʃ/ 2 megközelít vmit (átv.) (ügyet, helyzetet, problémát, stb.) [T]

I'm not sure how to approach the problem.

conceive verb /kənˈsiːv/ 1 kigondol, megfogalmaz vmit [T]

The original idea for the novel was conceived in Rome.

devise verb /dɪˈvaɪz/ [T] kigondol vmit

She devised a plan to make money.

guess verb /ges/ [I or T] kitalál, eltalál (egy választ vmire)

Guess how old he is.

You'll never guess who I saw in town.

"You've got a promotion!" "How did you guess?"

solve verb /sɒlv/ [T] megold (problémát, rejtvényt, stb.)

to solve a problem

to solve a mystery/puzzle

Just calm down - shouting won't solve anything!

This strategy could cause more problems than it solves.

Police are still no nearer to solving the crime.

trace verb /treɪs/ [T] 2 visszavezet vmire (megtalálja az okát/eredetét vminek)

The leak was eventually traced to a broken seal.

The practice of giving eggs at Easter can be traced back to festivals in ancient China.

No one has yet been able to trace the source of the rumour.

answer noun /ˈɑːnt.sər/ 4 megoldás (problémáé, helyzeté, stb.) [C]

It's a difficult situation and I don't know what the answer is.

So what's the answer to the problem?

There's no easy answer to the problem.

approach noun /əˈprəʊtʃ/ 1 hozzáállás, viszonyulás, megközelítés [C]

In Sweden they have a different approach to the problem.

I thought we'd adopt/take a new approach.

basis noun /ˈbeɪ.sɪs/ [C] plural: bases 3 alap, kiindulópont vmihez

Dani's essay can serve as a basis for our discussion.

dilemma noun /daɪˈlem.ə/ [C] nehéz helyzet/választás, dilemma

a moral/ethical dilemma

The President is clearly in a dilemma about/over how to tackle the crisis.

Many women are faced with the dilemma of choosing between work and family commitments.

flash noun /flæʃ/ 3 hirtelen ötlet/érzelem [C]

a flash of anger

I had a flash of inspiration.

foundation noun /faʊnˈdeɪ.ʃən/ 3 alap, megalapozás (ötleté, elméleté, stb.) [C]

Jefferson's document formed the foundation of a new nation.

idea noun /aɪˈdɪə/ 1 ötlet, javaslat [C]

a bad/brilliant/great/stupid idea

"Let's go swimming." "That's a good idea!"

If you have any ideas for what I could buy Jack, let me know.

It was Kate's idea to hire a car.

I've had an idea - why don't we go to the coast?

imagination noun /ɪˌmædʒ.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ 2 képzelőerő, képzelőtehetség [U]

The job needs someone with creativity and imagination.

inspiration noun /ˌɪn.spɪˈreɪ.ʃən/ 2 hirtelen/ihletett ötlet [C]

I've had an inspiration about Andy's birthday present.

point noun /pɔɪnt/ 4 (érdekes/fontos/komoly) szempont/kérdés [no plural]

"She's always complaining that the office is cold." - "Well, she's got a point."

"How are we going to get there if there are no trains?" - "Good point."

question noun /ˈkwes.tʃən/ 3 kérdés, probléma [C]

This raises the question of teacher pay.

Two important questions arise from this debate.

search noun /sɜːtʃ/ 3 keresés, kutatás (válasz/megoldás után) [C usually no plural]

the search for happiness

solution noun /səˈluː.ʃən/ [C] megoldás (pl. problémáé, rejtvényé stb.)

There's no easy solution to this problem.

She just seems so unhappy and I don't know what the solution is.

They help you talk through your problems but they don't give you any solutions.

thought noun /θɔːt/ 1 gondolat, ötlet [C]

Do you have any thoughts about/on where you want to spend Christmas?

The thought of seeing her again filled him with happiness.

If you could let me have your thoughts on that report by Friday, I'd be grateful.

imaginative adjective /ɪˈmædʒ.ɪn.ə.tɪv/ 2 nagy képzelőtehetségű (vki)

a highly imaginative poet

original adjective /əˈrɪdʒ.ə.nəl/ 2 eredeti, új (ötlet, elgondolás, stb.)

Her essay was full of original ideas.

He's a highly original thinker.

unsolved adjective /ʌnˈsɒlvd/ megoldatlan (probléma, rejtély, bűntény, stb.)

an unsolved mystery/murder/crime

Phrasal verbs:

work out ↔ sth /wɜːk/ 2 megfejt vmit, rájön vmire

There will be a full investigation to work out what caused the accident.

Investigators needed several months to work out that a fraud had been committed.

Phrases and idioms:

get the feeling/idea/impression, etc. az az érzésem/ötletem/benyomáson/stb. támadt

I got the feeling that she was quite angry about the situation.

think of sth kigondol vmit

When did you first think of the idea?

I need to think of a suitable way to fix the door.

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33. Gondolkozás, megértés – kapcsolódó leckék:


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