4. Méret, súly, telítettség – Top 3000 (41) – altémák


1. Méret, súly (34) 2. Töltöttség, telítettség (7)

1. Méret, súly – Top 3000 (34) Szavak

expand verb /ɪkˈspænd/ [I or T] kiterjed; kiterjeszt

The air in the balloon expands when heated.

They expanded their retail operations during the 1990s.

extend verb /ɪkˈstend/ 1 meghosszabbít, kiterjeszt (megnagyobbít) [T]

We have plans to extend our house.

They've extended their range of products.

measure verb /ˈmeʒ.ər/ 1 mér, megmér, lemér (nagyságot, méretet); vmilyen nagyságú [T]

"Will the table fit in here?" "I don't know - let's measure it."

This machine measures your heart rate.

The area, measuring 5 miles by 3 miles, has been purchased by the army.

weigh verb /weɪ/ [T] 1 mér, lemér, megmér (súlyt); nyom vmennyit(vmennyi súlya van)

How much do you weigh?

She weighs herself every week on the scales in the bathroom.

Your luggage must be weighed before it is put on the aircraft.

depth noun /depθ/ 1 mélység (távolság a tetejétől/az aljáig) [C or U]

the depth of a lake/pond

There are very few fish at depths below 3000 metres.

The river froze to a depth of over a metre.

extent noun /ɪkˈstent/ [no plural] terjedelem; mérték, fok

They are just beginning to realize the full extent of the damage.

Her face was injured to such an extent that we didn't recognize her.

Rosie's teacher was impressed by the extent of her knowledge.

The River Nile is over 6500 kilometres in extent.

height noun /haɪt/ [C or U] 1 magasság (aljától a tetejéig)

She's about my height.

The tower measures 30 metres in height.

You can adjust the height of the chair.

height noun /haɪt/ [C or U] 2 magasság (a talajszinttől)

The aircraft was flying at a height of about 6000 metres.

length noun /leŋkθ/ [C or U] 1 hossz, hosszúság (térben)

The boat is ten metres in length.

The length of the bay is approximately 200 miles.

scale noun /skeɪl/ 2 skála, mérőskála [C]

the Centigrade/Fahrenheit scale

How would you rate his work on a scale of 1 to 5?

scale noun /skeɪl/ 3 méretarány, lépték [C or U]

a scale of 1:50 000

This map is large scale.

Is the bridge drawn to scale?

size noun /saɪz/ 1 méret, nagyság [C or U]

The size of those trees is amazing.

What is the size of that window?

He had a lump on his head the size of an egg.

weight noun /weɪt/ 1 súly [U]

He's about average height and weight.

I need to lose a bit of weight.

Graham's put on a lot of weight recently.

These drugs can cause patients to gain weight.

big adjective /bɪg/ (bigger, biggest) 1 nagy (méret)

He's a big man.

Could I try these shoes in a bigger size?

I had a great big slice of chocolate cake.

A thousand people took part in the region's biggest-ever cycle race.

broad adjective /brɔːd/ széles

We walked down a broad avenue lined with trees.

He has very broad shoulders.

a broad smile

enormous adjective /ɪˈnɔː.məs/ óriási, hatalmas

an enormous car/house

He earns an enormous salary.

You've been an enormous help.

flat adjective /flæt/ (flatter, flattest) 2 lapos (alacsony) (pl. cipősarok)

Wear flat shoes - you'll be on your feet all day.

great adjective /greɪt/ 2 nagy (mennyiség, méret, fok)

A great crowd had gathered outside the President's palace.

A great noise came from outside the building.

heavy adjective /ˈhev.i/ 1 nehéz, súlyos (nagy súlya van)

heavy equipment

heavy bags/suitcases

heavy adjective /ˈhev.i/ 2 nehéz (rákérdezés a súlyra)

How heavy is your backpack?

high adjective /haɪ/ 1 magas

a high building/mountain

huge adjective /hjuːdʒ/ hatalmas, óriási

huge sums of money

They live in a huge house.

A huge number of people attended.

large adjective /lɑːdʒ/ nagy, nagyméretű, tágas, bőséges

a large house

the world's largest computer manufacturer

We need a larger car.

We didn't expect such a large number of people to attend the concert.

We've made good progress, but there's still a large amount of work to be done.

Researchers have just completed the largest-ever survey of criminal behaviour in the UK.

light adjective /laɪt/ 2 könnyű (nem nehéz)

a light summer dress

Here, take this bag - it's quite light.

He's a few pounds lighter than he used to be.

long adjective /lɒŋ/ 2 hosszú (térben)

long hair

long legs

a long dress

There was a long queue at the post office.

We're still a long way from the station.

massive adjective /ˈmæs.ɪv/ óriási, hatalmas

They've got a massive house.

a massive increase in spending

He suffered a massive heart attack.

If the drought continues, deaths will occur on a massive scale.

narrow adjective /ˈnær.əʊ/ 1 keskeny

narrow streets

a narrow bridge/passage/gap

a narrow face

narrow feet

short adjective /ʃɔːt/ 1 rövid (hosszúság/távolság); alacsony (vki)

a short skirt

Her hair is much shorter than it used to be.

It's only a short walk to the station.

I'm quite short but my brother's very tall.

small adjective /smɔːl/ 1 kis, kicsi (méret, mennyiség)

They live in a small apartment near Times Square.

We teach the children in small groups.

a small dog/house/car

I'd rather live in a small town than a big city.

Would you like a large or small cola with your burger?

That jacket's too small for you.

Only a small number of applicants are successful.

tall adjective /tɔːl/ 2 vmilyen magas (vki/vmi)

He's six feet tall.

How tall are you?

She's much taller than me.

thick adjective /θɪk/ 1 vastag

a thick rope

a thick layer of dust

She picked up a thick volume and began to read out loud.

a thick sweater/coat

The walls are two metres thick.

thin adjective /θɪn/ (thinner, thinnest) 1 vékony (nem vastag)

a thin slice of meat

The walls are very thin.

a thin jacket

tiny adjective /ˈtaɪ.ni/ apró, pici

the baby's tiny hands

a tiny little cottage

I was a tiny bit late.

wide adjective /waɪd/ széles

a wide river/road

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