3. Forma, alakzatok A1C1 (38) – altémák |
Gyakorlatok |
1. Alak, forma (19) 2. Alakzatok (19)
1. Alak, forma – A1–C1 (19) | Szavak |
shrink verb /ʃrɪŋk/ [I or T] *(shrank, shrunk) összemegy (textil); csökken; összezsugorít
Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature.
The company's profits have shrunk from £5.5 million to £1.25 million.
stretch verb /stretʃ/ 1 megnyújt vmit; megnyúlik [I or T]
Don't pull my sweater - you'll stretch it.
The top had stretched in the wash.
angle noun /ˈæŋ.gl̩/ [C] 1 (mértani) szög
an angle of 90 degrees
The interior angles of a square are right angles.
bump noun /bʌmp/ 2 egyenetlenség, hepehupa (pl. úton)
My bike hit a bump in the road.
gap noun /gæp/ [C] 1 rés, hézag
She has a small gap between her front teeth.
The sun was shining through a gap in the curtains.
hole noun /həʊl/ [C] lyuk; üreg
a bullet hole
There's a hole in the roof.
We dug a hole to plant the tree.
layer noun /ˈleɪ.ər/ [C] réteg
the ozone layer
A thick layer of dust lay over everything.
There was a thin layer of oil on the surface of the water.
We stripped several layers of paint off the door.
pattern noun /ˈpæt.ən/ [C] 1 minta (pl. ruhán, szőnyegen)
The carpet was very old and had an unusual pattern.
roll noun /rəʊl/ [C] 2 tekercs (pl. papírtekercs)
a roll of carpet
a toilet roll
shape noun /ʃeɪp/ [C or U] forma, alak, alakzat (fizikai)
a circular/rectangular shape
You can recognize trees by the shape of their leaves.
Very few people are really happy with their body shape.
These bricks are all different shapes.
Kim's birthday cake was in the shape of a train.
My bicycle wheel has got bent out of shape.
This T-shirt has been washed so many times that it's lost its shape.
A triangle is a shape with three sides.
spot noun /spɒt/ [C] 1 pötty; folt (cseppfolt)
a few spots of blood
I wore that skirt with the green spots.
strip noun /strɪp/ [C] csík, szalag (papír, fű, föld, stb.)
a strip of paper
flat adjective /flæt/ (flatter, flattest) 1 sík, lapos (pl. felület, felszín)
Roll out the pastry on a flat surface.
Much of the countryside in East Anglia is very flat.
flat adjective /flæt/ (flatter, flattest) 3 lapos, leeresztett; defektes (pl. autógumi)
When I got to the car, I discovered I had a flat tyre.
irregular adjective /ɪˈreg.jə.lər/ 3 szabálytalan (felület, alakzat)
an irregular coastline
rough adjective /rʌf/ 1 egyenetlen, durva
rough ground
It was a rough mountain road, covered in stones and huge holes.
smooth adjective /smuːð/ 1 sima, egyenletes, bársonyos (pl. felület); sima (egynemű, csomómentes) (pl. keverék)
soft, smooth skin
a smooth wooden table
Mix together the butter and sugar until smooth.
The road ahead was flat and smooth.
This cream will help to keep your skin smooth.
straight adjective /streɪt/ 1 egyenes (nem görbe)
a straight line
She's got straight blonde hair.
twisted adjective /ˈtwɪs.tɪd/ 1 kicsavart, összecsavart; összegörbült, elgörbült
a twisted tree trunk
a twisted ankle
twisted metal
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28. Anyag, minőség – kapcsolódó leckék: |
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