2. Víz, szárazföld A1B1 (27) – altémák


1. Szárazföld, domborzat (11) 2. Tenger, tavak, folyók (16)

1. Szárazföld, domborzat – A1–B1 (11) Szavak

cave noun /keɪv/ [C] barlang

The area is also home to one of the largest underground cave and lake systems in Latin America.

cliff noun /klɪf/ [C] sziklaszirt, parti sziklafal

Keep well away from the edge of the cliff.

the cliff edge

continent noun /ˈkɒn.tɪ.nənt/ [C] kontinens

the North American continent

Asia and Africa are the two biggest continents.

desert noun /ˈdez.ət/ [C or U] sivatag

the Sahara Desert

They were lost in the desert for nine days.

hill noun /hɪl/ [C] domb, (kisebb) hegy

We walked up/down the hill to the village.

They climbed the hill to get a better view.

Their house is on the top of a hill.

island noun /ˈaɪ.lənd/ [C] sziget

a desert island

a Pacific island

They live on the large Japanese island of Hokkaido.

mountain noun /ˈmaʊn.tɪn/ [C] 1 hegy

The Matterhorn is one of the biggest mountains in Europe.

The Rockies are a mountain range in the western USA.

I'd love to go mountain-climbing.

peak noun /piːk/ [C] 1 csúcs, hegycsúcs

snow-covered peaks

It is one of the most difficult peaks to climb.

rock noun /rɒk/ 2 szikla; kőzet [C or U]

a layer of rock

Mountains and cliffs are formed from rock.

The boat struck a rock outside the bay and sank.

We climbed over the rocks and reached the sea.

valley noun /ˈvæl.i/ [C] völgy

the Nile Valley

the Thames valley

There was snow on the hill tops but not in the valley.

sandy adjective /ˈsænd.i/ homokos (pl. tengerpart)

a sandy beach

*Ez az oldal a jelentések gyors áttekintésére szolgál. A jelentések tanulására a Gyakorlatok oldalai nyújtanak lehetőséget.

10. Természet, időjárás – kapcsolódó leckék:


Magyar nyelvtan

Nyelvóra oldalak

*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.

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