2. Rendőrség, letartóztatás A1C2 (56) – altémák


1. Rendőrség, nyomozás (35) 2. Elfogás, letartóztatás (21)

2. Elfogás, letartóztatás – A1–C2 (21) Szavak

arrest verb /əˈrest/ [T] letartóztat

She was arrested for drinking and driving.

He was arrested when customs officers found drugs in his bag.

catch verb /kætʃ/ *(caught, caught) 5 rajtakap, tetten ér [T]

He caught her reading his old love letters.

She was caught cheating in the exam.

catch verb /kætʃ/ *(caught, caught) 6 elfog, elkap (pl. bűnözőt) [T]

These terrorists must be caught.

confine verb /kənˈfaɪn/ [T] bezár vkit/vmit (vhova)

He was confined to a prison cell for several days.

escape verb /ɪˈskeɪp/ 1 megszökik, kimenekül [I]

The two prisoners escaped from prison last night.

There were reports that a lion had escaped from its cage at a nearby zoo.

flee verb /fliː/ [I or T] *(fleeing, fled, fled) menekül, elmenekül

Police think the suspect has now fled the country.

hold verb /həʊld/ [T] *(held, held) 5 (erőszakkal) tart vkit vhol, fogva tart

The terrorists held him hostage for 18 months.

I was held prisoner in a tiny attic room.

raid verb /reɪd/ [T] 2 rajtaüt, razziát tart (rendőrség)

Police raided nine properties in search of the documents.

arrest noun /əˈrest/ [C or U] letartóztatás

Police made twenty arrests at yesterday's demonstration.

She was stopped outside the shop and placed/put under arrest.

capture noun /ˈkæp.tʃər/ [U] foglyul ejtés; elfoglalás

He shot himself to avoid capture.

custody noun /ˈkʌs.tə.di/ [U] 2 őrizet (pl. előzetes letartóztatás)

He is being held in custody in Los Angeles charged with assault.

He was taken into custody by Mexican authorities.

escape noun /ɪˈskeɪp/ 2 szökés [C or U]

He made his escape on the back of a motorbike.

an escape route

raid noun /reɪd/ [C] 2 rajtaütés, razzia (rendőrségi)

a police raid to recover illegal weapons

Phrasal verbs:

close in /kləʊz/ bekerít, körülvesz (pl. támadáshoz)

Police closed in on the demonstrators.

get away /get/ 1 elmenekül

We walked to the next beach to get away from the crowds.

get (sb/sth) out /get/ kijut, kiszabadul; kijuttat, kiszabadít

I left the door open and the cat got out.

They got the hostages out from the rebel base without injury.

seal off ↔ sth /siːl/ lezár (megakadályozza a belépést) (utcát, területet, épületet, stb.)

Police immediately sealed off the streets.

tie up ↔ sb/sth /taɪ/ összekötöz, megkötöz, megköt, kiköt (hogy ne tudjon elmenni)

The two members of staff were tied up during the robbery.

The horses were tied up outside.

Phrases and idioms:

break free kitör, kiszabadítja magát, kiszabadul; elszabadul

The prisoner broke free while the guards weren't looking.

hold/keep/take sb prisoner fogolyként tartanak vkit

He was taken prisoner by a group of armed soldiers.

make a run for it elszelel, elillan, kereket old (informal)

When he saw the open door, he made a run for it.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

19. Jog, törvény – kapcsolódó leckék:


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