1. Számok A1B2 (49) – altémák


1. Számok 1-10 (10) 2. Számok 11-20 (10) 3. További számok (12) 4. Sorszámok, törtek (17)

4. Sorszámok, törtek – A1–B2 (17) Szavak

fifth noun /fɪfθ/ [C] ötöd

One fifth is the same as 20 percent.

quarter noun /ˈkwɔː.tər/ 2 negyed, egynegyed [C]

He cut the orange into quarters.

I waited a quarter of an hour for her.

Under a quarter of people questioned said that they were happily married.

My house is situated a mile and three-quarters from here.

third noun /θɜːd/ [C] harmad

He cut the cake into thirds.

eighth ordinal number /eɪtθ/ nyolcadik; nyolcad

He finished eighth in the race.

Bob's birthday is on the eighth (of June).

fifth ordinal number /fɪfθ/ ötödik

the fifth floor of the building

Tomorrow is the fifth of September.

fourth ordinal number /fɔːθ/ negyedik

My birthday is on the fourth of December.

Daniel finished fourth in the race.

ninth ordinal number /naɪntθ/ kilencedik

The ninth letter of the alphabet is I.

The school term ends on the ninth (of July).

seventh ordinal number /ˈsev.əntθ/ hetedik

It's the seventh (of May) today.

Our team came in seventh.

sixth ordinal number /sɪksθ/ hatodik

I have to return my library books on the sixth (of July).

Jesse came in sixth in the 100 meters.

third ordinal number /θɜːd/ harmadik

the third road on the right

the third time

"What's the date today?" "It's the third."

She came third in the race.

first adjective /fɜːst/ 1 első (az összes többi előtti)

This is my first trip to New York.

Karen was the first person to arrive.

We met for the first time yesterday.

second adverb /ˈsek.ənd/ 1 másodiknak (sorrendben, fontosságban)

She didn't win the race, but she did come second.

half determiner, noun, pronoun /hɑːf/ plural: halves 1 fél, fele vminek

Rice is eaten by half of the world's population.

It'll take half an hour to get there.

Jenny lived in Beijing for a year and a half.

He cut up the apple and gave me half.

second determiner, ordinal number /ˈsek.ənd/ 1 második (sorrendben)

Is Megan her first or second child?

This is the second time I've had flu this winter.

Jones took second place in the long jump.

I was second in the 100m.

second determiner, ordinal number /ˈsek.ənd/ 2 második (még egy további)

You really ought to make the most of the opportunity, because you won't get a second chance.

Richard and Liz have a second home in France.

Pay attention to what she's saying because she won't explain it a second time.

second determiner, ordinal number /ˈsek.ənd/ 3 második (csak egy jobb/nagyobb/stb. van)

St Petersburg is Russia's second (biggest/largest) city.

Iraq's oil reserves are second only to Saudi Arabia's.

The conditions that these prisoners are kept in are second to none.

Phrases and idioms:

the first az első

Tonight sees the first of three documentaries about cancer.

She was one of the first to arrive.

He is the first to admit that much of his success is due to his good looks.

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

26. Számok, mennyiség – kapcsolódó leckék:


Magyar nyelvtan

Nyelvóra oldalak

*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.

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