1. Kultúra, művészet A1C1 (102) – altémák


1. Kultúra, történelem (45) 2. Művészek, művészet (19) 3. Közönség, siker (38)

1. Kultúra, történelem – A1–C1 (45) Szavak

display verb /dɪˈspleɪ/ 1 kiállít vmit [T]

Family photographs were displayed on the wall.

exhibit verb /ɪgˈzɪb.ɪt/ 1 kiállít vmit vhol (pl. kiállításon)

She's exhibiting her roses at the local flower show.

see verb /siː/ *(seeing, saw, seen) 7 tanúja vminek (átv.) (történik vmi az adott helyen/időben) [T]

This decade has seen huge technological advances.

admission noun /ədˈmɪʃ.ən/ 1 belépődíj [U]

Art exhibition - free admission.

They are charging more for admission to the festival this year.

antique noun /ænˈtiːk/ [C] régiség

an antique shop

My mother collects antiques.

archaeologist noun /ˌɑː.kiˈɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ [C] régész, archeológus

Archaeologists believe the remains date back to the 5th century.

archaeology noun /ˌɑː.kiˈɒl.ə.dʒi/ [U] régészet, archeológia

He did archaeology at university.

architecture noun /ˈɑː.kɪ.tek.tʃər/ [U] 1 építészet, építészeti stílus

Roman architecture

modern architecture

civilization noun /ˌsɪv.əl.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ also: civilisation 1 az emberi civilizáció [C or U]

Some people think that nuclear war would mean the end of civilization.

ancient civilizations

civilization noun /ˌsɪv.əl.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ also: civilisation 2 civilizáció (kulturált életmód) [U]

modern civilization

collection noun /kəˈlek.ʃən/ 1 gyűjtemény [C]

a private art collection

a valuable stamp collection

convention noun /kənˈvent.ʃən/ 2 szokás [C or U]

In many countries it is the convention to wear black at funerals.

costume noun /ˈkɒs.tjuːm/ [C or U] 2 viselet (nemzeti, nép-, stb.)

Japanese national costume

culture noun /ˈkʌl.tʃər/ 1 kultúra (szokások, tradíciók) [C or U]

youth culture

She's studying modern Japanese language and culture.

culture noun /ˈkʌl.tʃər/ 2 kultúra, művészetek (zene, irodalom, stb.) [U]

popular culture

If you're looking for culture, this may not be the place for you.

custom noun /ˈkʌs.təm/ [C or U] szokás (pl. kulturális, társadalmi)

local/ancient customs

In my country, it's the custom to get married in white.

display noun /dɪˈspleɪ/ 1 kiállítás [C]

a display of children's paintings

exhibit noun /ɪgˈzɪb.ɪt/ [C] kiállítási tárgy

a museum exhibit

exhibition noun /ˌek.sɪˈbɪʃ.ən/ [C or U] kiállítás, tárlat; bemutató

to see/visit an exhibition

an exhibition centre

There's a new exhibition of sculpture on at the city gallery.

gallery noun /ˈgæl.ər.i/ [C] galéria, kiállítóterem

the National Portrait Gallery

historian noun /hɪˈstɔː.ri.ən/ [C] történész

His father was a famous historian.

history noun /ˈhɪs.tər.i/ 1 történelem (pl. országé) [C or U]

The Civil War was a terrible time in American history.

What do you know about the history of jazz?

library noun /ˈlaɪ.brər.i/ [C] könyvtár

a public/university library

a library book

museum noun /mjuːˈziː.əm/ [C] múzeum

a museum of modern art

the Natural History Museum

show noun /ʃəʊ/ [C] 2 bemutató, kiállítás

a fashion/flower show

There were some amazing new cars at the motor show.

They put on a show of his work at the National Museum of American Art.

style noun /staɪl/ 1 stílus (építészeti, oktatási, vezetési, stb.) [C or U]

a style of painting/writing

Jon has an interesting hands-on style of management.

tradition noun /trəˈdɪʃ.ən/ [C or U] hagyomány, tradíció

Fireworks have long been an American tradition on the Fourth of July.

There's a long/strong tradition of dance in St Petersburg.

We decided to break with tradition this year and go away for Christmas.

ancient adjective /ˈeɪn.tʃənt/ ősi; ókori; ódon, régi

ancient Greece/Rome/Egypt

ancient monuments/ruins

People have lived in this valley since ancient times.

antique adjective /ænˈtiːk/ antik

antique furniture

antique silver/jewellery

contemporary adjective /kənˈtem.pər.ər.i/ kortárs (jelenkori); korabeli

contemporary music/literature/art/fashion

Although it was written hundreds of years ago, it still has a contemporary feel to it.

cultural adjective /ˈkʌl.tʃər.əl/ 1 kulturális (szokások, tradíciók)

cultural diversity/differences/identity

cultural heritage

cultural adjective /ˈkʌl.tʃər.əl/ 2 kulturális (művészeti, művelődési)

cultural activities/events

a cultural centre

historic adjective /hɪˈstɒr.ɪk/ történelmi jelentőségű

historic buildings

a historic day/moment

historical adjective /hɪˈstɒr.ɪ.kəl/ történelmi; történeti (történelemmel kapcsolatos)

Many important historical documents were destroyed when the library was bombed.

She specializes in historical novels set in eighteenth-century England.

medieval adjective /ˌmedˈiː.vəl/ also: mediaeval középkori

a medieval building/painting/town

a medieval castle

modern adjective /ˈmɒd.ən/ 2 modern (mai, újabb kori)

modern society

the stresses of modern life

primitive adjective /ˈprɪm.ɪ.tɪv/ 1 primitív (ősi) (pl. társadalom); ős- (pl. -ember)

primitive man

primitive societies

traditional adjective /trəˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/ hagyományos, tradicionális

traditional farming methods

The dancers were wearing traditional Hungarian dress/costume.

She's very traditional in her ideas.

culturally adverb /ˈkʌl.tʃər.əl.i/ kulturálisan

It's a culturally diverse society.

historically adverb /hɪˈstɒr.ɪ.kli/ történelmi szempontból

The film makes no attempt to be historically accurate.

Historically, there have always been close links between France and Scotland.

traditionally adverb /trəˈdɪʃ.ən.əl.i/ hagyományosan, tradicionálisan

Traditionally, the company's main markets have been Britain and the US.

Phrases and idioms:

folk art/dancing, etc. népművészet/néptánc/stb.

She's studied the folk art of the region.

on display ki van állítva

Many old aircraft are on display at the museum at the moment.

on show megtekinthető

Her designs are currently on show at the Museum of Modern Art.

the home of sth/sb hazája/otthona vminek/vkinek (átv.)

France, the home of good food

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

14. Kultúra, művészet – kapcsolódó leckék:


Magyar nyelvtan

Nyelvóra oldalak

*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.

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