4. Érzékelés, észlelés A1B2 (68) – altémák


1. Észlelés, észrevétel (30) 2. Látás (20) 3. Hallás, szaglás, tapintás, ízlelés (18)

3. Hallás, szaglás, tapintás, ízlelés – A1–B2 (18) Szavak

feel verb /fiːl/ *(felt, felt) 3 tapint, megtapint tapogat, megtapogat vmit; (tapogatódzva) keres, keresgél vmit, kotorászik vhol [I or T]

I felt his head and it was hot.

Just feel how cold my hands are!

I was feeling around in my bag for the keys.

hear verb /hɪər/ *(heard, heard) 1 hall, meghall [I or T]

She heard a noise outside.

My grandfather is getting old and can't hear very well.

You'll have to speak up, I can't hear you.

I could hear someone calling my name.

smell verb /smel/ *(smelled or smelt, smelled or smelt) 1 szagol, megszagol; vmilyen szagot érez [T]

Come and smell these flowers!

Can you smell something burning?

smell verb /smel/ *(smelled or smelt, smelled or smelt) 2 bűzlik [I]

Your running shoes really smell!

smell verb /smel/ *(smelled or smelt, smelled or smelt) 3 szaglása/szaglóérzéke van, érzi a szagokat [I]

Humans can't smell as well as dogs.

What I hate most about having a cold is not being able to smell.

taste verb /teɪst/ [T] megízlel (pl. ételt); ízét érzi vminek; vmilyen íze van, vmilyen ízű

Taste this sauce and tell me if it needs any salt.

Whatever's this? I've never tasted anything like it.

scent noun /sent/ [C] illat; parfüm

The air was filled with the scent of wild flowers.

smell noun /smel/ 1 szag, illat [C]

What's your favourite smell?

The air was filled with the smell of flowers.

There's a delicious smell in here.

smell noun /smel/ 2 szaglás, szaglóérzék [U]

Smell is one of the five senses.

Dogs have a very good sense of smell.

smell noun /smel/ 3 bűz [C]

I wish I could get rid of that smell in the bathroom.

taste noun /teɪst/ 4 ízlelés, ízlelőképesség [U]

When you've got a cold you often lose your sense of taste.

touch noun /tʌtʃ/ 2 tapintás (érzék) [U]

the sense of touch

The material was soft to the touch.

bitter adjective /ˈbɪt.ər/ 1 keserű (íz)

a bitter flavour/taste

salty adjective /ˈsɔːl.ti/ sós

Is the soup too salty?

sour adjective /saʊər/ savanyú; fanyar

sour cream

sweet and sour sauce

a sour flavour

sweet adjective /swiːt/ 1 édes (íz)

The pineapple was sweet and juicy.

This tea is too sweet.

Phrases and idioms:

smell of/like; smell delicious/horrible, etc. finom/rettenetes/stb. szaga/illata van

I've been cooking, so my hands smell of garlic.

That soup smells delicious - what's in it?

taste good/bad/sweet, etc. jó/rossz/édes/stb. íze van

This sauce tastes strange.

It tastes sweet.

The food tasted better than it looked.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

2. Test, egészség – kapcsolódó leckék:


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