1. Iskola, oktatás A1C1 (37) – altémák


1. Iskolák, tanárok, tanulók (20) 2. Tantárgyak, taneszközök (17)

1. Iskolák, tanárok, tanulók – A1–C1 (20) Szavak

class noun /klɑːs/ 1 (iskolai) osztály [C + singular or plural verb]

Which class are you in this year?

She gave the whole class extra homework for a week.

My class was/were rather noisy this morning.

Okay, class, settle down and open your books.

classmate noun /ˈklɑːs.meɪt/ [C] osztálytárs

He went on a school trip with his classmates.

classroom noun /ˈklɑːs.ruːm/ [C] tanterem

The classrooms are large and have big windows.

form noun /fɔːm/ [C] 3 (iskolai) osztály (első, második, stb.)

He's in the third form.

gym noun /dʒɪm/ 1 tornaterem [C]

Nick goes to the gym three times a week.

head noun /hed/ [C] 2 iskolaigazgató also: headteacher

You'll have to ask the head for permission.

headteacher noun /ˌhedˈtiː.tʃər/ [C] iskolaigazgató

He was sent to the headteacher.

learner noun /ˈlɜːn.ər/ [C] tanuló

learners of English

primary school noun /ˈpraɪ.mə.riˌskuːl/ [C] általános iskola alsó tagozata (5-11 éves korig)

My daughter is still at primary school.

principal noun /ˈprɪnt.sɪ.pəl/ [C] igazgató (oktatási intézményben)

She is principal of a London school.

pupil noun /ˈpjuː.pəl/ [C] tanuló, iskolás (gyerek)

a second-year pupil

a primary-school pupil

The school has over 400 pupils.

school noun /skuːl/ 1 iskola [C or U]

a primary/secondary school

Milton Road School

They're building a new school in the village.

She drives the kids to school every morning.

I was at school with Luke's brother.

Is Emily in school today or is she still ill?

Which school do you go to?

school meals/uniform

What do you want to do when you leave school ?

school noun /skuːl/ 2 iskola, tanítás (iskolai idő) [U]

before/after school

School starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 3.30 p.m.

schoolchild noun /ˈskuːl.tʃaɪld/ [C] plural: schoolchildren iskolásgyerek

The morning bus is usually full of schoolchildren.

secondary school noun /ˈsek.ən.dər.iˌskuːl/ [C] középiskola (11-18 év közötti tanulóknak)

My children are both at secondary school now.

teacher noun /ˈtiː.tʃər/ [C] tanár; tanárnő

a history/science teacher

tutor noun /ˈtjuː.tər/ [C] magántanár; konzulens, tanár/oktató

a private tutor

year noun /jɪər/ 2 év (iskolaév); (iskolai) évfolyam [C]

the school/college year

Emma's now in her final/first/second year at Manchester University.

secondary adjective /ˈsek.ən.dri/ [always before noun] középiskolai (11-18 év között)

secondary education

Marcus has just started at secondary school.

Phrasal verbs:

break up /breɪk/ 2 (tanítás) befejeződik

What date do we break up this year?

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

16. Képzés, oktatás – kapcsolódó leckék:


Magyar nyelvtan

Nyelvóra oldalak

*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.

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