2. Kormányzat, politika B1 (18) – altémák


Kormányzat, politika* (18)

Kormányzat, politika* – B1 (18) (Politika, választások; Kormányzat, diplomácia; Hatóság, igazgatás) Szavak

approve verb /əˈpruːv/ 1 jóváhagy (pl. határozatot, tervet) [T]

The council has approved plans for a new shopping centre.

The court approved the sale of the property.

declare verb /dɪˈkleər/ [T] 1 (vám/adó ügyben) nyilatkozik, bevall

Have you got anything to declare?

report verb /rɪˈpɔːt/ 2 jelent, bejelent (hatóságnak/illetékesnek) [T]

He should have reported the accident immediately.

Have you reported the fault to a technician?

vote verb /vəʊt/ [I or T] szavaz; megszavaz

Who did you vote for?

The unions voted against strike action.

Staff have voted to accept the pay offer.

She was too young to vote in the national election.

The committee voted on the proposal, and accepted it.

win verb /wɪn/ *(winning, won, won) 3 nyer, megnyer (választást), győz (választáson) [I or T]

Who do you think will win the election?

election noun /ɪˈlek.ʃən/ [C or U] választás (politika v. hivatali pozícióra)

a presidential election

Who do you think will win the election?

Local government elections will take place in May.

The first election results have started to come in.

embassy noun /ˈem.bə.si/ [C] nagykövetség

the Swedish Embassy in London

The Ambassador held a reception at the embassy.

government noun /ˈgʌv.ən.mənt/ 1 kormány, kormányzat (országé) [C + singular or plural verb]

The government has/have recently cut taxes.

senior government officials

officer noun /ˈɒf.ɪ.sər/ [C] 2 tisztviselő, köztisztviselő

a customs/prison officer

party noun /ˈpɑː.ti/ [C] 2 párt [+ singular or plural verb]

a political party

the Green Party

The Labour Party has/have just elected a new leader.

He was elected as party leader in 2001.

They contacted party members from across the nation to ask for their support.

politician noun /ˌpɒl.ɪˈtɪʃ.ən/ [C] politikus

a British Labour politician

a local politician

politics noun /ˈpɒl.ə.tɪks/ [U] politika

He has little interest in local politics.

She's planning to retire from politics next year.

president noun /ˈprez.ɪ.dənt/ [C] elnök (pl. országé, társaságé)

the President of France

Thank you, Mr/Madam President.

prince noun /prɪnts/ [C] királyfi; herceg; fejedelem (kisebb országé)

Prince Edward

princess noun /prɪnˈses/ [C] királykisasszony; hercegnő

He was married to a Spanish princess.

rule noun /ruːl/ 1 szabály, előírás (hivatalos) [C]

to break the rules

to obey/follow the rules

You can't smoke at school, it's against the rules.

vote noun /vəʊt/ 1 szavazat [C]

He lost the election by twenty votes.

The suggestion was approved, with 25 votes in favour, and 7 against.

She cast her vote for the Green Party.

political adjective /pəˈlɪt.ɪ.kəl/ politikai

political leaders/parties

Education is back at the top of the political agenda.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

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