1. Bűnözés A1C1 (88) – altémák

1. Bűntény, bűntett – A1–C1 (17) Szavak

commit verb /kəˈmɪt/ [T] (-tt-) 1 elkövet vmit (pl. bűntényt)

He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't commit.

to commit suicide

to commit a crime/an offence/murder

witness verb /ˈwɪt.nəs/ [T] tanúja, szemtanúja vminek (pl. balesetnek)

Did anyone witness the attack?

case noun /keɪs/ 4 bűnügy [C]

a murder case

Police in the town have investigated 50 cases of burglary in the past month.

The detective on the case has been suspended from duty.

crime noun /kraɪm/ 1 bűnözés; bűn, vétek [U]

crime prevention

serious/violent crime

We need tough new measures to fight crime.

a life of crime

crime noun /kraɪm/ 2 bűncselekmény [C]

He has admitted committing several crimes, including two murders.

The defendant is accused of/charged with a range of crimes, from theft to murder.

A knife was found at the scene of the crime.

Bombing civilians is a crime against humanity.

criminal noun /ˈkrɪm.ɪ.nəl/ [C] bűnöző

a dangerous/violent criminal

disorder noun /dɪˈsɔː.dər/ 2 rendzavarás, zavargás [U]

crime and disorder

public/civil disorder

offence noun /əˈfents/ 1 bűntett; törvénysértés [C]

Driving without a licence is an offence.

a serious/minor offence

a criminal offence

He committed several serious offences.

It's the third time that he's been convicted of a drug offence.

offender noun /əˈfen.dər/ [C] törvényszegő, bűnöző

first-time offenders

sex offenders

young offenders

scene noun /siːn/ 3 színhely, helyszín (pl. bűntényé) [C usually no plural]

The police arrived to find a scene of horrifying destruction.

Evidence was found at the scene of the crime.

victim noun /ˈvɪk.tɪm/ [C] áldozat

victims of crime

The children are the innocent victims of the fighting.

The new drug might help save the lives of cancer victims.

witness noun /ˈwɪt.nəs/ [C] szemtanú (pl. balesetnek); tanú (bíróságon)

Police are appealing for witnesses to the accident to come forward.

According to (eye) witnesses, the robbery was carried out by two teenage boys.

illegal adjective /ɪˈliː.gəl/ törvényellenes, törvénytelen, illegális

He was charged with illegal possession of guns.

Prostitution is illegal in some countries.

notorious adjective /nəʊˈtɔː.ri.əs/ hírhedt

a notorious criminal

She was notorious for her bad temper.

serial adjective /ˈsɪə.ri.əl/ [always before noun] sorozat- (bűntényt sorozatban elkövető) (-gyilkos, -betörő, stb.) (!)

She wrote a thriller about a brutal serial killer.

a serial rapist

serial murders/killings

illegally adverb /ɪˈliː.gəl.i/ törvényellenesen, törvénytelenül, illegálisan

They entered the country illegally.

an illegally parked car

Phrases and idioms:

break the law megszegi a törvényt

He didn't know he was breaking the law by smoking inside the building.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

19. Jog, törvény – kapcsolódó leckék:


Magyar nyelvtan

Nyelvóra oldalak

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