3. Egyszerű, bonyolult A1B1 (16) – altémák


Egyszerű, bonyolult* (16)

Egyszerű, bonyolult* – A1–B1 (16) (Egyszerű, könnyű; Bonyolult, problémás) Szavak

challenge noun /ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/ 1 kihívás (nagy feladat) [C or U]

Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest challenges faced by scientists today.

You know me - I like a challenge.

It's going to be a difficult job but I'm sure she'll rise to the challenge.

difficulty noun /ˈdɪf.ɪ.kəl.ti/ 1 nehézség (nehéz elvégezni) [U]

We finished the job, but only with great difficulty.

The difficulty of the task excited them.

She had great difficulty finding a job.

problem noun /ˈprɒb.ləm/ [C] gond, probléma

I'm having problems with my computer.

health/financial problems

Drugs have become a serious problem in the area.

No one has solved the problem of what to do with radioactive waste.

trouble noun /ˈtrʌb.l̩/ 1 gond, baj, probléma [C or U]

Parents often have trouble finding restaurants that welcome young children.

The form was terribly complicated and I had a lot of trouble with it.

The trouble started when my father came to live with us.

I should get it finished over the weekend without too much trouble.

I'd like to go to the party, but the trouble is my parents won't let me.

worry noun /ˈwʌr.i/ 1 gond (probléma) [C]

health/financial worries

Keeping warm in the winter is a major worry for many old people.

basic adjective /ˈbeɪ.sɪk/ 3 alap-, alapvető (a legegyszerűbb)

It's the most basic model.

challenging adjective /ˈtʃæl.ɪn.dʒɪŋ/ kihívást jelentő

This has been a challenging time for us all.

complicated adjective /ˈkɒm.plɪ.keɪ.tɪd/ bonyolult

complicated instructions

I had to fill in this really complicated form.

The rules are rather complicated to follow.

The relationship is a bit complicated. He's my mother's cousin's daughter's child.

difficult adjective /ˈdɪf.ɪ.kəlt/ 1 nehéz, bonyolult (feladat, probléma, helyzet, stb.)

a difficult problem/choice/task

It will be very difficult to prove that they are guilty.

Many things make it difficult for women to reach the top in business.

He finds it extremely difficult being a single parent.

easy adjective /ˈiː.zi/ könnyű, egyszerű; kényelmes, gondtalan

an easy exam

Would a ten o'clock appointment be easier for you?

It's easy to see why he's so popular.

She's very easy to talk to.

The easiest thing to do would be for us to take the train home.

hard adjective /hɑːd/ 1 nehéz (pl. megérteni, csinálni)

There were some really hard questions in the exam.

It's hard being a single mother.

Her handwriting is very hard to read.

The topics get harder later in the course.

hard adjective /hɑːd/ 3 nehéz, kemény, fáradságos (pl. munka)

Go on - give it a good hard push!

It was hard work on the farm but satisfying.

plain adjective /pleɪn/ 1 egyszerű (nem összetett/komplikált)

a plain style of architecture

He prefers plain food - nothing too fancy.

simple adjective /ˈsɪm.pl̩/ 1 egyszerű, könnyen érthető/megtehető

The instructions were written in simple English.

It's simple to find our house.

I want an explanation, but keep/make it simple.

simple adjective /ˈsɪm.pl̩/ 2 egyszerű (nem bonyolult); dísztelen

a simple life

a simple black dress

We had a simple meal of bread and cheese.

easily adverb /ˈiː.zɪ.li/ 1 könnyen, simán (minden nehézség nélkül)

I can easily get some food on the way home tonight, if you'd like.

She makes friends very easily.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

29. Értékelés, minősítés – kapcsolódó leckék:


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