2. Udvariasság, udvariatlanság A1C2 (178) – altémák


1. Udvariasság, elismerés, tisztelet (77) 2. Udvariatlanság, tiszteletlenség (54) 3. Önuralom, türelem (47)

1. Udvariasság, elismerés, tisztelet – A1–C2 (77) Szavak

admire verb /ədˈmaɪər/ [T] 2 csodál, nagyra becsül vmit/vkit

I admired him for his determination.

I really admire people who can work in such difficult conditions.

appreciate verb /əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt/ [T] 1 (nagyra) értékel, becsül, megbecsül

There's no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn't appreciate them.

I don't think you appreciate how much time I spent preparing this meal.

consider verb /kənˈsɪd.ər/ 4 tekintettel van vkire/vmire

She never considers anyone but herself.

copy verb /ˈkɒp.i/ 3 utánoz vkit [T]

He tends to copy his brother in the way he dresses.

deserve verb /dɪˈzɜːv/ [T] megérdemel

After all that hard work, you deserve a holiday.

Chris deserves our special thanks for all his efforts.

I hope they get the punishment they deserve.

They certainly deserved to win that match.

earn verb /ɜːn/ 2 kiérdemel vmit (pl. tiszteletet) [T]

As a teacher you have to earn the respect of your students.

imitate verb /ˈɪm.ɪ.teɪt/ [T] utánoz, imitál vkit/vmit

She tried to imitate the way the models walked.

merit verb /ˈmer.ɪt/ [T] (formal) érdemel, megérdemel, kiérdemel vmit (figyelmet, büntetést, stb.)

Her crimes were serious enough to merit a prison sentence.

respect verb /rɪˈspekt/ [T] 1 tisztel, becsül (tudásért, elért eredményért, stb.)

I respect him for his honesty.

I deeply respect David for what he has achieved.

respect verb /rɪˈspekt/ [T] 2 tisztel, tiszteletben tart (jogot, szokást, akaratot, stb.)

If you decide to do otherwise we will, of course, respect your wishes.

think verb /θɪŋk/ *(thought, thought) 6 gondol vkire, tekintetbe vesz vkit [I]

She's always thinking of others.

admiration noun /ˌæd.məˈreɪ.ʃən/ [U] csodálat vki/vmi iránt

I have great admiration for her as a writer.

She gazed in admiration at his broad shoulders.

appreciation noun /əˌpriː.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/ [U] méltánylás, nagyrabecsülés, elismerés

You've done so much to help us so, to show our appreciation, we've bought you a little gift.

The crowd cheered in appreciation.

Children rarely show any appreciation of/for what their parents do for them.

My appreciation of art has increased as I've got older.

awe noun /ɑː/ [U] félelemmel/bámulattal vegyes tisztelet, áhítat

I was filled with awe at the sheer size of the building.

consideration noun /kənˌsɪd.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ 3 figyelmesség [U]

They always treated me with consideration.

courtesy noun /ˈkɜː.tə.si/ [U] udvariasság, előzékenység

Hotel staff must at all times treat guests with courtesy.

He could at least have had the courtesy to say sorry.

dignity noun /ˈdɪg.nə.ti/ [U] méltóság

He behaved with great dignity and courage.

discretion noun /dɪˈskreʃ.ən/ [U] tapintat, diszkréció; megítélés, belátás (vkié)

You can rely on my discretion.

example noun /ɪgˈzɑːm.pl̩/ [C] 2 példa vki számára (vki/vmi)

He is a very good example to the rest of the class.

generosity noun /ˌdʒen.əˈrɒs.ət.i/ [U] nagylelkűség, bőkezűség

Her friends take advantage of her generosity.

glory noun /ˈglɔː.ri/ [U] 1 dicsőség

It was my idea, but she got all the glory.

grace noun /greɪs/ [U] 2 finomság, jó érzés (jó modor/udvariasság)

He had the grace to apologize for his mistake the next day.

honour noun /ˈɒn.ər/ 2 megtiszteltetés [no plural]

It's an honour to be team captain.

