3. Kezd, befejez – Top 3000 (17) – altémák


Kezd, befejez* (17)

Kezd, befejez* – Top 3000 (17) (Kezd, kezdődik; Folytat, folytatódik; Befejez, befejeződik) Szavak

begin verb /bɪˈgɪn/ *(beginning, began, begun) 1 kezdődik, elkezdődik [I]

What time does the concert begin?

The film they want to watch begins at seven.

begin verb /bɪˈgɪn/ *(beginning, began, begun) 2 kezd, elkezd [I or T]

The children began to cry.

Have they begun building the new bridge yet?

complete verb /kəmˈpliːt/ [T] 3 befejez; elvégez

The palace took over twenty years to complete.

She will complete her studies in France.

conclude verb /kənˈkluːd/ 2 befejez vmivel (vmit); befejeződik vmivel (beszéd, rendezvény, stb.) [I or T] (formal)

The concert concluded with a firework display.

I would like to conclude by thanking you all for attending.

continue verb /kənˈtɪn.juː/ [I or T] 1 folytat; folytatódik (megállás nélkül)

It continued to snow heavily for two days.

If the rain continues, we'll have to cancel tonight's plans.

The article continues on page ten.

I'll continue working until the end of June.

Shall I continue with this task?

continue verb /kənˈtɪn.juː/ [I or T] 2 folytat; folytatódik (vmennyi szünet után)

We'll have to continue this discussion tomorrow.

It's getting late - why don't we continue tomorrow?

After stopping for a quick snack, they continued on their way.

He paused for a moment to listen and then continued eating.

end verb /end/ [I or T] befejez; befejeződik, véget ér

When is your meeting due to end?

Their marriage ended in 2011.

The match ended in a draw.

I'd like to end with a song from my first album.

The talks were aimed at ending the war between the two countries.

finish verb /ˈfɪn.ɪʃ/ 1 befejez [I or T]

I'll call you when I've finished my homework.

Please place your questionnaire in the box when you've finished.

She finished the concert with a song from her first album.

Have you finished reading that magazine?

finish verb /ˈfɪn.ɪʃ/ 2 befejeződik [I]

The meeting should finish around four o'clock.

The play finishes with a song.

proceed verb /prəʊˈsiːd/ [I] (formal) folytat; folytatódik, halad

His lawyers have decided not to proceed with the case.

quit verb /kwɪt/ *(quitting, quit, quit) 2 abbahagy vmit; kilép (számítógépes programból) [T]

I'm going to quit smoking.

Quit wasting my time!

Press Q to quit the program.

start verb /stɑːt/ [I or T] 1 elkezd vmit

When do you start your course/your new job?

We'll be starting (the class) at six o'clock.

Can you start on Monday?

They started building the house in January.

I'd just started to write a letter when the phone rang.

The speaker started with a description of her journey to China.

You could start by cleaning the kitchen.

He started his working life as an engineer but later became a teacher.

stop verb /stɒp/ (-pp-) 1 abbahagy; megszüntet; megszűnik [I or T]

Once I start eating chocolate, I can't stop.

Stop shouting - you're giving me a headache!

I couldn't stop laughing.

Stop it!/Stop that!

I'm trying to stop smoking.

I stopped seeing him last year.

initiative noun /ɪˈnɪʃ.ə.tɪv/ 1 kezdeményezés [C]

a new government initiative to reduce crime

The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.

initiative noun /ɪˈnɪʃ.ə.tɪv/ 2 kezdeményezőkészség [U]

We need someone who can work on their own initiative.

I shouldn't always have to tell you what to do - use your initiative.

She showed a lot of initiative.

start noun /stɑːt/ 1 kezdet; kezdés [C usually no plural]

We were doubtful about the product's usefulness from the start.

They announced the start of a new commercial venture.

The weather was good at the start of the week.

The event got off to a shaky/poor start with the stage lights failing in the first few minutes.

OK exclamation /ˌəʊˈkeɪ/ also: okay (informal) 3 oké, kezdődhet, kezdhetjük

OK then, if you're ready we'll start.

Okay, let's go.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

22. Létezés, változás – kapcsolódó leckék:


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