2. Egyetértés, vita A1C2 (51) – altémák


1. Egyetértés, megegyezés (32) 2. Vita, nézeteltérés (19)

1. Egyetértés, megegyezés – A1–C2 (32) Szavak

accept verb /əkˈsept/ 2 elfogad, belát, elismer, beismer, vállal vmit (tévedést, felelősséget, stb.) [T]

He refuses to accept that he's made a mistake.

I can't accept that there's nothing we can do.

acknowledge verb /əkˈnɒl.ɪdʒ/ [T] 1 elismer, beismer vmit (tényt, igazságot, tévedést, stb.)

He acknowledged that there was a problem.

agree verb /əˈgriː/ 1 egyetért vkivel [I or T]

I agree with you.

My father and I don't agree about/on very much.

We all agreed that mistakes had been made.

"You're absolutely right," agreed Jake.

agree verb /əˈgriː/ 2 megállapodik vmiben [I or T]

We agreed to meet on Sunday.

We couldn't agree on what to buy.

applaud verb /əˈplɔːd/ 2 elismeréssel fogad vmit [T] (formal)

Most people will surely applaud the decision.

compromise verb /ˈkɒm.prə.maɪz/ 1 egyezségre jut, kompromisszumot köt [I]

In a relationship, both people have to compromise.

I'm not going to compromise on quality.

concede verb /kənˈsiːd/ 1 elismer (igazságot, tényt, stb.)

Even the company chairman concedes that the results are disappointing.

echo verb /ˈe.kəʊ/ 2 tükröz, ismétel (egyetértőleg/elfogadólag) (véleményt, elképzelést, stb.) [T]

This report echoes some of the earlier research I've read.

Her feelings are echoed by other parents in the same situation.

recognize verb /ˈrek.əg.naɪz/ [T] also UK: recognise 2 elismer, elfogad vmit (igazságot, tényt)

She recognized that she had been partly to blame.

The international community has refused to recognize the newly independent nation state.

Smoking is recognised as a leading cause of lung cancer.

support verb /səˈpɔːt/ [T] 4 támogat vkit/vmit (egyetért vkivel/vmivel)

Do you support their views on nuclear weapons?

The majority of people in the town strongly support the plans for a new sports centre.

sympathize verb /ˈsɪm.pə.θaɪz/ [I] also UK: sympathise 2 támogat (pl. elképzelést)

I sympathize with the general aims of the party.

agreement noun /əˈgriː.mənt/ 1 megállapodás, szerződés [C]

an agreement with the company

an agreement between both parties

It was difficult to reach an agreement.

The government has signed an international agreement on climate change.

They have broken the agreement on human rights.

agreement noun /əˈgriː.mənt/ 2 egyetértés [U]

Are we all in agreement?

There was broad agreement about/on what to do.

arrangement noun /əˈreɪndʒ.mənt/ 2 megállapodás [C or U]

We had an arrangement that he would clean the house and I would cook.

I'm sure we can come to an arrangement.

You can only withdraw money from this account by (prior) arrangement with the bank.

compromise noun /ˈkɒm.prə.maɪz/ [C or U] megegyezés, kompromisszum

It is hoped that a compromise will be reached in today's talks.

You've both got to be willing to make compromises.

In a compromise between management and unions, a 4% pay rise was agreed in return for an increase in productivity.

concession noun /kənˈseʃ.ən/ [C] 1 engedmény (a megegyezés érdekében)

Both sides will have to make concessions.

consensus noun /kənˈsen.səs/ [U or no plural] megegyezés, konszenzus

to reach a consensus

The general consensus is that we should wait and see what happens.

pact noun /pækt/ [C] egyezmény

We have a pact never to talk about each other.

recognition noun /ˌrek.əgˈnɪʃ.ən/ 1 elismerés (igazságé, tényé) [U no plural]

There is a growing recognition of the scale of the problem.

settlement noun /ˈset.l.mənt/ [C] 1 (hivatalos) megállapodás, egyezmény

a peace settlement

support noun /səˈpɔːt/ [U] 2 támogatás (egyetértés)

Environmental groups are fast gaining support among young people.

Is there much public support for the proposal?

Support for the party leader has declined in recent weeks.

sympathy noun /ˈsɪm.pə.θi/ [U] 2 egyetértés (pl. elképzelésekkel, cselekedetekkel)

Scott was in sympathy with this view.

understanding noun /ˌʌn.dəˈstæn.dɪŋ/ 3 egyezség (megállapodás) (szóbeli/informális) [C]

We have an understanding that we don't discuss the subject in front of his mother.

unity noun /ˈjuː.nə.ti/ [U] egység, egyetértés (nemzeti, családi, stb.)

national/party unity

family unity

sympathetic adjective /ˌsɪm.pəˈθet.ɪk/ 2 egyetértő, megértő, támogató

He was sympathetic to their views.

united adjective /jʊˈnaɪ.tɪd/ 2 egységes (közös véleményen van)

On the issue of education the party is united.

Phrases and idioms:

be in favour of sth egyetért vmivel

Most people are in favour of reducing traffic in cities.

be in tune with sb/sth egyetért vkivel, összhangban van vkivel

The government is not in tune with the voters.

by all accounts mindenki szerint

The party was, by all accounts, a great success.

give and take kölcsönös engedmény

In every friendship there has to be some give and take.

see eye to eye (with sb) egy véleményen van vkivel

My sisters don't see eye to eye with me about the arrangements.

take sth on board megért/elfogad (ötletet, javaslatot, stb.)

Banks need to take on board the views of their customers.

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