I had the great honour of meeting the King.

merit noun /ˈmer.ɪt/ [C or U] (formal) érdem, érték; az érdemei/értékei vkinek/vminek

His ideas have merit.

We debated the merits of using television in the classroom.

Every application has to be judged on its own merits (=judged by considering the qualities of each).

model noun /ˈmɒd.əl/ [C] 4 példakép, mintakép

Their educational system was a model for other countries.

She was a model student.

politeness noun /pəˈlaɪt.nəs/ [U] udvariasság

We were impressed by their politeness.

prestige noun /presˈtiːʒ/ [U] tekintély, presztízs

His company has gained international prestige.

privilege noun /ˈprɪv.əl.ɪdʒ/ 2 megtiszteltetés, kiváltság [C]

I had the privilege of meeting the Queen.

recognition noun /ˌrek.əgˈnɪʃ.ən/ 2 hivatalos elismerés, megbecsülés [U]

Ellen gained recognition for her outstanding work.

regard noun /rɪˈgɑːd/ [U] (formal) tisztelet

I have the greatest regard for her.

respect noun /rɪˈspekt/ 1 megbecsülés, tisztelet (tudásért, elért eredményért, stb.) [U]

She's an excellent teacher and I have the greatest respect for her.

New teachers have to earn the respect of their students.

respect noun /rɪˈspekt/ 2 tisztelet (udvariasság pl. idősebbel/feljebbvalóval szemben) [U]

You should show more respect for your parents.

Teachers should be treated with respect.

She has no respect for her boss.

role model noun /ˈrəʊlˌmɒd.əl/ [C] példakép

Jane is such a good role model for her younger sister.

tact noun /tækt/ [U] tapintat

This situation needs to be handled with great tact.

thought noun /θɔːt/ 3 figyelmesség [no plural]

Thanks for the card - it was a really kind thought.

Have you no thought for anyone but yourself?

tribute noun /ˈtrɪb.juːt/ tiszteletadás [C or U]

Tributes have been pouring in from all over the world for the famous actor who died yesterday.

conscientious adjective /ˌkɒn.ʃiˈen.ʃəs/ lelkiismeretes

a conscientious student

considerate adjective /kənˈsɪd.ə.rət/ figyelmes

He is always a kind and considerate host.

courteous adjective /ˈkɜː.ti.əs/ udvarias, előzékeny

We received a very courteous reply.

decent adjective /ˈdiː.sənt/ 2 tisztességes, rendes (ember, dolog); az illemszabályoknak megfelelő

Decent people have had their lives ruined by his behaviour.

She should do the decent thing and apologize.

dignified adjective /ˈdɪɡ.nɪ.faɪd/ méltóságteljes, tiszteletet parancsoló

a quiet, dignified woman

discreet adjective /dɪˈskriːt/ tapintatos, diszkrét

Can I trust you to be discreet?

due adjective /djuː/ 2 jogosult vmire, jár neki

He didn't get the praise and recognition that was due to him.

generous adjective /ˈdʒen.ər.əs/ 1 nagylelkű, bőkezű

She's been very generous with her time.

graceful adjective /ˈgreɪs.fəl/ 2 finom, jó érzésű (jó modorú/udvarias)

She accepted his criticism in a very graceful manner.

harmless adjective /ˈhɑːm.ləs/ 2 ártalmatlan (nem sértő/problémát okozó) (szórakozás, tréfa, stb.)

Their jokes seemed harmless enough.

Peter might look a bit fierce, but actually he's fairly harmless.

honoured adjective /ˈɒn.əd/ megtisztelt

I am honoured to accept your invitation.

We would be honoured if you would join us for the day.

innocent adjective /ˈɪn.ə.sənt/ 4 ártatlan, nem rossz szándékú

It was an innocent mistake.

