2. Életkor, emberek A1C2 (78) – altémák


1. Életkor, fiatalság (43) 2. Felnőttek, emberek (35)

2. Felnőttek, emberek – A1–C2 (35) Szavak

adult noun /ˈæd.ʌlt/ [C] felnőtt

Adults pay an admission charge but children get in free.

age noun /eɪdʒ/ 3 kor, öregkor [U]

He is starting to show his age.

Some wines improve with age.

character noun /ˈkær.ɪk.tər/ 6 alak, pasas [C] (informal)

an unpleasant character

figure noun /ˈfɪg.ər/ [C] 3 személyiség (pl. egy fontos/híres ember)

Several leading figures resigned from the party.

figure noun /ˈfɪg.ər/ [C] 4 alak, figura (nehezen kivehető, ismeretlen)

I could see two tall figures in the distance.

gentleman noun /ˈdʒen.tl̩.mən/ [C] úr (a 'man' udvarias formája); úriember

Ladies and gentlemen, the show is about to begin.

grown-up noun /ˈgrəʊn.ʌp/ [C] felnőtt (a kifejezést ált. gyerekhez beszélve mondják)

Ask a grown-up to cut the shape out for you.

guy noun /gaɪ/ [C] fickó, pasi (informal)

Do you mean the guy with the blonde hair and glasses?

human noun /ˈhjuː.mən/ [C] also: human being emberi lény

The greatest damage being done to our planet today is that being done by humans.

humanity noun /hjuːˈmæn.ə.ti/ [U] 3 emberség (az emberi mivolta vkinek)

War robs these people of their humanity.

individual noun /ˌɪn.dəˈvɪd.ju.əl/ [C] 1 egyén (személy)

We try to treat our students as individuals.

Every individual has rights which must never be taken away.

lady noun /ˈleɪ.di/ [C] hölgy (udvarias hivatkozás nőkre)

There's a young lady here to see you.

Say "thank you" to the lady, children.

longevity noun /lɒnˈdʒev.ə.ti/ [U] (formal) hosszú élet/élettartam, magas kor

To what do you attribute your longevity?

man noun /mæn/ 1 férfi [C] plural: men

a young/tall man

men and women

the man in the green jacket

the men's 400 metres champion

man noun /mæn/ 2 ember [U]

Man is still more intelligent than the cleverest robot.

people noun /ˈpiː.pl̩/ emberek [plural]

Many people never take any exercise.

We've invited thirty people to our party.

person noun /ˈpɜː.sən/ [C] plural: people személy

He's a very dangerous person.

You're the only person I know at this party.

Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?

A meal at the restaurant costs about £35 per person.

soul noun /səʊl/ 3 lélek (ember, teremtés) [C] (informal)

I didn't see a soul when I went out.

woman noun /ˈwʊm.ən/ [C] plural: women asszony, nő

a 30-year-old woman

She's a really nice woman.

A woman and two men were arrested on the day after the explosion.

Women first got the vote in Britain in 1918.

adult adjective /ˈæd.ʌlt/ [always before noun] 1 felnőtt; felnőtteknek való/szóló

adult education

She spent most of her adult life in prison.

elderly adjective /ˈel.dəl.i/ idős (az 'old' udvariasabb formája)

elderly relatives/parents

grown-up adjective /ˌgrəʊnˈʌp/ érett, felnőtt, felnőttes (ember, viselkedés)

She has two grown-up children who work in the family business.

human adjective /ˈhjuː.mən/ emberi

the human body

human behaviour

The fault was due to human error.

mature adjective /məˈtjʊər/ érett (átv.), felnőtt (módon viselkedő)

She seems very mature for thirteen.

middle-aged adjective /ˌmɪd.l̩ˈeɪdʒd/ középkorú

a middle-aged couple/man/woman

old adjective /əʊld/ 1 öreg, koros, idős

an old man

an old house

We're all getting older.

I was shocked by how old he looked.

I'm too old to be out clubbing every night.

That's an old joke - I've heard it about a thousand times.

personal adjective /ˈpɜː.sən.əl/ 1 személyes, egyéni (vélemény, tapasztalat, holmik, stb.) [always before noun]

I can only speak from my personal experience.

This is a personal opinion/view and not that of the government.

Passengers are reminded to take all their personal belongings with them when they leave the plane.

senior adjective /ˈsiː.ni.ər/ 2 idősebb

You can't use a senior ticket during the rush hour - you have to pay full fare.

sexual adjective /ˈsek.ʃʊ.əl/ 2 nemi (a biológiai nemmel kapcsolatos) (!)

Some steps have been taken towards ending sexual discrimination.

personally adverb /ˈpɜː.sən.əl.i/ 2 személyesen (tesz vmit/érint vkit)

These figures should be correct because I've checked them personally.

He believes that parents should be made personally responsible for their children's behaviour.

Phrasal verbs:

grow up /grəʊ/ felnő, felnőtté válik

I grew up in Scotland.

Phrases and idioms:

guys srácok

Come on, you guys, let's go home.

in person személyesen

You have to collect the document in person.

the elderly az idős emberek

The elderly are given help with fuel bills.

your elders (nála) idősebbek

I was taught to respect my elders.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

1. Személyek, emberek – kapcsolódó leckék:


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