6.5. gy. A1 (példák)

Szavak  Gyakorlás  Előző Következő

Kommunikáció / Információ, információcsere – Kérdés, érdeklődés, válasz – Beszélgetés, társalgás

answer verb /ˈɑːnt.sər/ 1 válaszol, felel vmire [I or T]

You haven't answered my question.

I wrote asking whether he'd be coming to the party but he hasn't answered yet.

She answered that she wouldn't be able to come before nine o'clock.

ask verb /ɑːsk/ 1 kérdez, megkérdez [I or T]

She asked me a question.

Can I ask you something?

She asked me about my parents.

I asked why the plane was so late.

"Why is Sara crying?" he asked.

know verb /nəʊ/ *(knew, known) 2 tudja hogy ...? (információ kérése) [T]

Do you know the time?

Do you know where the Post Office is?

listen verb /ˈlɪs.ən/ [I] 1 hallgat vkit/vmit; figyel (vkire/vmire)

What kind of music do you listen to?

She does all the talking - I just sit and listen.

You haven't listened to a word I've said!

We listened in silence as their names were read out.

Listen, if you need money, I'm happy to lend you some.

Listen to this! You can win a holiday for two in the south of France just by answering three simple questions.

speak verb /spiːk/ *(spoke, spoken) 1 beszél [I or T]

Would you mind speaking more slowly, please?

If she tells Julie what I said, I'll never speak to her again.

She spoke of her sadness over her father's death.

Everyone speaks very highly of the new director.

He's old enough to speak for himself.

I went with Alex - speaking of Alex, have you seen his new haircut?

Speaking as a mother of four, I can tell you that children are exhausting.

Sue speaks with an American accent.

For five whole minutes, neither of them spoke a word.

understand verb /ˌʌn.dəˈstænd/ [I or T] *(understood, understood) 1 ért, megért vmit (a közöltek értelmét)

She explained the whole idea again, but I still didn't understand.

I don't understand half of what he says.

Is there anyone here who understands Arabic?

answer noun /ˈɑːnt.sər/ 1 válasz, felelet [C]

I asked him if he was going but I didn't hear his answer.

Please give me your answer by next week.

message noun /ˈmes.ɪdʒ/ [C] 1 üzenet

Did you get my message?

I've left her several messages, but she hasn't returned my call.

Could you give Jen a message from me, please?

I got your message that you were going to be late.

question noun /ˈkwes.tʃən/ 1 kérdés (információkérés) [C]

Ask and answer questions with your partner.

The police asked me questions all day.

If you have any questions about the scheme, do ask me.

"So where is the missing money?" - "That's a good question."

yes adverb /jes/ informal: yeah 2 igen? tessék? (odafigyelés jelzése)

"Dad." "Yes, what do you want, honey?"

"Yes, can I help you?"

*A bal felső lejátszásgombbal a szavak és példamondatok kiejtését egyben végighallgathatja. A kiejtést a bemondó után hangosan elismételheti. A példamondatokat külön is lejátszhatja és hangosan elismételheti (a lejátszást bárhol megállíthatja). A példák áttekintése után rátérhet a példamondatok gyakorlására.


Magyar nyelvtan

Nyelvóra oldalak

*Dupla kattintás az oldalon egy (nem linkelt) szóra.

Angol alapszavak

Angol névmások

Angol determinánsok

Angol elöljárószók

Angol kötőszók

Angol segédigék

Angol rendhagyó igék

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