2. Kapcsolatok, társaság A1B1 (51) – altémák


Kapcsolatok, társaság* (36) 3. Ismerősök, barátok (15)

Kapcsolatok, társaság* – A1–B1 (36) (Kapcsolatok; Társaság, egyedüllét; Találkozás; Vendégség, összejövetel) Szavak

accompany verb /əˈkʌm.pə.ni/ [T] 1 kísér, elkísér vkit vhova

We accompanied her back to her hotel.

Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.

ask verb /ɑːsk/ 2 meghív [T]

I've asked David to the party.

I've asked David to come to the party.

"Are you going to Muriel's party?" "No, I haven't been asked."

Ian's asked us over for dinner next Friday.

Ian's asked us round to/for dinner next Friday.

In fact they've asked us to stay for the whole weekend.

contact verb /ˈkɒn.tækt/ [T] kapcsolatba lép vkivel

I tried to contact him at his office, but he wasn't in.

You can contact me on 771 4432.

invite verb /ɪnˈvaɪt/ [T] 1 meghív vkit vhova (társaságba, partira, stb.)

We're invited to Lola's party.

Her family invited me to stay with them for a few weeks.

meet verb /miːt/ *(met, met) 1 megismerkedik vkivel [I or T]

They met at work.

I met her in Hawaii.

Have you met my sister?

Come and meet my friend Laura.

"This is Helen." "Pleased to meet you."

meet verb /miːt/ *(met, met) 2 találkozik vkivel [I or T]

We met for coffee last Sunday.

We agreed to meet on Tuesday to discuss the project.

I met my old English teacher while trekking in the Alps.

We met our old neighbours in town last Saturday.

Each student meets with an adviser at the start of the school year.

meet verb /miːt/ *(met, met) 3 kimegy vki elé, vár vkit vhol (pl. állomáson) [T]

Will you meet me at the airport ?

meet verb /miːt/ *(met, met) 4 találkoznak, összejönnek (egy csoport vmilyen célból) [I]

The children's club meets every Thursday afternoon.

see verb /siː/ *(seeing, saw, seen) 2 összejön/találkozik vkivel [T]

We're seeing friends at the weekend.

No one has seen much of Daryl since he got married.

They see a lot of each other at weekends.

My mother is seeing the doctor again next week.

visit verb /ˈvɪz.ɪt/ 1 látogat, meglátogat vkit [I or T]

Will you visit me when I'm in hospital?

We have friends coming to visit this weekend.

contact noun /ˈkɒn.tækt/ 2 kapcsolat (rendszeres kommunikáció vkivel) [U]

Do you still keep in contact with Peter?

I'm still in contact with Sarah - we write a couple of times a year.

There isn't enough contact between teachers and parents.

I'd hate to lose contact with my old school friends.

If you manage to make contact with her, do let me know.

The school likes to have a contact number for parents during school hours.

guest noun /gest/ [C] 1 vendég (vkinek az otthonában, egy partin, stb.)

We've got some guests coming this weekend.

There were 90 guests at their wedding.

invitation noun /ˌɪn.vɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ 1 meghívás (vhova); meghívó [C or U]

Thanks for the invitation to your birthday party.

I'm happy to accept your invitation.

party noun /ˈpɑː.ti/ [C] 1 vendégség, buli, parti

a birthday party

We're having a party to celebrate Jack's new job.

Peter gives/throws really wild parties.

relationship noun /rɪˈleɪ.ʃən.ʃɪp/ [C] 1 kapcsolat, viszony (emberek/csoportok között)

He has a very good relationship with his father.

visit noun /ˈvɪz.ɪt/ [C] látogatás

the President's visit to Argentina

I think I'll pay a visit to the hairdresser's while I'm in town.

We had a visit from the school inspector last week.

visitor noun /ˈvɪz.ɪ.tər/ [C] látogató (személynél/helyen)

Ben, you've got some visitors to see you.

The museum attracts large numbers of visitors.

alone adjective, adverb /əˈləʊn/ 1 egyedül (mások nélkül) [never before noun]

He likes being alone in the house.

She decided to climb the mountain alone.

Do you like living alone?

face-to-face adjective /ˌfeɪs.təˈfeɪs/ személyes (pl. találkozó)

a face-to-face meeting

lonely adjective /ˈləʊn.li/ 1 magányos, visszavonult (ember)

She gets lonely now that all the kids have left home.

the lonely life of a farmer

sociable adjective /ˈsəʊ.ʃə.bl̩/ (approving) társaságkedvelő

Rob's very sociable - he likes his parties.

I had a headache and I wasn't feeling very sociable.

social adjective /ˈsəʊ.ʃəl/ 1 társasági

I had an active social life when I was at college.

Most British schools organize social events for the students.

I've just become a member of the company's sports and social club.

welcome adjective /ˈwel.kəm/ 1 szívesen látott/fogadott (pl. vendég)

You will always be welcome here.

She makes us (feel) welcome whenever we visit her.

face to face adverb /ˌfeɪs.təˈfeɪs/ szemtől szembe

We need to talk face to face.

round adverb /raʊnd/ 1 át (látogatóba, az otthonába)

Wendy's coming round this afternoon.

I'll go round and see her later.

to preposition /tuː/ 6 valakinek a valakije (kapcsolat kifejezése)

I've been married to Peter for nine years.

She was an assistant to the chief executive.

Phrasal verbs:

call for sb /kɔːl/ érte jön/megy vkiért, beszól vkiért

I'll call for you at eight.

come along /kʌm/ 1 vele jön/megy, eljön/elmegy vkivel (vhova)

We're going to the cinema. Do you want to come along?

come round /kʌm/ 1 eljön, feljön, átjön (rövid látogatóba vkihez)

Come round tonight and we'll watch a video.

get together /get/ összejön (társaság)

A few of us are getting together next week for a drink.

Phrases and idioms:

be/get/keep, etc. in touch kapcsolatban van/kerül, kapcsolatot tart vkivel

Are you still in touch with any of your old school friends?

Jane and I never kept in touch after college.

get in touch érintkezésbe/kapcsolatba lép vkivel

Please get in touch if you ever come back to Madrid.

get to know sb/sth (jobban) megismer vkit/vmit

The first couple of meetings are for the doctor and patient to get to know each other.

I'll need a few weeks to get to know the system.

give a party partit ad

They're always giving parties.

keep in touch tartja a kapcsolatot vkivel

We've kept in touch by email for the last five years.

walk sb home/to sth hazakísér/elkísér vhova vkit

He walked me to my house.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

11. Család, kapcsolatok – kapcsolódó leckék:


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