5. Öröm, szomorúság A1C2 (84) – altémák


1. Öröm, boldogság (50) 2. Szomorúság, lehangoltság (34)

2. Szomorúság, lehangoltság – A1–C2 (34) Szavak

cry verb /kraɪ/ 1 sír [I]

I could hear someone crying in the next room.

"There, there, don't cry," she said.

We all laughed until we cried.

He cried for joy when he heard that his son had been found alive and well.

miss verb /mɪs/ 2 hiányol vkit/vmit (szomorú/vágyódik utána) [T]

I really missed her when she went away.

She will be sadly missed by all who knew her.

I still miss my old car.

What did you miss most about England when you were living in France?

I really miss cycling.

sadden verb /ˈsæd.ən/ [T] (formal) elszomorít

We were saddened by his death.

sob verb /sɒb/ [I] (-bb-) zokog, hüppög

We found her sobbing in a corner.

weep verb /wiːp/ [I or T] *(wept, wept) (literary) sír

She covered her face with her hands and wept.

grief noun /griːf/ [U] mély fájdalom/bánat

Newspapers should not intrude on people's private grief.

sadness noun /ˈsæd.nəs/ [U] szomorúság, bánat

Her sadness at her grandfather's death was obvious.

sorrow noun /ˈsɒr.əʊ/ [U] (formal) szomorúság, bánat; bánat, szomorú esemény

He expressed his sorrow at the news.

tear noun /tɪər/ [C usually plural] könny

These are tears of joy.

Did you notice the tears in his eyes when he talked about Diane?

Her eyes filled with tears.

unhappiness noun /ʌnˈhæp.ɪ.nəs/ [U] boldogtalanság

Her unhappiness was obvious to everyone.

blue adjective /bluː/ 2 szomorú (informal)

I was feeling blue.

dark adjective /dɑːk/ 3 sötét, szomorú

a dark period in human history

depressed adjective /dɪˈprest/ 1 lehangolt; depressziós

He seemed a bit depressed about his work situation.

She became deeply depressed when her husband died.

depressing adjective /dɪˈpres.ɪŋ/ nyomasztó, lehangoló

I find this weather so depressing.

Her letter made depressing reading.

It was very depressing watching the news on television tonight.

It's depressing to think that we've got five more years of this government!

devastated adjective /ˈdev.ə.steɪ.tɪd/ lesújtott

She was devastated when her husband died.

They were devastated by the terrible news.

devastating adjective /ˈdev.ə.steɪ.tɪŋ/ 1 lesújtó

Despite the devastating news, no one is giving up hope.

down adjective /daʊn/ 1 szomorú, rosszkedvű

She's been really down since her husband died.

I've been (feeling) a bit down this week.

grim adjective /grɪm/ (grimmer, grimmest) 2 komor, zord

a grim expression

miserable adjective /ˈmɪz.ər.ə.bl̩/ 1 nyomorult, szerencsétlen (levert, szomorú)

I just woke up feeling miserable.

pessimistic adjective /ˌpes.ɪˈmɪs.tɪk/ borúlátó, pesszimista

The tone of the meeting was very pessimistic.

The doctors are pessimistic about his chances of recovery.

sad adjective /sæd/ (sadder, saddest) szomorú; elszomorító; sajnálatos

I've just received some very sad news.

She gave a rather sad smile.

It's sad (that) the trip had to be cancelled.

I'm so sad (that) you can't come.

It's sad to see so many failures this year.

I was sad to hear that they'd split up.

shattered adjective /ˈʃæt.əd/ 1 összetört (átv.) (lelkileg)

She was absolutely shattered when she failed the exam.

unhappy adjective /ʌnˈhæp.i/ 1 boldogtalan, szomorú

an unhappy childhood/marriage

He made her quite unhappy.

sadly adverb /ˈsæd.li/ 1 szomorúan

"He's gone away for six months," she said sadly.

Phrases and idioms:

a broken heart összetört szív

They said she died of a broken heart.

be down in the dumps maga alatt van (boldogtalan, lehangolt) (informal)

He looks a bit down in the dumps.

be in a mood rosszkedvű

Ignore him - he's in a mood.

bring a lump to your throat gombóc nő a torkába (sírás kerülgeti)

It was a very moving speech, and it brought a lump to my throat.

burst into tears könnyekre fakad

She burst into tears and ran out of the room.

cry your eyes out kisírja a szemét

She cried her eyes out when he left her for another girl.

doom and gloom gyász és végzet (boldogtalanság és kilátástalanság)

Life's not all doom and gloom, you know.

go/fall to pieces összeomlik (érzelmileg)

He went to pieces when his mother died.

in tears sír

I found him in tears in his bedroom.

shed tears könnyet ejt

I shed a few tears when he left.

Kommunikációs szándékok: Boldogság, szomorúság

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

34. Érzések, hangulat – kapcsolódó leckék:


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