It was an innocent comment/remark, I didn't mean to hurt his feelings.

moral adjective /ˈmɒr.əl/ 2 erkölcsös

She's a very moral woman.

noble adjective /ˈnəʊ.bl/ 1 nemes, nemes lelkű

a noble gesture

He was a generous, noble man.

polite adjective /pəˈlaɪt/ udvarias

I'm afraid I wasn't very polite to her.

He was too polite to point out my mistake.

She sent me a polite letter thanking me for my invitation.

prestigious adjective /presˈtɪdʒ.əs/ tekintélyes, köztiszteletben álló

a prestigious award

privileged adjective /ˈprɪv.əl.ɪdʒd/ 2 megtiszteltetésben/kiváltságban részesülő

I was privileged to see her sing in Milan.

refined adjective /rɪˈfaɪnd/ 1 kifinomult (modor/viselkedés)

She's very refined.

respectable adjective /rɪˈspek.tə.bl̩/ 1 tiszteletre méltó, tisztességes (viselkedés, megjelenés)

a respectable family

a respectable hotel

respected adjective /rɪˈspek.tɪd/ tisztelt, megbecsült (orvos, üzletember, stb.)

a highly respected doctor/politician

He is very well respected in the business world.

respectful adjective /rɪˈspekt.fəl/ tiszteletteljes

They treated us in a very respectful manner.

sensitive adjective /ˈsent.sɪ.tɪv/ 4 érzékeny, kényes (téma, helyzet)

Sex education and birth control are sensitive issues.

The stolen car contained military documents described as very sensitive.

tactful adjective /ˈtækt.fəl/ tapintatos

She asked a few tactful questions.

thoughtful adjective /ˈθɔːt.fəl/ 1 figyelmes, előzékeny

Thank you for phoning when I was ill - it was very thoughtful of you.

She's a very thoughtful person.

above adverb, preposition /əˈbʌv/ 3 vmi felett áll/van (átv.) (pl. gyanú, méltóság, stb.)

No one is above suspicion in this matter.

formally adverb /ˈfɔː.məl.i/ 2 formaságoknak eleget téve

They shook hands formally.

politely adverb /pəˈlaɪt.li/ udvariasan

He thanked them politely.

respectfully adverb /rɪˈspekt.fəl.i/ tisztelettudóan

He always spoke to them very respectfully.

thoughtfully adverb /ˈθɔːt.fə.li/ előzékenyen; gondosan; elgondolkodva

He gazed thoughtfully into the distance.

There were sandwiches, thoughtfully provided by his wife.

Phrasal verbs:

look up to sb /lʊk/ felnéz vkire (tisztelettel tekint vkire)

She really looks up to her father.

relate to sb /rɪˈleɪt/ megért, megértést tanúsít vki iránt

Most teenagers find it hard to relate to their parents.

Phrases and idioms:

be in good taste jó ízlésű (másokat nem sértő)

His speech was in good taste.

beneath your dignity méltóságán aluli

She felt that it was beneath her dignity to wear a name badge.

in honour of sb/sth tiszteletére vkinek/vminek

The stadium was named in honour of the club's first chairman.

make allowances for sb/sth (különös) tekintettel van vkire/vmire

They made allowances for the fact that he was ill.

pay tribute to sb/sth tisztelettel adózik vkinek/vminek

He paid tribute to his former teacher.

set an example példát mutat

Try to set a good example to the children.

think highly/a lot of sb/sth nagyra/sokra tart vkit/vmit

Simon thinks a lot of you, you know.

to sb's credit becsületére legyen mondva

To his credit, Bill never blamed her for the incident.

to speak/think highly of sb/sth jó véleménnyel van vkiről/vmiről

The course is very highly thought of.

you have to hand it to sb leveszi a kalapját vki előtt (elismerés illet vkit) (informal)

You have to hand it to Mick, he's done a good job on that kitchen.

Kommunikációs szándékok: Helyeslés, helytelenítés

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38. Viselkedés, morál – kapcsolódó leckék:


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